Let's Speculate


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
I recently viewed a video where a world renowned doctor's educated guess put 90% of those vaccinated against COVID dying in 1-2 years, perhaps three. At present that's about 1 in every 3 people alive today on this planet dropping over dead in the very near future. Now, for the sake of this thread I don't really care which side of the vaccine wars you stand—that is not it's intended purpose. Nor do I care to hear about how stupid you think the topic might be. What I do want to discuss is how you personally feel about living in a ghost town of a world (if you remain unvaccinated), and what you'd spend your final months or years alive doing (for those already vaccinated). Also, should as much as half the world's population or more die in the coming few years what would you do with so much more space to roam, provided you don't succumb and get the jab or have received it already.

Fair's fair so I'll go first.

My wife and will never get the COVID jab in any form. Thus, that puts us among the surviving and greatly reduced population post the great vaccine die off. So how would I feel living in a ghost town of a near empty planet earth? While the place would likely feel quite morbid even perpetually funerary, I imagine the fishing and hunting would get much better, as would competition for just about everything be drastically reduced. Honestly, that doesn't sound too bad, not really.

What would we do with so much more empty (human free) space to roam? Claim vast tracts of land perhaps. Build castles and other fortifications . . . seems the possibilities could be endless. Perhaps we'd establish a new silk road for trade or a neo Oregon Trail for settlers headed to new frontiers.
Name the "world renowned doctor."

I am highly suspicious of the narrative you listing in the OP. I don't think it is about causing death to folks, it is more about control.

Here is why, if the folks in control were to kill that many folks, that quickly, it would cause a complete collapse of civilization, and the elites in charge would die as well.

I honestly don't think they would do that to themselves.

Everything would grind to a halt. Energy production, food production, the global economy, you name it. They wouldn't do it.
I recently viewed a video where a world renowned doctor's educated guess put 90% of those vaccinated against COVID dying in 1-2 years, perhaps three. At present that's about 1 in every 3 people alive today on this planet dropping over dead in the very near future. Now, for the sake of this thread I don't really care which side of the vaccine wars you stand—that is not it's intended purpose. Nor do I care to hear about how stupid you think the topic might be. What I do want to discuss is how you personally feel about living in a ghost town of a world (if you remain unvaccinated), and what you'd spend your final months or years alive doing (for those already vaccinated). Also, should as much as half the world's population or more die in the coming few years what would you do with so much more space to roam, provided you don't succumb and get the jab or have received it already.

Fair's fair so I'll go first.

My wife and will never get the COVID jab in any form. Thus, that puts us among the surviving and greatly reduced population post the great vaccine die off. So how would I feel living in a ghost town of a near empty planet earth? While the place would likely feel quite morbid even perpetually funerary, I imagine the fishing and hunting would get much better, as would competition for just about everything be drastically reduced. Honestly, that doesn't sound too bad, not really.

What would we do with so much more empty (human free) space to roam? Claim vast tracts of land perhaps. Build castles and other fortifications . . . seems the possibilities could be endless. Perhaps we'd establish a new silk road for trade or a neo Oregon Trail for settlers headed to new frontiers.
I am sure you and your wife are very nice people, hopefully we will not be picking up bargains on ammunition, boats, etc at an estate sale.
I recently viewed a video where a world renowned doctor's educated guess put 90% of those vaccinated against COVID dying in 1-2 years, perhaps three. At present that's about 1 in every 3 people alive today on this planet dropping over dead in the very near future. Now, for the sake of this thread I don't really care which side of the vaccine wars you stand—that is not it's intended purpose. Nor do I care to hear about how stupid you think the topic might be. What I do want to discuss is how you personally feel about living in a ghost town of a world (if you remain unvaccinated), and what you'd spend your final months or years alive doing (for those already vaccinated). Also, should as much as half the world's population or more die in the coming few years what would you do with so much more space to roam, provided you don't succumb and get the jab or have received it already.

Fair's fair so I'll go first.

My wife and will never get the COVID jab in any form. Thus, that puts us among the surviving and greatly reduced population post the great vaccine die off. So how would I feel living in a ghost town of a near empty planet earth? While the place would likely feel quite morbid even perpetually funerary, I imagine the fishing and hunting would get much better, as would competition for just about everything be drastically reduced. Honestly, that doesn't sound too bad, not really.

What would we do with so much more empty (human free) space to roam? Claim vast tracts of land perhaps. Build castles and other fortifications . . . seems the possibilities could be endless. Perhaps we'd establish a new silk road for trade or a neo Oregon Trail for settlers headed to new frontiers.
I would be extremely bummed. MrGracie had the shots. I have not and will not. I don't want him to die. But if he does and most of the people here where I live are dead too..I would head for the hills. Away from big towns. Find other unvaxxed/alive people and try to not off myself from loneliness.

Oh..and I would get a dog. A big one. I would not stay in this death trap apartment complex. Nope. Not sure where I would go...but I would go. Period.
Name the "world renowned doctor."

I am highly suspicious of the narrative you listing in the OP. I don't think it is about causing death to folks, it is more about control.

Here is why, if the folks in control were to kill that many folks, that quickly, it would cause a complete collapse of civilization, and the elites in charge would die as well.

I honestly don't think they would do that to themselves.

Everything would grind to a halt. Energy production, food production, the global economy, you name it. They wouldn't do it.
They are too stupid to think that far ahead. They got Biden in the WH without thinking of the consequences, after all.
I recently viewed a video where a world renowned doctor's educated guess put 90% of those vaccinated against COVID dying in 1-2 years, perhaps three. At present that's about 1 in every 3 people alive today on this planet dropping over dead in the very near future. Now, for the sake of this thread I don't really care which side of the vaccine wars you stand—that is not it's intended purpose. Nor do I care to hear about how stupid you think the topic might be. What I do want to discuss is how you personally feel about living in a ghost town of a world (if you remain unvaccinated), and what you'd spend your final months or years alive doing (for those already vaccinated). Also, should as much as half the world's population or more die in the coming few years what would you do with so much more space to roam, provided you don't succumb and get the jab or have received it already.

Fair's fair so I'll go first.

My wife and will never get the COVID jab in any form. Thus, that puts us among the surviving and greatly reduced population post the great vaccine die off. So how would I feel living in a ghost town of a near empty planet earth? While the place would likely feel quite morbid even perpetually funerary, I imagine the fishing and hunting would get much better, as would competition for just about everything be drastically reduced. Honestly, that doesn't sound too bad, not really.

What would we do with so much more empty (human free) space to roam? Claim vast tracts of land perhaps. Build castles and other fortifications . . . seems the possibilities could be endless. Perhaps we'd establish a new silk road for trade or a neo Oregon Trail for settlers headed to new frontiers.

I think you should address your silly fallacy that half the world is going to die.
That's a completely stupid comment.
night_son What did the doctor think the primary cause of death from the vaccines would be?

I try to be a grounded and rational as possible and do not like conspiracy theories.

But those spike proteins in the vaccines are not to be messed with. They were SUPPOSED to stay in your arm muscle, and do not. They are found in ovaries and testes, liver and kidneys, and they cross the blood/brain barrier. They go into the heart, hence myocarditis and pericarditis.

Look up prion disease.

This is what is behind the vicious push to get as many of us vaccinated as possible, if you ask me. It's not "the more the merrier". It's "the more we vaccinate, the bigger the chance we have at destroying the control group". It's also the simple human psychology of buy-in. If you got the shots, you bought in, and are more inclined to think the shots are great. So if you get tons of health problems, meh, wasn't the shots!

Why do you think they backed off the booster shots? Cause the vaccines are so "safe and effective"?

To answer night son's question: I would first be very sad. Most of my family is vaccinated.
I recently viewed a video where a world renowned doctor's educated guess put 90% of those vaccinated against COVID dying in 1-2 years, perhaps three. At present that's about 1 in every 3 people alive today on this planet dropping over dead in the very near future. Now, for the sake of this thread I don't really care which side of the vaccine wars you stand—that is not it's intended purpose. Nor do I care to hear about how stupid you think the topic might be. What I do want to discuss is how you personally feel about living in a ghost town of a world (if you remain unvaccinated), and what you'd spend your final months or years alive doing (for those already vaccinated). Also, should as much as half the world's population or more die in the coming few years what would you do with so much more space to roam, provided you don't succumb and get the jab or have received it already.

Fair's fair so I'll go first.

My wife and will never get the COVID jab in any form. Thus, that puts us among the surviving and greatly reduced population post the great vaccine die off. So how would I feel living in a ghost town of a near empty planet earth? While the place would likely feel quite morbid even perpetually funerary, I imagine the fishing and hunting would get much better, as would competition for just about everything be drastically reduced. Honestly, that doesn't sound too bad, not really.

What would we do with so much more empty (human free) space to roam? Claim vast tracts of land perhaps. Build castles and other fortifications . . . seems the possibilities could be endless. Perhaps we'd establish a new silk road for trade or a neo Oregon Trail for settlers headed to new frontiers.
This is a joke right? Your not serious right?
I recently viewed a video where a world renowned doctor's educated guess put 90% of those vaccinated against COVID dying in 1-2 years, perhaps three. At present that's about 1 in every 3 people alive today on this planet dropping over dead in the very near future. Now, for the sake of this thread I don't really care which side of the vaccine wars you stand—that is not it's intended purpose. Nor do I care to hear about how stupid you think the topic might be. What I do want to discuss is how you personally feel about living in a ghost town of a world (if you remain unvaccinated), and what you'd spend your final months or years alive doing (for those already vaccinated). Also, should as much as half the world's population or more die in the coming few years what would you do with so much more space to roam, provided you don't succumb and get the jab or have received it already.

Fair's fair so I'll go first.

My wife and will never get the COVID jab in any form. Thus, that puts us among the surviving and greatly reduced population post the great vaccine die off. So how would I feel living in a ghost town of a near empty planet earth? While the place would likely feel quite morbid even perpetually funerary, I imagine the fishing and hunting would get much better, as would competition for just about everything be drastically reduced. Honestly, that doesn't sound too bad, not really.

What would we do with so much more empty (human free) space to roam? Claim vast tracts of land perhaps. Build castles and other fortifications . . . seems the possibilities could be endless. Perhaps we'd establish a new silk road for trade or a neo Oregon Trail for settlers headed to new frontiers.
Just think, all of this could be yours

Name the "world renowned doctor."

I am highly suspicious of the narrative you listing in the OP. I don't think it is about causing death to folks, it is more about control.

Here is why, if the folks in control were to kill that many folks, that quickly, it would cause a complete collapse of civilization, and the elites in charge would die as well.

I honestly don't think they would do that to themselves.

Everything would grind to a halt. Energy production, food production, the global economy, you name it. They wouldn't do it.
This thread I just updated I think will bring you to a very similar conclusion. The criminal class elites are not concerned about how many humans they kill off.

I would be extremely bummed. MrGracie had the shots. I have not and will not. I don't want him to die. But if he does and most of the people here where I live are dead too..I would head for the hills. Away from big towns. Find other unvaxxed/alive people and try to not off myself from loneliness.

Oh..and I would get a dog. A big one. I would not stay in this death trap apartment complex. Nope. Not sure where I would go...but I would go. Period.
You need a big dog if you are going to do anything with just you and no travel partner. Heck, even Rod was grateful we had the dogs when we were trying to keep up with my folks driving behind them going through Atlanta, Georgia one year. Dad got mixed up and pulled off an exit that landed us in a glass filled dead end street behind the stadium. A very large group of young thugs must have thought the jackpot landed right in their backyard until the dogs started exiting the vehicles. That whole group did a quick about face and went the other way.
They are too stupid to think that far ahead. They got Biden in the WH without thinking of the consequences, after all.
It's funny you should mention that.

I was having a disagreement with a friend of mine about that the other day.

IMO. . . I believe they knew exactly what they were doing when they did that. Everything you see in the news, is planned, and most events are transpiring, just as the powers that shouldn't be, have planned them.

The folks in charge, have almost unlimited amounts of money, to fund every angle of every problem, and they have the mathematical and computational power to calculate the probabilities of nearly every outcome. The only wrench in their plans. . . is us, and the plans of the creator. . . the "black swan," problem.

Haven't you even ever wondered why. . . they study shit, you and I already know, by our own common sense?

It has to do with finding out the statistical probabilities behind phenomenon for their AI matrices. . . most folks do not understands the complexities of the policies we are talking about.

Here is a good summary of the things YOU DON'T KNOW, about how much more advanced the folks in control really are, above what you believe. You are talking based on what you see on your TEE VEE, what you view on your social media, and what you discuss with others on this board. . . not what has been written. . . by the folks themselves of whom we speak, so? Calling them "too stupid?" Is naive.

Here is a review of a book by Jimmy Carter's Secretary of State;

If reading the following depresses you, or scares the shit out of you? I apologize. . but remember, they have Lucifer, you have the Lord.

Between Two Ages : America’s Role in the Technetronic Era by Zbigniew Brzezinski​

". . . This book is from 1970. A second printing with a copyright of 1970. I forgot to say that earlier.

This book talks a lot about the Internet:

. . . the United States has been most active in the promotion of a global communications system by means of satellites, and it is pioneering the development of a world-wide information grid. It is expected that such a grid will come into being by about 1975. For the first time in history the cumulative knowledge of mankind will be made accessible on a global scale—and it will be almost instantaneously available in response to demand. [10]

It talks about weather:

. . . techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm, thereby weakening a nation’s capacity and forcing it to accept the demands of the competitor” (Gordon J. F. MacDonald, “Space,” in Toward the Years 2018, p. 34). [11]

So like in the other book I read, The First Global Revolution, where they talk about making up man-made global warming, you could use these weather modification techniques to make weird weather out of nowhere and say, “That’s man-made global warming.” and people will believe it’s man-made global warming. So that’s cool.

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. . . . The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. [12]

And then Brzezinski talks about:

. . . man has always sought to crystallize some organizing principle that would, by creating order out of chaos, relate him to the universe and help define his place in it. [13]

Being Earth Emperor means being Earth Emperor in the Universe. So creating order out of chaos is part of it, and you can do it with what Brzezinski talks about here:

Julian Huxley was perhaps guilty of only slight exaggeration when he warned that “overcrowding in animals leads to distorted neurotic and downright pathological behavior. We can be sure that the same is true in principle of people. City life today is definitely leading to mass mental disease, to growing vandalism and possible eruptions of mass violence.” [14]

G. N. Carstairs, in “Why is Man Aggressive?” (Impact of Science on Society, April-June 1968, p. 90), argues that population growth, crowding, and social oppression all contribute to irrational and intensified aggression. Experiments on rats seem to bear this out; observation of human behavior in large cities seems to warrant a similar conclusion. . . . [15]

So you can create chaos in large cities by just making taxes higher for the places outside the large cities. Increasing smaller city taxes will force the people from the smaller cities into the large cities, cause it’ll be too expensive to live in the smaller cities.

You can also increase immigration, cause immigrants aren’t going to go to a small city, cause they probably won’t find a job. They’ll go to the large cities where they have a better chance at finding a job.

So increasing taxes for rural areas and having more immigration will help create chaos, and you can create order out of that chaos.. . . "

(. . . coincidentally. . if you got to the end of reading this article, the book I am currently reading is Player Piano.)
MisterBeale keep in mind only the flesh can be deceived and even that only if allowed. The spirit recognizes the spirit even in this type forum post. That is the reason I finally decided to just put some of the most ignorant of posters here on ignore as they have nothing of value to add.

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