Liberal Medis Gets Destroyed For Ignoring Dmagaing Effects of Democrat Forced Quarantining / Shutdowns


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“I think lockdown saved no lives. I think it may have cost lives. There is no doubt that you can stop an epidemic with lockdown, but it’s a very blunt and very medieval weapon and the epidemic could have been stopped just as effectively with other sensible measures (such as masks and other forms of social distancing)”

-- Stanford University biophysicist Michael Levitt, a British American Israeli who won the 2013 Nobel Prize in chemistry

Levitt attributed the additional lives lost to other dangers from the fallout of the lockdowns, such as domestic abuse and fewer people seeking health care for ailments other than the virus.

“No one is talking anymore about the fact that preventing one COVID death doesn’t mean that you’re not causing a whole lot of other deaths through those prevention measures … doctors who specialize in cancer have said that patients have avoided treatment, while other people are avoiding care because of a fear of coronavirus.”

“What you hear on television when you’re isolated at home is what you respond to and people believe they’re going to die if they go to the hospital so they die alone at home.”

Logan questioned why there has been little media coverage of the financial “devastation” that the lockdowns have caused for hospitals.

“I find it extraordinary that people keep talking about a second wave and the danger of what happens in the fall but yet no one is talking about the fact that you’re decimating your health care system.”

“Hospitals are laying off nurses, they’re laying off doctors, they’re not contributing to 401k’s and, at the same time, you have all of these illnesses that people have that are not being treated, that are just backing up and so there is a fallacy here that seems to define the press coverage, which is that if you don’t prevent every single COVID death, somehow you are a mass murderer and irresponsible human being and that’s just not true.”

MEANWHILE Lib Gov of New Mexico is caught opening back up her favorite jewelry store because she is in need of some more 'bling' and Michigan self-appointed Dictator Whitmer rules with an iron fist...she just can't keep her husband at home, obeying her lock-down mandates.


Ya, you probably are an anti-vaxxer too. God people in this country are the stupidest, most easily led automatons on this Earth.

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