Five West Virginia middle school girls refuse to compete against trans competitor in shot put

Jesse Christ, you are even dumber than you sound. No you don't score if you don't make the top 3 or 6 you illiterate bigot. the girls who quit could have came in 2-6 and still scored. Thus...the entire argument that the 11 year old child who won "prevented them from scoring" is a lie. Thanks for confirming it, "coach".

No I wouldn't let my kids compete in a rigged "competition".
Good to know you are raising quitters.

Placing is not a new term.
Yeah, usually it's used in horse racing. You're the first "coach" who referred to kids as livestock though. Congrats.
Jesse Christ, you are even dumber than you sound. No you don't score if you don't make the top 3 or 6 you illiterate bigot. No I wouldn't let my kids compete in a rigged "competition". Placing is not a new term. You just keep showing how little you know about anything. Our league doesn't allow these mentally ill males to compete against girls. Yes I am a coach. Who knows more than you ever will. Of course you'd love it if men were the only ones on the podium in a women's competition. Way to show those young girls that they're not getting anything but hate from your lefturds.

Winners never quit.
Suddenly you're all in favor of these girls quitting when, according to you, they could have "scored" or "placed" or whatever other term you're going to try to insert next.

You can always tell when a conservative is losing the argument; they try to re-define words or make up conspiracy theories.
Suddenly you're all in favor of these girls quitting when, according to you, they could have "scored" or "placed" or whatever other term you're going to try to insert next.

You can always tell when a conservative is losing the argument; they try to re-define words or make up conspiracy theories.
You can always tell that candycorn is losing because she keeps regurgitating bullshit and showing how STUPID she is. Obviously you have never competed in anything you illiterate troll. Otherwise you'd know the meaning of those terms. the girls who quit could have came in 2-6 and still scored. Thus...the entire argument that the 11 year old child who won "prevented them from scoring" is a lie. Thanks for confirming it, "coach".

Good to know you are raising quitters.

Yeah, usually it's used in horse racing. You're the first "coach" who referred to kids as livestock though. Congrats.
Go fuck yourself you flailing loser. YOU call young girls livestock. What a piece of shit you are. Good to know you're a know nothing jackass who wants women to just accept beatings from men. Medalist is the term for the GOLF winner. Keep digging that hole as we keep laughing at you.
Go fuck yourself you flailing loser.
Ahh, the frustration of having been revealed as a total DB is showing through.
YOU call young girls livestock.
You're the one using a horse racing term...not me.
What a piece of shit you are. Good to know you're a know nothing jackass who wants women to just accept beatings from men.
Well we were talking about a middle school track and field event. No women (or anyone else) was beaten. The only thing bruised is your ego and we're seeing the sad result on this post.
Medalist is the term for the GOLF winner.
LOL...sure. Golf winners get medals?
Your hate enforces my point.
It's not about competition, it's all about your hate,.

What hate?

It's reality. The Trans nutters are selling false hopes to usually already mentally fragile people.

That, or they are fetishists jumping on the bandwagon.
Absolutely nothing.

Shot put (like every track and field event) is non contact. Throwing your shot put is what you do. If you don't win the competition that is one thing...if you don't try...that is a completely different matter.

That being said...if the sport were a contact sport, I couldn't blame any female for not wanting to compete against a dude. It should never be sanctioned by any governing body. Anyone has the right to identify however they wish. Society is under no obligation to make accommodations for it however.

But back to the event at hand...non contact--middle school. No stakes; no problem.
Then why even have separate divisions for male and female sports in middle school?
Its about an 11 year old girl wanting to play track and field. You guys made it about politics, sex and religion.
Its about an 11 year old girl with a penis wanted to play track and field with girls that don't have penises.

He is a boy! The penis is proof of that.
I'm agnostic you buffoon. I have no god. Unlike you who worships at the knees of Marx and stalin.. My sister is lesbian, I love her and her partner. Both exceptional WOMEN!

"Scientific knowledge?"

since 1980
More Gays
More Lesbians
More Trans people
Lower birth rates
Lower fertility rates

Your "God" is telling you something but you're too stupid to listen.

There are not more queers. Just more coming out of the closet because they no longer fear being attacked.
There are not more lesbians. They are just more accepted now.
There are not more trans people. They are just more public about it instead of hiding who they are.

Lower birth rates have more to do with people limiting the number of children they have, often for financial reasons.
Then why even have separate divisions for male and female sports in middle school?
Thats actually a great question. I’d ask a better one--why have middle school track meets at all? Just have PE. If schools are really so under funded, middle school shot put would seem like a sacred cow that needs to be slaughtered.

But to your question...I agree. Why have gender divisions in a meaningless track meet? Good point.
There are not more trans people. They are just more public about it instead of hiding who they are.
Transgenderism has become a social contagion that highly impacts adolescent girls in much the same way as Anorexia.
Thats actually a great question. I’d ask a better one--why have middle school track meets at all? Just have PE. If schools are really so under funded, middle school shot put would seem like a sacred cow that needs to be slaughtered.

But to your question...I agree. Why have gender divisions in a meaningless track meet? Good point.
Following your logic, why even have (meaningless) sports competitions at all?
Transgenderism has become a social contagion that highly impacts adolescent girls in much the same way as Anorexia.

No, it has not.

But if it had, so what? Anorexia is a serious, even life threatening, health issue. Transgenderism is not. Unless you count the neanderthals that physically attack gays, lesbians and transgenders.
Its about an 11 year old girl with a penis wanted to play track and field with girls that don't have penises.

He is a boy! The penis is proof of that.

He identifies as female. I don’t know if you read what I wrote earlier on the topic but here it is again in a nutshell. I support anyone identifying however they want...but society is under no obligation to accommodate your beliefs. If that were the case, the USAF would be having bake sales to fund the F39 (or whatever is the next fighter plane we desperately need that we will never use) and schools would have that money--in my view. And I really wish the coach and the powers that be in organizing the meet would have told Becky that “you’re going to compete against boys” because that is our rules.

But they didn’t. The result? A 11 year old child threw a metal ball. Five girls decided to protest and didn’t. Presumably some other girls threw the metal ball and, as far as I know, took home 2nd and 3rd place ribbons. The sun rose the next morning. Conservatives have made this into some bizarre soap opera. Wha I think is that the five girls who didn’t throw were not served well by their coach or parents. There was no down side to competing.
Then why even have separate divisions for male and female sports in middle school?

You have different divisions because males and females have different physiology. A woman is not just a man without a penis.
Following your logic, why even have (meaningless) sports competitions at all?

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

I do think sports are important. But nothing on earth can justify spending taxpayer dollars to send a team 1/2 way across the state or country to play another team in a meaningless sporting competition. Play a team closer to you if you’re going to have this pointless exercise and save the gas money.

He identifies as female. I don’t know if you read what I wrote earlier on the topic but here it is again in a nutshell. I support anyone identifying however they want...but society is under no obligation to accommodate your beliefs. If that were the case, the USAF would be having bake sales to fund the F39 (or whatever is the next fighter plane we desperately need that we will never use) and schools would have that money--in my view. And I really wish the coach and the powers that be in organizing the meet would have told Becky that “you’re going to compete against boys” because that is our rules.

But they didn’t. The result? A 11 year old child threw a metal ball. Five girls decided to protest and didn’t. Presumably some other girls threw the metal ball and, as far as I know, took home 2nd and 3rd place ribbons. The sun rose the next morning. Conservatives have made this into some bizarre soap opera. Wha I think is that the five girls who didn’t throw were not served well by their coach or parents. There was no down side to competing.

The trans kid competing adds legitimacy to boys competing as girls. The downside is ignoring that males and females are different.
The trans kid competing adds legitimacy to boys competing as girls. The downside is ignoring that males and females are different.

Wouldn’t want to delegitimize a middle school track meet now, would we?

I hear the Department of the Interior wanted to commission Maya Lin to design a memorial for the five girls who were cheated out of that first place ribbon. A giant black wall will be erected on the sacred ground where the playground once will be a poignant reminder to all who see it. And perhaps we’ll all say with the same voice...”never again”.

Oh lord folks...
No, it has not.

But if it had, so what? Anorexia is a serious, even life threatening, health issue. Transgenderism is not. Unless you count the neanderthals that physically attack gays, lesbians and transgenders.
I beg to differ. Transgenderism, which leads many to amputate perfectly healthy body parts and the have fake penises and fake vaginas constructed is a serious health issue. The sterilization of people to treat a mental disorder is a very serious health issue.

A man has a serious health issue if he has to physically insert a device in to his fake vagina on a daily basis to keep it from healing closed. Ref. Jas Jennings.

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