The essential utility of Trump's falsehoods.

When engaging in debate with a Trumpleton they will often repeat Trump's lie about how we had the greatest economy ever before COVID hit. We didn't. There were a couple of above trend quarters of GDP growth following the budget busting tax cut for the wealthy he got passed when the economy was on a sugar high. Beyond that the good economy he inherited from Obama just chugged along as it had been.

GDP has to be negative, not lower than preceding quarters, for there to be a technical recession.
Hahah when it’s lower then prior qtrs it’s negative! Hahab it’s going backwards!

Haha I guess like everything is else you dembots want to change the definitions of things to fit your false narrative

Very orwellian
Hahah when it’s lower then prior qtrs it’s negative!
You need to take a remedial math class. If GDP in the first qtr. of the year is +2%, and +1% in the second qtr, then GDP declined qtr. over qtr. but it is still positive.

It takes two qtr's of negative growth, that is GDP below zero, for there to be a technical recession.
You need to take a remedial math class. If GDP in the first qtr. of the year is +2%, and +1% in the second qtr, then GDP declined qtr. over qtr. but it is still positive.

It takes two qtr's of negative growth, that is GDP below zero, for there to be a technical recession.
If gdp is 2 percent then declines 1 percent the next qtr its negative 1 percent
If gdp is 2 percent then declines 1 percent the next qtr its negative 1 percent
What you meant to write is if it declines to 1%. If it declined 1% it would be a fractional decline. In any event, 2-1=1. 1 representing 1% POSITIVE growth though lower than the previous qtr.
What you meant to write is if it declines to 1%. If it declined 1% it would be a fractional decline. In any event, 2-1=1. 1 representing 1% POSITIVE growth though lower than the previous qtr.

It's a shit economy. Evidently everyone knows it except you Biden bootlickers
No it doesn't. You could have a decline of 75% from the preceding quarter and still have positive growth of GDP.

Two negative quarters in a row is two negative quarters.
If next quarter's GDP was 75% lower than this quarter's GDP, that would be a negative quarter, not "positive growth of GDP".
Lower GDP than preceding quarters is negative. Negative is lower.
Negative is less than zero, not lower. In mathematics, a negative number represents an opposite. In the real number system, a negative number is a number that is less than zero.
It's a shit economy. Evidently everyone knows it except you Biden bootlickers
You should be know that reading the contents of this link may cause you to curl up in a fetal position and suck your thumb since your unfamiliarity with the truth may result in severe cognitive dissonance.

Negative is less than zero, not lower. In mathematics, a negative number represents an opposite. In the real number system, a negative number is a number that is less than zero.

Negative is less than zero, not lower.

Lower GDP next quarter compared to this quarter is negative growth.

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