Lib invites hatred of police in congress


This is ridiculous.-

Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School Senior David Pulphus won this year’s congressional art competition with a painting called “Untitled #1.” The first place winner is from Congressman Lacy Clay’s district (D-Mo.).

Congressional art competition entitled, “An Artistic Discovery,” features a nationwide art contest coordinated by members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The contest recognizes the talents of high school students across America. Over 200 Members of Congress and over 50,000 high schools students have taken part in the popular and competitive program.
I find it very refreshing that Trump's inaugural parade includes mostly military and law enforcement. We won't be exposed to half-naked LGBT scumbags and BLM thugs.
Ruh-roh. Looks like Novasteve and the other Trump-wimps got triggered by something again.

Such delicate snowflakes they are, always coming here to weep about how offended and oppressed they are.
I find it very refreshing that Trump's inaugural parade includes mostly military and law enforcement. We won't be exposed to half-naked LGBT scumbags and BLM thugs.
. Yep, and what is it with Hollywood performers I call them, where as they think that they got to be deplorables in everything they do now ?? The poor kids ain't got a chance in these times anymore it seems, because they are being exposed to pure trash in some of the most unlikely places anymore, where as they wouldn't have found such trash in these places in the past.

In the country music awards they had Beyonce on the stage sporting an outfit that made her appear as if she was naked, then on the New Year's Eve show last night, they had Jennifer Lopez sporting the same type of outfit.

We have a huge problem with teen pregnancies in this nation as it is, and here we have Hollywood destroying any efforts to try and curb these problems that are going on in this nation by influence there of ? Then the teens are talked into aborting the child as a means of birth control where as millions have been butchered in these slaughter houses. It's as if anything this nation does to try and save the children, Hollywood and the left use counter measures to stop us dead in our tracks these days.

This is also why Hollywood is so engaged in this election I believe, because it fears that Trump will listen to reason on alot of the issues that have been plaguing this nation, and that may involve them cleaning up their act a little. Hopefully Hollywood will be recognized for the damage it has done over time in this nation, and for the destruction it has caused in countless lives over the last 40+years now. It is I believe where the actual seat of Satan lay within this nation, and from that seat it has reeked havoc and chaos in countless people's lives as it went along hoping that it would force many into having to go along with everything it does and/or it projects from that realm. I don't think that all is lost though, but there are some changes that would help if they were recognized to be changes for good by most. I know that most parents don't want their children exposed to many corruptable things, but they feel powerless and without a voice these days in it all, and hopefully that will change for them. Hey no one wants to stop Hollywood from doing what they do, but rather to allow people to escape it if they choose to freely. That means no influence by the Hollywood culture projected and forced onto the school systems anymore, and worse backed by Government in an indoctrinating way without escape from. This has been the worst area of concern by millions of parents whom wish not that their children be exposed to such an environment that has been taken over, and is now totally out of control.

I want to commend Alisha Keyes for being a wonderful, decent, and impeccable character within her performance, and in her attire on stage. She is a super person, and a great role model for those she influences or has an influence upon in life. Congrats to her.
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Ruh-roh. Looks like Novasteve and the other Trump-wimps got triggered by something again.

Such delicate snowflakes they are, always coming here to weep about how offended and oppressed they are.
would you be fine with artwork at congress that demonizes blacks or gays or other groups you don't hate?

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