Liberal Hero Colin Kaepernick Wears Fidel Castro T-Shirt

Are you claiming that you and this asshole Kaepernick know more about Castro than Cuban Americans and their ancestors who recall facing torture, firing squads, dungeons, etc. under this brutal regime for six decades?

Why can't you just admit that it was wrong, unpatriotic, and insulting for him to wear that shirt and say those things?

You're trying to change the subject from what he said and what you think it meant into Us vs Cubans and your little bullshit wont work
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of Cuban Americans who know more about Castro than you and Kaepernick and were extremely offended by what he did and said.
This isnt about me vs them. You lost now you want to do your favorite white boy past time, Try to make it about minority against minority.
Well, you and Kaepernick are the ones telling Cuban Americans they shouldn't be offended and "Castro wasn't really that bad after all."

More posts about shit no one said.
He did say Castro built schools while US builds prisons (to oppress blacks), did he not? I agree it's shit coming out of a mouth of an athlete with the mentality of someone in middle school. But then again, aren't most liberals delusional like that?
Look at the dipweeds in this thread defending him.
He hates America just as much.
Is that another one of your fabricated quotes from Kaepernick .... or from us "dipweeds"?
Not fabricated. He said he refuses to stand up for the national anthem because it's a country that persecutes black people.
:blahblah: Take your barrage of Bull Shit some place else. Maybe you should hang out at the high school parking lot during recess. I'll bet you'd have a much better chance of fooling kids your own age.

I think athletes of all sports shouldn't get involved in making public political statements.
You shouldn't make any statements ...... of any kind.
Is that all you got? In other words, nothing.

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