Liberal Hollywood is really not doing that well at being inclusive


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I watch a lot of movies, and I think it's quite remarkable that the characters in these movies are far more often white than the real life population of America.

Hispanics and Asians might as well not even exist. A Hispanic might be cast as a maid or gardener, but otherwise, no. Asians might get a role as the "non-sexual" friend, in fact casting an Asian in a role guarantees that he will not be a love interest to the white character. It's really racist how this happens, because real Asians do have sex.

Blacks are the minority that get the best treatment because they are more organized. But most will be cast in supporting roles, not as main characters. There are a few exceptions, but not many.

The homosexuals have made inroads so that every movie must have at least one or two token homosexuals, usually cast as the "gay best friend" for the female lead. This person will never have real character development, just a simple side story that has no impact on the main plot.

Now the transgenders are also getting token characters, but like other non-white, non-straights, they almost never have a leading role.

I think the situation is quite hilarious, proving that Hollywood greed overwhelms Hollywood liberalism every time.

The thinking of Hollywood studio execs is that movies about non-whites, non-straights are niche audience movies, not a movie for everyone, and therefore, less profitable.
Sometimes they will have one character cover more than one token group, like in one movie they had a gay, deaf man with a gay, black husband. This way you pack all your tokens in fewer characters, meaning you can have more white, straight characters. In this movie, as is typical, the token characters were not really relevant to the main plot.
A movie I just saw called The Words had three writer characters, all white males, three heterosexual couples, a grand total of one black female character, and no homosexuals or transgenders. It was a great movie, but it totally failed the diversity test.
A movie I saw called Great Expectations didn't have a single non-white, non-straight character. Maybe a few extras were non-white, but I don't recall.
A movie I just saw called The Words had three writer characters, all white males, three heterosexual couples, a grand total of one black female character, and no homosexuals or transgenders. It was a great movie, but it totally failed the diversity test.

Never heard of it .

Who said Hollywood movies are diverse ?
The reason I'm saying all this is because real life isn't so white as Hollywood. When my son did a play in his school all sorts of non-whites got into the play. To have only whites they would have had to exclude half the students.
A movie I just saw called The Words had three writer characters, all white males, three heterosexual couples, a grand total of one black female character, and no homosexuals or transgenders. It was a great movie, but it totally failed the diversity test.

Never heard of it .

Who said Hollywood movies are diverse ?
The reason I mention is it because Hollywood makes big airs about supporting liberal causes, and yet, non-whites are still second class citizens.
A movie I saw called As I Was Sleeping featured a white heterosexual couple, and an all white cast that didn't even have token maids or gardeners.
Will Smith will be a main character, but there aren't really that many black actors like Will Smith who plays a main character.
A movie I just saw called The Words had three writer characters, all white males, three heterosexual couples, a grand total of one black female character, and no homosexuals or transgenders. It was a great movie, but it totally failed the diversity test.

Never heard of it .

Who said Hollywood movies are diverse ?
The reason I mention is it because Hollywood makes big airs about supporting liberal causes, and yet, non-whites are still second class citizens.

You speak of Hollywood as if it’s a single entity. Sure you have individuals who support lib causes , but big Hollywood biz is just like any other industry .

And There are constant complaints of lack of diversity in roles .
Liberals should be embarrassed by Hollywood's continued failure to include non-whites in movies and TV shows. But apparently, they're not embarrassed, which is strange.
If a show has black characters, it is likely to be ALL black, with maybe one white character as a reverse token.

A Hispanic show will be in the Spanish language, and usually it's an action/adventure about drug smugglers or a soap opera.

As far as I can tell, Asian movies are almost always about the distant past and feature battles between samaurai or ninjas.
If a show has black characters, it is likely to be ALL black, with maybe one white character as a reverse token.

A Hispanic show will be in the Spanish language, and usually it's an action/adventure about drug smugglers or a soap opera.

As far as I can tell, Asian movies are almost always about the distant past and feature battles between samaurai or ninjas or they are goofy love stories featuring teenagers.

I'm just talking about what's available on Netflix or Amazon. I'm sure there are movies and TV shows in the home countries that don't meet these criteria.
So Hollywood is extremely segregated in the way real America hasn't been for a very long time.

It's a white movie, or a black movie, or a Hispanic movie, or an Asian movie, or a LGBT movie.

Almost never do you see a movie that has a bunch of mixed race, mixed orientation characters.
Inbreeding and a lack of imagination and risk taking in movie production has made Hollywood into an after thought...Most folks look elsewhere for their entertainment...
I saw a movie called Permission, which featured one white heterosexual couple and one white homosexual couple. Every character in the movie was white. There wasn't even a side character who was non-white. Why is Hollywood so racist?
Inbreeding and a lack of imagination and risk taking in movie production has made Hollywood into an after thought...Most folks look elsewhere for their entertainment...
I disagree. With Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO, Showtime, etc. I think more people than ever are watching TV shows and movies.
Hollywood simply will not have a love story featuring non-white characters. So far, the only one I've seen is Coming to America, which is an Eddie Murphy movie about an African prince who comes to America to find an American bride. The only reason this movie had black actors is because a black actor came up with the story himself.
I'm abiout to watch Fifty Shades of Grey, which is about a white heterosexual couple.
Liberals are avoiding this thread because they can't defend their fellow liberals in Hollywood who are racists.

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