Trump is no Milei


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
All this talk about Milei being like Trump is a farce. Milei is way right of Trump, on almost all issues. In fact, Trump is left of even most Republicans. Milei seems to be a fiscal conservative who support free market capitalism. Somewhere in line with the 2007 tea party. A Chip Roy and Thomas Massie type conservative.
Checking the cost of living in Argentina, it's going to interesting to see if an actual libertarian can bring their economy back around. At the moment, their prices seem to be pretty close to rural America.
So he'll either do 1 of two things. Increase the minimum wage or closing the central bank and letting the free market work itself out. (which could mean increased wages).
Trump would never consider closing our central bank. He's the king of debt and loves having an unlimited credit card.
If Milei can pull this off, it'll prove that the Libertarian model works.

Argentina’s Milei says shutting central bank ‘non-negotiable’
Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei said on Friday that the closure of the country’s central bank, a signature campaign pledge, was a “non-negotiable matter”,
All this talk about Milei being like Trump is a farce. Milei is way right of Trump, on almost all issues. In fact, Trump is left of even most Republicans. Milei seems to be a fiscal conservative who support free market capitalism. Somewhere in line with the 2007 tea party. A Chip Roy and Thomas Massie type conservative.
Checking the cost of living in Argentina, it's going to interesting to see if an actual libertarian can bring their economy back around. At the moment, their prices seem to be pretty close to rural America.
So he'll either do 1 of two things. Increase the minimum wage or closing the central bank and letting the free market work itself out. (which could mean increased wages).
Trump would never consider closing our central bank. He's the king of debt and loves having an unlimited credit card.
If Milei can pull this off, it'll prove that the Libertarian model works.

Argentina’s Milei says shutting central bank ‘non-negotiable’
Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei said on Friday that the closure of the country’s central bank, a signature campaign pledge, was a “non-negotiable matter”,

President Trump and Presidente Milei are men faced with different problems that call for different solutions.

Making Argentina great again is quite a different task than making America great again, as a result the two tasks require different policies.
All this talk about Milei being like Trump is a farce. Milei is way right of Trump, on almost all issues. In fact, Trump is left of even most Republicans. Milei seems to be a fiscal conservative who support free market capitalism. Somewhere in line with the 2007 tea party. A Chip Roy and Thomas Massie type conservative.
Checking the cost of living in Argentina, it's going to interesting to see if an actual libertarian can bring their economy back around. At the moment, their prices seem to be pretty close to rural America.
So he'll either do 1 of two things. Increase the minimum wage or closing the central bank and letting the free market work itself out. (which could mean increased wages).
Trump would never consider closing our central bank. He's the king of debt and loves having an unlimited credit card.
If Milei can pull this off, it'll prove that the Libertarian model works.

Argentina’s Milei says shutting central bank ‘non-negotiable’
Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei said on Friday that the closure of the country’s central bank, a signature campaign pledge, was a “non-negotiable matter”,
OK, then take over the GOP with a Murican version of him....Trump showed you how to do it, and all you can do is bellyache.
All this talk about Milei being like Trump is a farce. Milei is way right of Trump, on almost all issues. In fact, Trump is left of even most Republicans. Milei seems to be a fiscal conservative who support free market capitalism. Somewhere in line with the 2007 tea party. A Chip Roy and Thomas Massie type conservative.
Checking the cost of living in Argentina, it's going to interesting to see if an actual libertarian can bring their economy back around. At the moment, their prices seem to be pretty close to rural America.
So he'll either do 1 of two things. Increase the minimum wage or closing the central bank and letting the free market work itself out. (which could mean increased wages).
Trump would never consider closing our central bank. He's the king of debt and loves having an unlimited credit card.
If Milei can pull this off, it'll prove that the Libertarian model works.

Argentina’s Milei says shutting central bank ‘non-negotiable’
Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei said on Friday that the closure of the country’s central bank, a signature campaign pledge, was a “non-negotiable matter”,
Latin America Forum?
OK, then take over the GOP with a Murican version of him....Trump showed you how to do it, and all you can do is bellyache.

LMAO.. 8% inflation from the $8 trillion he spent in just 4 years isn't something to bellyache about? Assaulting our 2A isn't? Funding gender studies in Pakistan isn't? Or bringing about the first covid mandates isn't?

The GOP wouldn't give me the time of day. Just like they didn't give Rand or Ron Paul the time of day. The few fiscal conservatives in DC don't hardly get the time of day in the party, unless they're defending Trump.

Vivek is the most libertarian leaning candidate, and the RNC would squash him like a roach if he didn't say he supports Trump all the time.

IMO, Milei is where the GOP should be. Which is way right of Trump and 90% of the GOP. They should be promoting fiscal conservatives like Vivek and DeSantis. Not throwing them under the bus. I get why Trumps supporters don't. Because they're mostly left of center themselves. Or they feel sorry for Trump.

Milei is trying to address inflation. To bring it way down. He's addressing things that affect the value of their currency in his country. Trying to root out socialist crap that created their mess.
Trump just wants to spend more money. Fund BS like his Platinum Plan. Dished out covid checks in the trillions without any oversight as to where the money would go.
All this talk about Milei being like Trump is a farce. Milei is way right of Trump, on almost all issues. In fact, Trump is left of even most Republicans. Milei seems to be a fiscal conservative who support free market capitalism. Somewhere in line with the 2007 tea party. A Chip Roy and Thomas Massie type conservative.
Checking the cost of living in Argentina, it's going to interesting to see if an actual libertarian can bring their economy back around. At the moment, their prices seem to be pretty close to rural America.
So he'll either do 1 of two things. Increase the minimum wage or closing the central bank and letting the free market work itself out. (which could mean increased wages).
Trump would never consider closing our central bank. He's the king of debt and loves having an unlimited credit card.
If Milei can pull this off, it'll prove that the Libertarian model works.

Argentina’s Milei says shutting central bank ‘non-negotiable’
Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei said on Friday that the closure of the country’s central bank, a signature campaign pledge, was a “non-negotiable matter”,
I think Milei blew smoke up Argentinians' butts. 140% inflation and broke.
I think Milei blew smoke up Argentinians' butts. 140% inflation and broke.

He's just getting started. It's going to take time to dismantle all that's wrong.

That is if he's serious about it. I believe he is. Shutting down their central bank is something that makes me believe he's serious.
He may turn out to be a con man like Trump. Someone who only talks good. But Trump would never take on our Federal Reserve. He loves spending too much. And doesn't care about the inflation it creates.
Milei does.
President Trump and Presidente Milei are men faced with different problems that call for different solutions.

Making Argentina great again is quite a different task than making America great again, as a result the two tasks require different policies.

Math is the same, globally.
Like Argentina, our government is way too big. It spends way too much. It tries to take care of way too much. It's way more powerful than the constitution allows, and is corrupt.

Milei is seems to want to stop all that. Trump simply wants to be the leader of it all. King Toad of the swamp.
He's just getting started. It's going to take time to dismantle all that's wrong.

That is if he's serious about it. I believe he is. Shutting down their central bank is something that makes me believe he's serious.
He may turn out to be a con man like Trump. Someone who only talks good. But Trump would never take on our Federal Reserve. He loves spending too much. And doesn't care about the inflation it creates.
Milei does.
He wants to convert to US dollars, yet he has no dollars to convert the peso. Moving from their central bank to ours. Hmmm.
That country owes the IMF billions and he will ask them for more. Like I said... blowing smoke.
He wants to convert to US dollars, yet he has no dollars to convert the peso. Moving from their central bank to ours. Hmmm.
That country owes the IMF billions and he will ask them for more. Like I said... blowing smoke.

You could be right about him. Time will tell. If he actually supports Trump and thinks Trump is a fiscal conservative, then I'm not going to put a lot of faith in his intelligence.
The left have more reason to support Trump than Libertarians.

The USD isn't something I'd want to use as my countries currency, if I lived down there. Milei doesn't realize how much value the USD has lost since 1980. For that matter, just since Trump was elected. And thanks to Biden's spending, it's lost even more value.

Argentina’s president-elect wants to replace its peso with the dollar. Why?

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LMAO.. 8% inflation from the $8 trillion he spent in just 4 years isn't something to bellyache about? Assaulting our 2A isn't? Funding gender studies in Pakistan isn't? Or bringing about the first covid mandates isn't?

The GOP wouldn't give me the time of day. Just like they didn't give Rand or Ron Paul the time of day. The few fiscal conservatives in DC don't hardly get the time of day in the party, unless they're defending Trump.

Vivek is the most libertarian leaning candidate, and the RNC would squash him like a roach if he didn't say he supports Trump all the time.

IMO, Milei is where the GOP should be. Which is way right of Trump and 90% of the GOP. They should be promoting fiscal conservatives like Vivek and DeSantis. Not throwing them under the bus. I get why Trumps supporters don't. Because they're mostly left of center themselves. Or they feel sorry for Trump.

Milei is trying to address inflation. To bring it way down. He's addressing things that affect the value of their currency in his country. Trying to root out socialist crap that created their mess.
Trump just wants to spend more money. Fund BS like his Platinum Plan. Dished out covid checks in the trillions without any oversight as to where the money would go.
While l don't disagree with your critiques of Trump's shitty policies, that's not the thrust of the point made.

Sitting around and blathering on about policy doesn't get people up off their asses and to the polls...Having the balls to stand up and tell the people who hate you to fuck off does,
While l don't disagree with your critiques of Trump's shitty policies, that's not the thrust of the point made.

Then we can agree they're shitty, right?

Sitting around and blathering on about policy doesn't get people up off their asses and to the polls...Having the balls to stand up and tell the people who hate you to fuck off does,

It seems to work pretty well for Trump. For the record, the left has given Trump a lot to whine and bitch about. These witch hunts are retarded. But at the same time, he's given us conservatives a lot to bitch about. His policies for one (spending, his unconstitutional actions).. And also the fact that most of his supporters don't realize how many of his policies suck rino balls.

It doesn't take balls to tell people to fuck off. That's easy. It takes balls and intelligence to beat them at their own game. As in what DeSantis did to the left in FL.

A good example of Trump caving to the left (and not telling them to fuck off) is the fact that he only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years. Vetoing a spending bill is not only telling them to fuck off, but it's backed by more than just words.

Wanna see what a real "fuck you" looks like? Here's DeSantis's 2023 veto list.
I'm not vying for DeSantis. I get it, he's done. Stick a fork in him. Just pointing out something Trump didn't have the balls to do.

DeSantis's 2023 veto list

P.S. I get that he has the line item veto. And no one can say for sure, but I suspect Ron would veto a lot of complete bills if there was this much BS built into them.
Sitting around and blathering on about policy doesn't get people up off tit. heir asses and to the polls...Having the balls to stand up and tell the people who hate you to fuck off does,

Shit. You saw what they did to Ron. Complete blackout. Changed the rules. Even went so far as to put other candidates' pictures next to his name on the idiot box when they had no choice but to report the success of his delegate game.

They'll never let an actual statesman get that far. Besides that, you see how the American electorate does that lesser of two evils silliness. They can't be trusted to elect an actual statesman either. Not collectively speaking, they can't.

So people get the government that they deserve. Let it burn. It's only way people are gonna learn. Of course, by then the cards will be stacked so far against them that there likely won't be any chance of recovery.
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You had your chance for one that was greater than Milei and you lot chose poorly.
Then we can agree they're shitty, right?

It seems to work pretty well for Trump. For the record, the left has given Trump a lot to whine and bitch about. These witch hunts are retarded. But at the same time, he's given us conservatives a lot to bitch about. His policies for one (spending, his unconstitutional actions).. And also the fact that most of his supporters don't realize how many of his policies suck rino balls.

It doesn't take balls to tell people to fuck off. That's easy. It takes balls and intelligence to beat them at their own game. As in what DeSantis did to the left in FL.

A good example of Trump caving to the left (and not telling them to fuck off) is the fact that he only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years. Vetoing a spending bill is not only telling them to fuck off, but it's backed by more than just words.

Wanna see what a real "fuck you" looks like? Here's DeSantis's 2023 veto list.
I'm not vying for DeSantis. I get it, he's done. Stick a fork in him. Just pointing out something Trump didn't have the balls to do.

DeSantis's 2023 veto list

P.S. I get that he has the line item veto. And no one can say for sure, but I suspect Ron would veto a lot of complete bills if there was this much BS built into them.
Ron DeSantis is who Donald Trump wants to be.

I'm okay with the Don. He's not my kind of guy, not someone I would choose to hang with. But I don't DIS-like him. I think of him as the Andrew Dice Clay of Politics. Hickory Dickory Dock!

If I have a serious complaint (and I mean SERIOUS) it is the people he picks as his cabinet. As advisers. He seems unable to delegate and to pick the right people to do his bidding. I mean, Jeffie Sessions, probably the worst Republican AG in human history, followed by the fat pig Barr?!? And Mad Dog Mattis, who deserted an SF team in Asscrackistan?

DeSantis is a pro. He's got his gear all in one rucksack, ready to Rock n' Roll. He would be better for the Office but he has no charisma, no TV presence. So.....

I'll be happy with Trump.

Mostly because he will drive dimocrap FILTH batshit crazy. That's worth it right there.
Ron DeSantis is who Donald Trump wants to be.

I'm okay with the Don. He's not my kind of guy, not someone I would choose to hang with. But I don't DIS-like him. I think of him as the Andrew Dice Clay of Politics. Hickory Dickory Dock!

If I have a serious complaint (and I mean SERIOUS) it is the people he picks as his cabinet. As advisers. He seems unable to delegate and to pick the right people to do his bidding. I mean, Jeffie Sessions, probably the worst Republican AG in human history, followed by the fat pig Barr?!? And Mad Dog Mattis, who deserted an SF team in Asscrackistan?

DeSantis is a pro. He's got his gear all in one rucksack, ready to Rock n' Roll. He would be better for the Office but he has no charisma, no TV presence. So.....

I'll be happy with Trump.

Mostly because he will drive dimocrap FILTH batshit crazy. That's worth it right there.

DeSantis is military. Mission oriented. So he sucks at campaigning.

Funny thing about that charisma thing. Once a POTUS takes the office, no one gives a shit about his charisma. They just want him to be mission oriented.

DeSantis isn't entertaining. And he needs to stop trying to be.
All this talk about Milei being like Trump is a farce. Milei is way right of Trump, on almost all issues. In fact, Trump is left of even most Republicans. Milei seems to be a fiscal conservative who support free market capitalism. Somewhere in line with the 2007 tea party. A Chip Roy and Thomas Massie type conservative.
Checking the cost of living in Argentina, it's going to interesting to see if an actual libertarian can bring their economy back around. At the moment, their prices seem to be pretty close to rural America.
So he'll either do 1 of two things. Increase the minimum wage or closing the central bank and letting the free market work itself out. (which could mean increased wages).
Trump would never consider closing our central bank. He's the king of debt and loves having an unlimited credit card.
If Milei can pull this off, it'll prove that the Libertarian model works.

Argentina’s Milei says shutting central bank ‘non-negotiable’
Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei said on Friday that the closure of the country’s central bank, a signature campaign pledge, was a “non-negotiable matter”,
milei appears to be more of a pinochet type conservative. the kind idolized by dear leader.

Math is the same, globally.
Like Argentina, our government is way too big. It spends way too much. It tries to take care of way too much. It's way more powerful than the constitution allows, and is corrupt.

Milei is seems to want to stop all that. Trump simply wants to be the leader of it all. King Toad of the swamp.
i disagree with your characterization of government, but that describes trump perfectly. king toad.


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