Lib Race baiter Sharpton Wants Kidd Rock Concert CNXed over his Trump Support & Kaepernick Views


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Al Sharpton’s civil rights group wants Kid Rock concerts canceled. You already know why.

"A civil rights group plans to protest musician — and potential Michigan Senate candidate — Kid Rock’s upcoming Detroit concerts, claiming that views held by the rocker on Colin Kaepernick, coupled with his support of President Donald Trump, are “the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

No, the 'straw that breaks the camel's back' is this Liberal Leftist Race-promoting, Race-Baiting, Racial-Profiteering Trump Hater attempting to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights and deny an American the opportunity to make a living based on his personal views.

The only thing separating him from the self-professed America-hating Anarchist Fascist Antifa is his lack of violence.

We have a thing in this country called the US Constitution that provides and protects Americans with certain freedoms, to include freedom of speech and the freedom to have their own opinions and views, and prevents them from being singled out and punished / abused for having those views.

Sharpton doesn't like Rock's opinion on Colin Kaepernick's 'protest'? He doesn't like the fact that Rock supports Trump? SO WHAT? Sharpton needs to go F* OFF! Isn't there a race riot based off of some lie / nothing he can start somewhere so he can continue to make a living promoting racism?
Is Al Sharpton still alive? It has been so great since Obumbler left office. We've not seen hide nor hair of the Good Reverend what a blessing. :banana::banana::beer::dance::dance::clap2::clap2:
Tough, I don't like his type of music, his views are a protected liberty however.
Kidd Rock's music is First-Degree Ear Slaughter.
When are people like this going to learn that this place isn't just their playground?

God bless you and Kid Rock always!!!


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