Liberal Tax Cuts For Rich Complaints.Who Do They Think Keeps Restaurant Workers Employed? Right?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue: They have never brought this up when the left argues with the right on this issue. The left bitches and bitches about tax cuts for the rich, while the right bitches back to the left how the rich will spend and invest it. But keep in mind, eating at those nicer three and four star restaurants aint cheap! Who does the left think eats at places like "The Four Seasons" and "___Any Name Steak House" ?
It's the evil 1 to 20 Per-Cent that keep most restaurants in the black.
Now can you imagine the USA,,a place where hardly anyone went out to eat because it was too expensive? But liberals wouldnt care, so long as their summer/winter homes and seven cars are fully paid for.
and not just restaurants,,,you could make quite a list of businesses that rely on the rich,,,,like Cars and homes? its not the suffering middle class/poor that go out and buy corevetts and 250K homes.
Liberal Tax Cuts For Rich Complaints.Who Do They Think Keeps Restaurant Workers Employed? Right?

Who keeps them employed?

The customer..
:argue: They have never brought this up when the left argues with the right on this issue. The left bitches and bitches about tax cuts for the rich, while the right bitches back to the left how the rich will spend and invest it. But keep in mind, eating at those nicer three and four star restaurants aint cheap! Who does the left think eats at places like "The Four Seasons" and "___Any Name Steak House" ?
It's the evil 1 to 20 Per-Cent that keep most restaurants in the black.
Now can you imagine the USA,,a place where hardly anyone went out to eat because it was too expensive? But liberals wouldnt care, so long as their summer/winter homes and seven cars are fully paid for.

So you are one of the morons who think handing rich people money makes them hire people.

No wonder you voted Trump.
i wonder who shoppes at those high retail jewlery/watch shops on fifth/sax avenues?
It's true, everybody is rich according to the left except when Hillary takes a quarter of a million a pop for 15 minute speeches to Wall Street Banks. The hypocrite left doesn't give a damn about the Country or the people especially in this political cycle. The leaderless incoherent angry democrat party consists of obstructionist thugs who encourage violence. If they didn't have the liberal media in their back pocket hypocrite democrats would have been laughed out of town years ago and they are getting close to it right now.
:argue: They have never brought this up when the left argues with the right on this issue. The left bitches and bitches about tax cuts for the rich, while the right bitches back to the left how the rich will spend and invest it. But keep in mind, eating at those nicer three and four star restaurants aint cheap! Who does the left think eats at places like "The Four Seasons" and "___Any Name Steak House" ?
It's the evil 1 to 20 Per-Cent that keep most restaurants in the black.
Now can you imagine the USA,,a place where hardly anyone went out to eat because it was too expensive? But liberals wouldnt care, so long as their summer/winter homes and seven cars are fully paid for.

So you are one of the morons who think handing rich people money makes them hire people.

No wonder you voted Trump.
It's true, everybody is rich according to the left except when Hillary takes a quarter of a million a pop for 15 minute speeches to Wall Street Banks. The hypocrite left doesn't give a damn about the Country or the people especially in this political cycle. The leaderless incoherent angry democrat party consists of obstructionist thugs who encourage violence. If they didn't have the liberal media in their back pocket hypocrite democrats would have been laughed out of town years ago and they are getting close to it right now.
and when times are bad in deep blue states,,,the left demands those struggling restaurants raise their wages to 15.00 hr!! yah,,then they will have lines coming into thier establishments/ wallets full of cash !!!!
i really felt bad for those call girls who got 30-100hr during the economic boom of the Bush Years,,then Bamby F------ked it up in 2009,,,then the call girl rate went down to 8.50 hr.
i really felt bad for those call girls who got 30-100hr during the economic boom of the Bush Years,,then Bamby F------ked it up in 2009,,,then the call girl rate went down to 8.50 hr.
During Reagan they went from a sawbuck to a a C note...

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