Liberal And Rino Panic: Donald Trump to Meet with Families of Victims of Illegal Immigrants

Trump is now going to press the issue to prove the point...........and the left isn't gonna like it...............
While he's a Wildcard he doesn't back down from a fight.............

Enjoy the data that is coming liberals.........
Right on cue, another illegal commits another sex crime.

Illegal immigrant charged with groping 2 girls at Michigan s Adventure

Articulating the popular rage, Donald Trump!

Jeb Bush is choking on his burritos.

Illegal crime has been ongoing for decades, thanks to Trump finally everyone is talking about it.
Every time someone wanted to talk about it before, libtards shut them up. It is building toward the scream heard round the world.

Exactly, if you dared to point out the dark side of illegals pouring across the border liberal scum branded you a racist. If talking about illegal on American crime, murder, rape, robbery, fraud, identify theft is racist well then I guess I'm racist.
This is a good video to see a more relaxed candidate Trump without the confrontational tone generally inherent in national punditry broadcast. Trump covers a lot of material within the questions, and you can see how he is able to communicate comfortably.

One of the aspects I took away from watching this was a stronger belief he really is in this race to win. This is not Trump promoting Trump; this is Trump conveying he really does want to do this specifically to make America Great Again.

Oh, and remember how he and Palin shared a slice in NYC? They seemed to be birds of a feather ... Surely, there's a place for her in his campaign. Then, when he wins, she could hold an office in his admin.

C'mon - get your fat butts in gear and make it happen.
I remember in 2008 when Hillary was your man! Oh wait! Lol
And unlike your kind, we will fight.
Liberal And Rino Panic

If jumping for joy is an indication of panic, then I'm very panicky!

Trump is a GIFT to Democrats. He can't win a general election. And he has the GOP by the balls. They can't endorse what he says, yet they can't criticize him too strongly, or they will piss him off and he'll run as an independent - and then the GOP doesn't have a fucking prayer.
And Hillary sits in fear all by herself.
And Hillary sits in fear all by herself.
She has nothing to fear. The Republicans are going to damage each other so much in the primaries it's going to be Mitt all over again.

Speaking of which, who did the most damage to Mitt? Not Obama, and not even Mitt - it was Newt.
YouTube and Vanity ^
TRUMP: "We have a situation that's ABSOLUTELY out of control- We have INCOMPETENT politicians, not ONLY the president-" CROWD: Cheers!!!! "I mean right here in your own state, you have John Mccain-" CROWD: BOOO!!!!!! "I just hate to see when people don't have common sense, don't have an understanding of what's going on, or perhaps don't want to know- maybe it's campaign contributions, maybe it's special interests, maybe it's lobbyists, but for some reason, some people don't get it, and I don't think they'll be in office much longer..." Trump goes into Arizona, his FIRST month running for president, draws...
Dream ticket:


though the opposite, at this moment, seems more electable.


Sadly, neither will get the nomination. Too old. Wrong color. Still, one articulate though neither seems to remember to clean up nice.....
I know it is funny to see her stay out of the public eye cause she is a failure, and you proving you are a dumbass for supporting her. Gruber described you well. Lol
If there are any other ways I can show what a dumbass you are, please let me know!


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