Zone1 Greetings from Moscow

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Russian world is about as real as an "English world".

Nobody knows about such concept except you Russians maybe.

At one point Americans fought a war against England for our independance, "English world" we are not.
There were no significant conflicts anywhere in Ukraine Russians didn't invade.

Significant conflicts in Ukraine were not "inter-ethnic" they were over SEPARATISM spearheaded by Russian nationals.
I believe in democracy. I believe that government should be for people, not people for government. And when the official policy of the new government is "derussification", I believe people have right to defend their rights and fight this government (and create their own state).

Simple proof is that violence was ONLY in areas where Russians invaded, not in places like Kiev where there is 20% Russian ethnic population.
Actually, there was plenty of violence in Kievan regime controlled areas. But it was a bit concealed. Ukrainian nationalistic terror supported by the government machine of suppression.
I believe in democracy. I believe that government should be for people, not people for government.

Thats a laughable comment considering you don't even know what that the word means.

Russia is not a democracy. You have no real political oppositon, no real independant media, no freedom of speech, no real constitutional rights, no real choice in elections.

Russia is at this point a de-facto agressive, totalitarian state headed by a charismatic leader - aka FASCISM. Time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Nobody knows about such concept except you Russians maybe.

At one point Americans fought a war against England for our independance, "English world" we are not.
Does a fish know about the water? But the difference in communication with people who speak English and who do not - is pretty real.
I do not say that Canadians, Englishmen and Americans should love each other or live in one state.
Does a fish know about the water? But the difference in communication with people who speak English and who do not - is pretty real.
I do not say that Canadians, Englishmen and Americans should love each other or live in one state.

Again, "English World" is not a concept anyone in the west uses. Just because England and America and (some of) Canada speak the same language does not mean we are somehow same nations or part of some exclusive "world".

Similarly, Mexico and Spain may speak the same language and that means almost nothing in terms of them being in some sort of "world"

It's just some half-baked horsecrap you Rushists made up to justify your agressive war. Hitler also spoke a lot about repressed german speakers in other countries to justify his invasions.
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Thats a laughable comment considering you don't even know what that the word means.

Russia is not a democracy. You have no real political oppositon, no real independant media, no freedom of speech, no real constitutional rights, no real choice in elections.

Russia is at this point a de-facto agressive, totalitarian state headed by a charismatic leader - aka FASCISM. Time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Wow! My eyes just opened and the films had been removed. Alléluia! I'm not a big fun of Vladimir Putin personally, and the whole political system in Russia (it could be much better), but, at least, he do allow people to speak language they want. It's all relatively, you know.
Wow! My eyes just opened and the films had been removed. Alléluia! I'm not a big fun of Vladimir Putin personally, and the whole political system in Russia (it could be much better), but, at least, he do allow people to speak language they want. It's all relatively, you know.

People are allowed to speak any language they want in America and Ukraine (where Russian is a constitutionally protected minority language).

What you are saying is nonsense and certainly some points of tension over offical language in Urkaine is not a real reason to invade and annex a sovereign country's lands. It's a just an excuse for agression, like it was for Hitler's Germany.
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People are allowed to speak any language they want in America and Ukraine (where Russian is a constitutionally protected minority language).

What you are saying is nonsense.
Actually, no. Russian is not constitutionally protected language in Ukraine. Actually, it is prohibited for any official usage.
Actually, no. Russian is not constitutionally protected language in Ukraine. Actually, it is prohibited for any official usage.

" of Russian, and other languages of national minorities of Ukraine, is guaranteed"

- Ukranian Constituion

Again, "English World" is not a concept anyone in the west uses. Just because England and America and (some of) Canada speak the same language does not mean we are somehow same nations or part of some exclusive "world"
As for me, studying the English language, reading English books, watching English movies, conversations at English-speaking forums actually opened a new world for me. And, btw, you is a part of this world. It's pretty real. I do not say we should agree about everything. I do not even say we shouldn't fight. I do say, that we can talk and discuss.

And, in practical terms, there is a difference between a war inside your own cultural and linguistical continuum (like American revolutionary war or American civil war, when you know your enemy) and an invasion in the different linguistical and cultural world.

Similarly, Mexico and Spain may speak the same language and that means almost nothing in terms of them being in some sort of "world"

It's just some half-baked horsecrap you Rushists made up to justify your agressive war. Hitler also spoke a lot about repressed german speakers in other countries to justify his invasions.
In fact, situation is much more nuanced than that.

In fact, speaking Russian language and other minority languages is a constitutionally protected right in Ukraine.

In fact, laguage issue is used by Russian propaganda as an excuse to invade and annex Ukranian territories, just like german speakers were used as an excuse by Hitler to invade and annex other countries.
Two of my great-grandfathers were killed in the war. If you are talking about the current special military operation, no. Non of my personal acquaintances was killed, but few friends of my friends died. Plus, there are TV-shows and street banners about the heroes.
Do you think the special military operation is supported by most Russian people or is there growing opposition as is reported in US News?
The Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Jemaja and Russia was a part of the "Russian world", too.
It was a multicultural country, but its state language was Russian. One of the main competitors of Grand Duchy of Moscow in gathering of Russian lands. What a tragedy that that promising state had fallen in misery.
Actually not. The GDL was part of 'European world". You use the term 'Russian' too broad. Rus and Russia aren't one and the same. History of 'Russia' began with the GDM.
Again, "English World" is not a concept anyone in the west uses. Just because England and America and (some of) Canada speak the same language does not mean we are somehow same nations or part of some exclusive "world".

Similarly, Mexico and Spain may speak the same language and that means almost nothing in terms of them being in some sort of "world"

It's just some half-baked horsecrap you Rushists made up to justify your agressive war. Hitler also spoke a lot about repressed german speakers in other countries to justify his invasions.
Your a nasty person ..the poster your quoting otoh is polite…you launch personal attacks bc you lack substance

“You Russians”

“You Jews”

“You polish”

Some Russians support Ukraine.

You’re blinded by racism. Back to ignore for you.
Your a nasty person ..the poster your quoting otoh is polite…you launch personal attacks bc you lack substance

“You Russians”

“You Jews”

“You polish”

Some Russians support Ukraine.

You’re blinded by racism. Back to ignore for you.

Racism....? Do you even know what the word RACE means? :slap:

Rushists is a wordplay combination of Fascists and Russians and specifically reffers to Russians that support Putin's autocratic regime's invasion of Ukraine. I am MYSELF an ethnic Russian even though I'm a long time American national.

And nasty? Yea, I'm nasty to those that support the atrocities Putin's government is inflicting on Ukraine and even his own people. Something about supporting killing of hundreds of thousands of people and coming on here to talk about how it's "lesser evil" ticks me off.
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Hi, there!
My name is Mike, I'm from Moscow, I'm here mostly to improve my English and read alternative news. I was said it's a nice and friendly place.

There was a cat that really was gone
Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
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