Liberal Failure: Eastern Oregon wants out


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?
Why don't they just move to Idaho?
That’s what they want to do.... as a community. They feel - as a community- that their interests and vision would be best served by becoming part of a state that is more in line with their thinking.

Hey, in the early Bush Years, Liberal Vermont talked about seceding out of the US altogether and becoming part of Canada. I supported them to do so just like I support conservative regions to secede and become parts of other states.

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?

When Blue states or blue cities fail, the last thing they want is part of their tax base leaving. Remember, it’s all about the taxes. Someone needs to do the work.

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?

When Blue states or blue cities fail, the last thing they want is part of their tax base leaving. Remember, it’s all about the taxes. Someone needs to do the work.
Those blue areas ARE the tax base. They support the red areas, they always have

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?

When Blue states or blue cities fail, the last thing they want is part of their tax base leaving. Remember, it’s all about the taxes. Someone needs to do the work.
Those blue areas ARE the tax base. They support the red areas, they always have

Too bad the blue areas aren't rural enough to grow their own food.

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?

When Blue states or blue cities fail, the last thing they want is part of their tax base leaving. Remember, it’s all about the taxes. Someone needs to do the work.
Those blue areas ARE the tax base. They support the red areas, they always have

You mean like blue Detroit and red Bloomington Hills? Who is supporting West Baltimore, North Philadelphia, and South Chicago?

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.

No, they will fight bitterly against that.

They will do so, for the same reason they shut down the opt-out of Social Security in the 1980s.

The same reason they started shooting people who tried to leave East Berlin.

The same reason Castro in Cuba, jails people as political prisoners if they attempt to leave the island.

The same reason that Jim Jones, in Jones town shot and killed everyone who attempted to leave the town, and then committed mass suicide.

Everyone who believes in a Utopia ideology, must killed and prevent anyone from leaving.

The entire power of a false system, is perception of it's perfection.
The moment you allow people to leave, the exodus will prove the system does not work. All of the lies and myths, that socialism and ideology will create this wonderful world, will be shattered by the act of people trying to get away from it.

Once you allow that to happen, the end is set in stone, and will come.

People flooded across the Berlin wall in 1989, and by 1991 the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

Nearly all things left-wing fall in similar fashion. Once you allow people out, the illusion that the system is good, is shattered.

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
We need more of this, in the hope that it will result in the demise of the criminal regime on the Potomac.

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?

When Blue states or blue cities fail, the last thing they want is part of their tax base leaving. Remember, it’s all about the taxes. Someone needs to do the work.
Those blue areas ARE the tax base. They support the red areas, they always have

You mean like blue Detroit and red Bloomington Hills? Who is supporting West Baltimore, North Philadelphia, and South Chicago?

Eastern Oregon couldn’t exist without the western part of the state paying the bills.

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?

When Blue states or blue cities fail, the last thing they want is part of their tax base leaving. Remember, it’s all about the taxes. Someone needs to do the work.
Those blue areas ARE the tax base. They support the red areas, they always have

Too bad the blue areas aren't rural enough to grow their own food.

Food is an international commodity

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?

When Blue states or blue cities fail, the last thing they want is part of their tax base leaving. Remember, it’s all about the taxes. Someone needs to do the work.
Those blue areas ARE the tax base. They support the red areas, they always have

You mean like blue Detroit and red Bloomington Hills? Who is supporting West Baltimore, North Philadelphia, and South Chicago?

Eastern Oregon couldn’t exist without the western part of the state paying the bills.
Bet you are wrong snark dick.

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Electoral votes, and tax base...

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?

When Blue states or blue cities fail, the last thing they want is part of their tax base leaving. Remember, it’s all about the taxes. Someone needs to do the work.
Those blue areas ARE the tax base. They support the red areas, they always have

You mean like blue Detroit and red Bloomington Hills? Who is supporting West Baltimore, North Philadelphia, and South Chicago?

Eastern Oregon couldn’t exist without the western part of the state paying the bills.
If Don gets re-elected, western Oregon might secede. Maybe coastal California and Washington too. Along with Chicago and much of the ne coast including NYC.

If this were to happen, Don’s re-election would be a Godsend.

Eastern Oregon residents are tired of liberal extremism and its failures that have taken over. These people want to become part of Idaho. A similar movement is underway on a smaller scale in Virginia to become part of West Virginia.

My question is, why would liberals care if parts of the state secede? Would they fight it? Most likely, Liberals would only care about lost the Electoral votes.
Who wants to live in a blue state?

When Blue states or blue cities fail, the last thing they want is part of their tax base leaving. Remember, it’s all about the taxes. Someone needs to do the work.
Those blue areas ARE the tax base. They support the red areas, they always have

You mean like blue Detroit and red Bloomington Hills? Who is supporting West Baltimore, North Philadelphia, and South Chicago?

Eastern Oregon couldn’t exist without the western part of the state paying the bills.

They are willing to trade Western Oregon (Portland) in exchange for becoming part of Idaho. It’s the will of the people that live in Eastern Oregon. Geographically, it makes sense. Why fight it? Unless of course all you care about is the fact that Liberal policies are being rejected, people want out, and would have an impact on Oregon’s electoral votes?

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