Liberal Hollywood is really not doing that well at being inclusive

Not only are characters almost always white, they are almost always upper-middle class or wealthy whites, living in New York City or Los Angeles. If a movie is set in any other city, the writers never refer to local geography like street names or park because they are totally clueless about the geography of any city other than New York City or Los Angeles. Also, characters are almost never Christian or Catholic, sometimes Jewish, but usually the characters have no religion at all -- it's like a blank spot.
So your typical character in a movie is white, heterosexual, secular humanist, upper-middle class or wealthy, New Yorker or Angeleno, and characters who do not fill this very narrow niche are almost always in secondary roles.
What is this fuking "liberal hollywood" thing.

It's a business. Movies are a business.

What they do, they do for profit.

Movies in California is one of the biggest money making industries in the world. And it is involved in other business.

In fact, a lot of the technology that is developed for movies is altered and used in industry. Programs like Inventor Pro uses the same kernel developed by AutoDesk and used in programs like 3d Max and other programs used for movie special effects. Physics is Physics. The same program used to make storms in disaster movies is used to study airflow in modern heatsinks.

So weird the way Republicans don't understand business. They assume it's charity or they have the right to screw over workers. I don't know. I can't easily understand the complex conspiracies their little minds create from zero actual facts.

What they believe is tailored to what they imagine fits the situation in their tiny minds.
Inbreeding and a lack of imagination and risk taking in movie production has made Hollywood into an after thought...Most folks look elsewhere for their entertainment...
I disagree. With Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO, Showtime, etc. I think more people than ever are watching TV shows and movies.
Very true...but look at the popularity of shows on TV and the internet featuring average folks...not Hollywood actors and traditional Hollywood productions...
Any character who does not fall in the narrow niche of "normal" Hollywood characters will be a token, and often a stereotype.
What is this fuking "liberal hollywood" thing.

It's a business. Movies are a business.

What they do, they do for profit.

Movies in California is one of the biggest money making industries in the world. And it is involved in other business.

In fact, a lot of the technology that is developed for movies is altered and used in industry. Programs like Inventor Pro uses the same kernel developed by AutoDesk and used in programs like 3d Max and other programs used for movie special effects. Physics is Physics. The same program used to make storms in disaster movies is used to study airflow in modern heatsinks.

So weird the way Republicans don't understand business. They assume it's charity or they have the right to screw over workers. I don't know. I can't easily understand the complex conspiracies their little minds create from zero actual facts.

What they believe is tailored to what they imagine fits the situation in their tiny minds.
This is not at all a good defense of the fact that racism is prevalent in Hollywood.
So far, liberals have failed to explain why their fellow liberals working in Hollywood are so backwards in their thinking that they won't allow non-whites and non-straights to have leading roles in major Hollywood movies.
If a movie has a leading homosexual character, then the movie is ABOUT homosexuality and nothing else. You never see a homosexual action hero who just happens to be homosexual.
If a movie features a leading black character, then the movie has to be about some stereotypical thing that blacks do like entertainment, sports, law enforcement, or crime. There are a few exceptions, like Will Smith, but the exception proves the rule.
The silence is deafening. Liberals have been called to explain why their fellow liberals who control Hollywood are as racist as the old pre-Civil Rights South. So far, I hear nothing.
So really, the South today is LESS racist than Hollywood. How about them apples.
Hollywood is as racist as a slave action in antebellum Charleston, South Carolina.

Hollywood is as racist as a KKK rally in the 1930's burning a giant cross on someone's lawn to terrorize them.

Hollywood is as racist as ... well you get the idea.

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