liberal gun owner with a ?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
yep i am that unicorn...a liberal gun owner....i have a question for the anti gunners....

do you really want to deny me the right to my own self defense.....??

for ever horror story you pull up about kid killing someone with a gun...i can pull up these

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

i live in the country....i cant depend on the police to get here in under 10 to 15 is down from 20 minutes years ago...but there is still 10 to 15 minutes where i am on my own..i am on my own well armed...i know what its like to be afraid for my life and my toddler son's life....and i know the calming effect of having a loaded shotgun....

now, please enlighten me as to why i should give up my right to self defense?
yep i am that unicorn...a liberal gun owner....i have a question for the anti gunners....

do you really want to deny me the right to my own self defense.....??

for ever horror story you pull up about kid killing someone with a gun...i can pull up these

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

i live in the country....i cant depend on the police to get here in under 10 to 15 is down from 20 minutes years ago...but there is still 10 to 15 minutes where i am on my own..i am on my own well armed...i know what its like to be afraid for my life and my toddler son's life....and i know the calming effect of having a loaded shotgun....

now, please enlighten me as to why i should give up my right to self defense?

Of course not

But I don't think you need an assault rifle with a 50 round magazine for self defense
I don't think felons, wife beaters and crazys need unrestricted access to guns
I don't think you need to build an arsenal in preparation for the day you take up arms against your country
yep i am that unicorn...a liberal gun owner....i have a question for the anti gunners....

do you really want to deny me the right to my own self defense.....??

for ever horror story you pull up about kid killing someone with a gun...i can pull up these

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

i live in the country....i cant depend on the police to get here in under 10 to 15 is down from 20 minutes years ago...but there is still 10 to 15 minutes where i am on my own..i am on my own well armed...i know what its like to be afraid for my life and my toddler son's life....and i know the calming effect of having a loaded shotgun....

now, please enlighten me as to why i should give up my right to self defense?

YOU shouldn't.

Ass-U-Me-ing you can pass a rigorous background check and you're willing to defend yourself with something other than an assault style gun with a 30 round magazine.

You and your shotgun certainly have the blessing of this liberal.

Aim well, Sister.
yep i am that unicorn...a liberal gun owner....i have a question for the anti gunners....

do you really want to deny me the right to my own self defense.....??

for ever horror story you pull up about kid killing someone with a gun...i can pull up these

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

i live in the country....i cant depend on the police to get here in under 10 to 15 is down from 20 minutes years ago...but there is still 10 to 15 minutes where i am on my own..i am on my own well armed...i know what its like to be afraid for my life and my toddler son's life....and i know the calming effect of having a loaded shotgun....

now, please enlighten me as to why i should give up my right to self defense?

Of course not

But I don't think you need an assault rifle with a 50 round magazine for self defense
I don't think felons, wife beaters and crazys need unrestricted access to guns
I don't think you need to build an arsenal in preparation for the day you take up arms against your country

An assault rifle is just a semi automatic rifle.

A .22 with a 30 round capacity can fire just as fast and is just as deadly as an AR 15

It's none of your business how many guns someone owns as long as they obey the law?
o that i surely do....

for some reason the anti gun people are more hostile to me...than the gun people...

i do not know how to relate to someone who has never handled a gun and therefore thinks they are totally unneeded.....they old "why cant you call 911"? well i can but i got a gap to fill in before they get here..and i am gonna bet on myself and my survival and when my son lived at home and was an innocent....i would do whatever needed to protect my child..simple as that...or when they realize....well yes i can kill a man....and would do so in a heartbeat if threaten in my own home..

now gun people.....they are suspect....esp when i am introduced as a 'liberal' they will ask....'a liberal republican'? and i will reply..."no a real liberal" they back away....until we begin to fire..then they all come back and start chatting....even at 60....i can hit the target....

one time i nailed a rat that was coming to my bird it right between the husband's comment...."you were only 6 ft away" my reply....'how far do you think i will be aways from you when i blow you away"?

i love to see a man hesitate and
yep i am that unicorn...a liberal gun owner....i have a question for the anti gunners....

do you really want to deny me the right to my own self defense.....??

for ever horror story you pull up about kid killing someone with a gun...i can pull up these

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

i live in the country....i cant depend on the police to get here in under 10 to 15 is down from 20 minutes years ago...but there is still 10 to 15 minutes where i am on my own..i am on my own well armed...i know what its like to be afraid for my life and my toddler son's life....and i know the calming effect of having a loaded shotgun....

now, please enlighten me as to why i should give up my right to self defense?

YOU shouldn't.

Ass-U-Me-ing you can pass a rigorous background check and you're willing to defend yourself with something other than an assault style gun with a 30 round magazine.

You and your shotgun certainly have the blessing of this liberal.

Aim well, Sister.

The second someone can gaurantee the bad guy coming into my property is not armed with a 30 round magazine and a semi-automatic weapon, then you can talk about limiting my access to said firearms.

You would still need a consitutional amendment though.
wife beaters...seems the restrictions are growing..

i have no reason to tell anyone how many or what types of rifles, shotguns, etc that i have....

no reason....what may appear to be an arsenal to you is just another man's interpretation of home...

i was in my early 20's when i realized not every home has a handy gun without reach at all times....that was just the way my grandfathers and father well as every uncle and aunt i had....i grew up in a gun bones about it...hell even the crazy ones....i have never shot and killed anything i didnt mean to...when push was coming to shove....i remembered ever word my father had ever said to me....about gun control.....the one thing that came over and over....decide when you are willing to kill a man...and then do it...dont hesitate...once you have decided...that came right alfter...all guns are loaded....keep your safety on ....and i was calm and knew exactly when i would open fire....the door opened...i id my target then i would have opened fire...till that gun was empty....two shots of dlbe 0 in at close range...i wouldnt need the 2nd gun i to the shotgun...but hell that was another thing i got the extra ammo use it...cause once you begin you dont stop till you are out of ammo...

i just dont get this fear of people having ammo...etc....gun people like to fire different weapons....i may not want to own a 50 caliber....but damn i want to fire it...
wife beaters...seems the restrictions are growing..

i have no reason to tell anyone how many or what types of rifles, shotguns, etc that i have....

no reason....what may appear to be an arsenal to you is just another man's interpretation of home...

i was in my early 20's when i realized not every home has a handy gun without reach at all times....that was just the way my grandfathers and father well as every uncle and aunt i had....i grew up in a gun bones about it...hell even the crazy ones....i have never shot and killed anything i didnt mean to...when push was coming to shove....i remembered ever word my father had ever said to me....about gun control.....the one thing that came over and over....decide when you are willing to kill a man...and then do it...dont hesitate...once you have decided...that came right alfter...all guns are loaded....keep your safety on ....and i was calm and knew exactly when i would open fire....the door opened...i id my target then i would have opened fire...till that gun was empty....two shots of dlbe 0 in at close range...i wouldnt need the 2nd gun i to the shotgun...but hell that was another thing i got the extra ammo use it...cause once you begin you dont stop till you are out of ammo...

i just dont get this fear of people having ammo...etc....gun people like to fire different weapons....i may not want to own a 50 caliber....but damn i want to fire it...

I would especially single out those who engage in domestic violence having access to guns restricted. Murders are typically someone you know with domestic violence being a large percentage

I really don't care if a wife beater can't have a gun
wife beaters...seems the restrictions are growing..

i have no reason to tell anyone how many or what types of rifles, shotguns, etc that i have....

no reason....what may appear to be an arsenal to you is just another man's interpretation of home...

i was in my early 20's when i realized not every home has a handy gun without reach at all times....that was just the way my grandfathers and father well as every uncle and aunt i had....i grew up in a gun bones about it...hell even the crazy ones....i have never shot and killed anything i didnt mean to...when push was coming to shove....i remembered ever word my father had ever said to me....about gun control.....the one thing that came over and over....decide when you are willing to kill a man...and then do it...dont hesitate...once you have decided...that came right alfter...all guns are loaded....keep your safety on ....and i was calm and knew exactly when i would open fire....the door opened...i id my target then i would have opened fire...till that gun was empty....two shots of dlbe 0 in at close range...i wouldnt need the 2nd gun i to the shotgun...but hell that was another thing i got the extra ammo use it...cause once you begin you dont stop till you are out of ammo...

i just dont get this fear of people having ammo...etc....gun people like to fire different weapons....i may not want to own a 50 caliber....but damn i want to fire it...

I would especially single out those who engage in domestic violence having access to guns restricted. Murders are typically someone you know with domestic violence being a large percentage

I really don't care if a wife beater can't have a gun

then make domestic violence a felony. Once its a felony you can have a person lose thier right to arms via the convcition. Letting misdemeanors alow the removal of your 2nd amendment rights opens up the idea that ANY violation can result in it.

I can see places like NYC and Washington banning firearm ownership for parking tickets within a decade.
Of course not

But I don't think you need an assault rifle with a 50 round magazine for self defense
Then you think wrong, because an assault rifle with a large capacity clip is the BEST thing you can have for self defense.

I don't think felons, wife beaters and crazys need unrestricted access to guns
They can't, this statement is stupid and moot.

I don't think you need to build an arsenal in preparation for the day you take up arms against your country
That is EXACTLY what the SECOND AMENDMENT is ALL ABOUT. If you're good with the idea that the government should be able to completely rule with an iron tyrannical fist over all people, fine, I'm not, so don't tell me how many guns or how much ammo I can have. I believe in FREEDOM, not TYRANNY, and an armed citizenry ensures freedom.
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yep i am that unicorn...a liberal gun owner....i have a question for the anti gunners....

do you really want to deny me the right to my own self defense.....??

for ever horror story you pull up about kid killing someone with a gun...i can pull up these

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

i live in the country....i cant depend on the police to get here in under 10 to 15 is down from 20 minutes years ago...but there is still 10 to 15 minutes where i am on my own..i am on my own well armed...i know what its like to be afraid for my life and my toddler son's life....and i know the calming effect of having a loaded shotgun....

now, please enlighten me as to why i should give up my right to self defense?
Welcome to thinking like a conservative patriot.
YOU shouldn't.

Ass-U-Me-ing you can pass a rigorous background check and you're willing to defend yourself with something other than an assault style gun with a 30 round magazine.

You and your shotgun certainly have the blessing of this liberal.

Aim well, Sister.

Why is a shotgun acceptable and a .22 rifle isn't?
yep i am that unicorn...a liberal gun owner....i have a question for the anti gunners....

do you really want to deny me the right to my own self defense.....??

for ever horror story you pull up about kid killing someone with a gun...i can pull up these

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

i live in the country....i cant depend on the police to get here in under 10 to 15 is down from 20 minutes years ago...but there is still 10 to 15 minutes where i am on my own..i am on my own well armed...i know what its like to be afraid for my life and my toddler son's life....and i know the calming effect of having a loaded shotgun....

now, please enlighten me as to why i should give up my right to self defense?

Of course not

But I don't think you need an assault rifle with a 50 round magazine for self defense
I don't think felons, wife beaters and crazys need unrestricted access to guns
I don't think you need to build an arsenal in preparation for the day you take up arms against your country

Of course you don't. That's because you're a coward and a boot licker.

You build an arsenal to protect yourself from masses of thugs going house to house forcing people out at gun point, raping women, stealing shit etc like they did in Katrina and that stupid dog and pony show in Boston. A bunch of fat ass cops playing Rambo.

And by the way smart guy, you can't get a 50 round mag for an AR. It's impractical. 100 round drums yes, still for sale despite your best efforts.
yep i am that unicorn...a liberal gun owner....i have a question for the anti gunners....

do you really want to deny me the right to my own self defense.....??

for ever horror story you pull up about kid killing someone with a gun...i can pull up these

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

i live in the country....i cant depend on the police to get here in under 10 to 15 is down from 20 minutes years ago...but there is still 10 to 15 minutes where i am on my own..i am on my own well armed...i know what its like to be afraid for my life and my toddler son's life....and i know the calming effect of having a loaded shotgun....

now, please enlighten me as to why i should give up my right to self defense?

YOU shouldn't.

Ass-U-Me-ing you can pass a rigorous background check and you're willing to defend yourself with something other than an assault style gun with a 30 round magazine.

You and your shotgun certainly have the blessing of this liberal.

Aim well, Sister.

The second someone can gaurantee the bad guy coming into my property is not armed with a 30 round magazine and a semi-automatic weapon, then you can talk about limiting my access to said firearms.

You would still need a consitutional amendment though.

There's nothing in the constitution that says you and / or the bad guys can't own tanks and F-16's and yet you can't.

All it takes is a willingness on the part of lawmakers to be reasonable.
YOU shouldn't.

Ass-U-Me-ing you can pass a rigorous background check and you're willing to defend yourself with something other than an assault style gun with a 30 round magazine.

You and your shotgun certainly have the blessing of this liberal.

Aim well, Sister.

The second someone can gaurantee the bad guy coming into my property is not armed with a 30 round magazine and a semi-automatic weapon, then you can talk about limiting my access to said firearms.

You would still need a consitutional amendment though.

There's nothing in the constitution that says you and / or the bad guys can't own tanks and F-16's and yet you can't.

All it takes is a willingness on the part of lawmakers to be reasonable.

People own sherman tanks, they are just ridiculously expensive, same with WWII fighters, how hard would it be to machine some guns into one?

Also tanks and F-16's are not "arms" they fall under artillery if you look at it from a 1780's point of view. Arms are small arms, of which semi-automatic rifles are the current modern standard.
But I don't think you need an assault rifle with a 50 round magazine for self defense

I don't need a zillion round magazine. I just want one.

I don't think you need midget porn. We should ban it. Somebody somewhere stroked off to midget porn before raping some kids.

Appeal to emotion! Appeal to emotion!

Gosh! It's a good thing for you the Bill of Rights doesn't say anything about having to prove a NEED before you can exercise an unalienable RIGHT, huh? Or else I could ban anything I don't think you NEED.

What special kind of idiot wants to leave it to the GOVERNMENT to decide what you NEED?!?

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
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But I don't think you need an assault rifle with a 50 round magazine for self defense

I don't need a zillion round magazine. I just want one.

I don't think you need midget porn. We should ban it. Somebody somewhere stroked off to midget porn before raping some kids.

Appeal to emotion! Appeal to emotion!

Gosh! It's a good thing for you the Bill of Rights doesn't say anything about having to prove a NEED before you can exercise an unalienable RIGHT, huh? Or else I could ban anything I don't think you NEED.

What special kind of idiot wants to leave it to the GOVERNMENT to decide what you NEED?!?

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Another good example is I currently do not NEED my right to be convicted of a crime ONLY after a trial in front of a judge with a verdict provided by a jury of my peers, because I am currently not accused of a crime. However I refuse to give up my RIGHT to have these things in case the state decides to accuse me of something.

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