A detailed look at the democrat party and the destruction of Black Americans.

Blacks have done better in the nearly 60 years of being democrat than we did in the 100 years we were Republican. I would not have been able to go to college if things would have continued for blacks as they did when we were Republican. Black poverty is more than half of what it was when we were republican. Median income is higher. But where the continuing racism shows is that no matter how low poverty is, whites live below the poverty rate and blacks live at double. And this is not because of illegitimate births, because during the time people like Sowell tell you that the black rate of illegitamcy was low, blacks still had at least double the rate of poverty as whites. So, in conclusion, you guys are FOS. And this is why blacks will continue voting democrat in the majorrity just as every non white group does, to include the race you guys call the model minority.
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Wrong. You can't face the truth about your own.
Never need to confront or face up to what is not there.
White race in USA very successful because we self motivated to do so
Your motivation is slavery …slavery….slavery and you are mired in it.
Never need to confront or face up to what is not there.
White race in USA very successful because we self motivated to do so
Your motivation is slavery …slavery….slavery and you are mired in it.

Your motivation is the grand white lie.
It still helps. And, regardless, we still have a really good educational system.

Plus, now get THIS:

We are ranked 48th in Teacher Pay. Go figure, eh?

School choice helps those who begin with personal responsibility.
The teacher pay issue does not surprise me. Good kids will make teachers better more often than good teachers will improve bad kids.
My dad, my wife, my son and myself have a collective 88 years in the field of education involving both public and private schools.
Easy.....like the G.I. bill, the money would follow the child. Any child can attend any school public or private using the money the state spends on them. That alone would save the lives of 10s of thousands of black, hispanic and white children.
Easy if you're not the one who has to do it.

Here in Virginia, the State funds about 1/2 the cost of public schools, local taxes cover the rest (the Feds contribute only a small amount). My county has very good public schools. Will the State order my county to fund children from other counties attending our schools? I doubt the fairness or legality of that.

Simple solutions to complex problems are ALWAYS wrong or inadequate.
What masters racist? I don't have any masters.

Blacks were Republican for 100 years. Most blacks have been democrats less and than 60.
and in those 60 yrs the black community has suffered .
I understand better than you do. I call you what you are. What are you disagreeing with? Because you haven't been black in order to disagree. So to think you're so superrior that you can, is a hallmark of racism. You're the one who needs to become better. You're white and you're telling, a black man that I 'm wrong about why blacks are democrats.
and any black person that disagrees with you is a sellout .
Do you cuck whites know what the rules are? If you do why did you cuck whites let your children become minorities in their own country? 😄 Wake you? It isn't my job to make you care that your white children are already demographic minorities for their peer group. 😄
so ure saying whites will be the biggest minority in a nation of minorities ...
Whites haven't started playing Cowboys and N*#^%s yet.

dimocraps are just filling the Feed Trough for minorities. At some point, that will fail and then.....
i believe more and more blacks are waking up to the scam the dem party has been playing on them for the past 60 yrs ...hence Trumps skyrocketing polling with black Americans .
Do better than this racist nonsense. Whites had such low expecctatons that they excluded everybody else until 1964.
No I didn't. I'm not lily white, either. My dad waited until I was around 15 years old to tell me he was the grandson of an American Indian chief, because whites were taught by the television set that Indians killed white people on purpose. And I'm over it, because the elderly Superintendent of my school called me into his office to tell me my iq was the highest he ever saw and was off the charts. So I promised him, ok, that I would make straight A's from then on and would stop intentional silly answers on tests that made me look fifth or sixth smartest in the class. I kept my promise. <giggle>
There is nothing like a bunch of white republicans trrying to tell blacks about how the democratic party has treated them.
No I didn't. I'm not lily white, either. My dad waited until I was around 15 years old to tell me he was the grandson of an American Indian chief, because whites were taught by the television set that Indians killed white people on purpose. And I'm over it, because the elderly Superintendent of my school called me into his office to tell me my iq was the highest he ever saw and was off the charts. So I promised him, ok, that I would make straight A's from then on and would stop intentional silly answers on tests that made me look second smartest in the class. I kept my promise. <giggle>
Yeah, it's the I'm Native American story. Lol! Well I do have real Native American in me since on my moms side Cherokees protected her mothers family from slave catchers and my great great gandfather had children with a Cherokee woman. If you're over the continuing iinjustice being put on Native Americans, you have a problem.
There is nothing like a bunch of white republicans trrying to tell blacks about how the democratic party has treated them.
Actually IM2, you need to change your tune from reading people's minds to realize you are being treated like a human being, which you have always been, and I've never seen anyone who has denied it. Yet you get on your soapbox for the same empty charge that everybody else but you are racist as you can one white person (or not) after another racists. From now on sir, it takes one to call one. Please stop calling everybody you think is all white "racists." Do you blab all those fibbies because you want more power than you already have? I'm done with your little fibbies, fella.
i believe more and more blacks are waking up to the scam the dem party has been playing on them for the past 60 yrs ...hence Trumps skyrocketing polling with black Americans .
There is no skyrocketing polling for trump among blacks. I know this BECAUSE I AM BLACK, and not some white person reading a propaganda piece from a right wing extremist website.
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