Liberal And Rino Panic: Donald Trump to Meet with Families of Victims of Illegal Immigrants


Striking a BELL that rings with decent can see the scum of America by their posts in this thread...right Muttley!
Yeah, I'm sure there's enough "victims' families" to put Trump in the White House. Dream on...
You were the one inferring that being a racist was a winning formula, fucktard bed-wetter.

No I did not infer that you sniveling bed wetter.

In fact I pointed out that there is a vast difference between being a racist, and being a servile puke who kisses the asses of mindless bed wetters like you who have no principles and whose political philosophy can be found on bumper stickers.

Donald Trump is "being a racist" either you ignorant pile of steaming bullshit. (Your avatar is facing the wrong way) Mexicans aren't a "race", and neither are the rest of the people being allowed by mexico to travel through their country and breach our borders. Pointing out the fact that we have thousands of violent criminals, perverts, and parasites full of disease penetrating our southern border isn't being "racist" or "xenophobic", it is being HONEST, and to simpleton "moderate" pukes like you, being honest is somehow reprehensible.

Fortunately most Americans aren't sniveling bed wetters suckling the tit of the nanny government like you, they appreciate someone who speaks plainly and honestly. That's why Trump is high in the polls, and you have sand in your mangina.

JUST 37%?

That's not a majority.

So to complain about a minority?


Once they make it 51% then it's OK to bitch.

Scalping Frenzy Erupts For Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Free Event

The thousands of free tickets went fast, and now there's a secondary market for those who want to see Trump appear with America's "Toughest Sheriff," Joe Arpaio

Here’s how much pent-up demand there is to see the twin bill of Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Arpaio speaking about illegal immigration this weekend: First the free event had to be moved to a bigger venue to accommodate the interest, but apparently that wasn’t enough. Now, there’s a scalping frenzy, with tickets going for $50 on Craigslist.

Trump’s speech with America’s self-proclaimed “toughest sheriff” initially was going to be held at the Arizona Biltmore resort in Phoenix. At the time, Trump’s campaign only expected about 1,000 people to attend the free event. Tickets, however, were gone within hours and organizers were forced to move the speech to a larger venue at the Phoenix Convention Center, where it again sold out almost immediately. As of Friday morning, organizers expected 5,000 people to attend the event, with hundreds more on a waiting list hoping to get in.

Scalping Frenzy Erupts For Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Free Event
Its disgusting how liberals are engaged in human sacrifice. They seem okay with sacrificing Americans on the alter of their illegals policy and agenda. A young American woman is murdered in front of her father by a 5 time deported illegal taking sanctuary in liberal sanctuary city, liberals don't give a shit. Americans are murdered, raped, tortured by illegals, liberals don't care.

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