Letting illegals use our schools costs the taxpayers $150 billion EVERY YEAR


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
10 million illegal kids at $15,000 per year per kid comes out to $150 billion a year. That's how much we'd save if we simply stopped giving free education to people that aren't allowed to be here anyway.

How did it come to this? in Plyler v Doe 1982 the supreme court took a huge corporate bribe and wrote a law saying states must give free k-12 to illegal kids.
Liberals slap Trump by saying it will cost a ton of money to deport illegals, but they never factor in all the savings if we get rid of these parasites.
We wouldn't have an illegal problem if the capital Right new how to make money with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint at their disposal. We should not be losing money on Commerce at our borders that could defray the cost government.
It's not just the schools. We also give illegals free health care at a cost of tens of billions of dollars. Then there's the cost of the welfare they collect and the cost of keeping hundreds of thousands of them in prison and the cost of all the injuries and deaths.and property damage they cause by their drunk driving. Even if it cost $100 billion to remove them , it would still be a huge bargain.
Yes, it is why we should be making money on Commerce, well regulated, instead of mismanaging immigration laws.

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