Let's Look at the Democrat Clown Car....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I love the nutbars the Dems are running.....don't you?

First we have Socialist Bernie Sanders. I love this guy. I mean here's a dude who has written at great length about how much women enjoy being raped.

Would that be called legitimate rape?

He wants to bring America to the good old days of Lenin and Stalin. Sure...the dude is a complete moon-bat....but he perfectly represents the Dim Party right now.

Second, we have the Hildabeast. A woman even Bill Clinton cannot love. :D A woman so despised 2/3 of Americans in polling basically feel she is a compulsive liar and completely untrustworthy. The American People are right of course, but Dims love their liars the Hillary and the truth haven't seen each other in a long, long time. :)

Third, we have Martin O'Malley. What to say about this idiot except he was the long time mayor of Baltimore. :lol: Sure....he'd be a great President.

So there you have it. A Socialist who love rape.....a compulsive cheat and liar....and a dude who helped run a shitty city into the ground even more than it already is.

Welcome to the Dimocrat Clown car.

Remember 2012? All the unhinged screaming and cursing, all the funny pictures, and Obama still kicked your ass.

2016 will be a rerun with HIllary. Your funny pictures and constant tantrums won't make a bit of difference. Just letting you know that up front, so you'll be fully informed.
I'm not impressed with either side. The Dems front runner was the front runner in 2007 and didn't get out of the primaries. She can't tell the truth to save her life and is so tied to Wall St., she will be paying them off her whole term.

The Repubs front runners are another Bush and a guy that loves rogue so much, he is unpredictable.
A pretty poor choice either way. I agree. No wonder we're starting to circle the drain.
Remember 2012? All the unhinged screaming and cursing, all the funny pictures, and Obama still kicked your ass.

2016 will be a rerun with HIllary. Your funny pictures and constant tantrums won't make a bit of difference. Just letting you know that up front, so you'll be fully informed.

So I take it you support the rapist dude. Cool. :thup:
Remember 2012? All the unhinged screaming and cursing, all the funny pictures, and Obama still kicked your ass.

2016 will be a rerun with HIllary. Your funny pictures and constant tantrums won't make a bit of difference. Just letting you know that up front, so you'll be fully informed.
If you seriously want Hillary for president, you are beyond help.
The Republicans do have one interesting candidate:Scott Walker.

He pretty much represent everything the Republicans want.
Plus, he is seriously hated by Democrats, probably more so than Jeb Bush. This, in itself, will slowly draw the red meat conservatives away from Trump.

Add in his 'accomplishments' in Wisconsin, and he may be the GOP nominee.

In fact, I think he will be the GOP nominee. The GOP clown car isn't his style, so he is driving an H3!

Fortunately, the GOP may notice him too soon, and we all knows how that turns out.
The Republicans do have one interesting candidate:Scott Walker.

He pretty much represent everything the Republicans want.
Plus, he is seriously hated by Democrats, probably more so than Jeb Bush. This, in itself, will slowly draw the red meat conservatives away from Trump.

Add in his 'accomplishments' in Wisconsin, and he may be the GOP nominee.

In fact, I think he will be the GOP nominee. The GOP clown car isn't his style, so he is driving an H3!

Fortunately, the GOP may notice him too soon, and we all knows how that turns out.

I have thought for a long time it will be Walker or Rubio. I guess will see in the fullness of time. :D
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Love the Dim Clown car.

Martin O'Malley apologizes for saying "Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter."

Only in libtard looney land do you have to apologize the saying all lives matter.

Idiots. Total nutbar idiots....:(

O Malley apologizes for saying all lives matter - CNNPolitics.com

O'Malley does not understand--"Blacklivesmatter" are being total asses. If they were serious, they would try to talk to as many candidates as possible. But they did not try to talk to anyone!! Leaving the question, how are they going to accomplish their agenda, if they really have one?

Some people need to get the Rules for Radicals and study it ASAP. Alinsky already warned about mindless protesting. BLM is about to become a living example of that.
The Republicans do have one interesting candidate:Scott Walker.

He pretty much represent everything the Republicans want.
Plus, he is seriously hated by Democrats, probably more so than Jeb Bush. This, in itself, will slowly draw the red meat conservatives away from Trump.

Add in his 'accomplishments' in Wisconsin, and he may be the GOP nominee.

In fact, I think he will be the GOP nominee. The GOP clown car isn't his style, so he is driving an H3!

Fortunately, the GOP may notice him too soon, and we all knows how that turns out.

I have thought for a long time it will be Walker or Rubio. I guess will see it the fullness of time. :D

I think Rubio is testing the waters due to his mentor, Jeb Bush, request. I don't think he is all out trying to win this time around.

Think about Rubio in 8 to 12 years at 54-56, well seasoned and versed on the national issues and with more experience under his belt(He could go back and become Governor of Florida or stay a Senator--he has this choice and party backing!). Rubio would be nearly invincible as a politician. I hope he stays a Senator, it is easy to get embroiled in scandal in Florida.

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