Liberalism: Why They Believe...


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. While one yearns to label Leftists as brainless, and worse, it would be unwise to deny that there are many intelligent such folks. In fact, their intelligence is what nudged them toward Liberalism. Very few can live a life without meaning. For most, religion provides that meaning. But the fulcrum of history, the Enlightenment, and, subsequently, the French Revolution, weakened the influence of religion in Europe.

2. The collapse of Christianity in Europe opened the door for Leftism, fascism, Nazism, and, ultimately, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, and the permutations of egalitarianism. Instructive, that so many versions were needed to fill the hole left by the decline of Christianity.

3. The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

4. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.

5. Need an example of this utopianism, and the Left’s willingness to destroy what is provably good, in the hope of finding this imaginary utopia? Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism “is an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the many…. "So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore. "Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.” Michael Moore: We're Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It | RealClearPolitics

a. Now, analyze what is behind this thinking: for Moore and Left-wing true believers, those who lived before them are morally and intellectually defective.

b. And for the John Lennon-idolaters, a world without religion or the United States is a world governed by the amoral United Nations, where mass murderers sit on ‘human rights’ councils. No possessions means no private property, and the state possesses everything…the individual is a serf, a vassal.

6. Because the Left relies on feelings and intentions, wisdom and the existing moral value system don’t count for much. The comparison with conservatives would be the reliance on data and experience, and tradition. Recall the Left-wing baby boomer war-cry: “Never trust anyone over thirty!” Consider the meaning: There is nothing to be learned from anyone older than thirty…hence, the ‘…old dead white men…” theme.

a. Note how this morphs into the adulation of youth. Therein lies the choice: youth, or wisdom. And the result is what our universities have become, no longer the repository of knowledge, instead, support for Marxist ideas, nuclear disarmament, beliefs that America was no different from the Soviet Union, sympathetic views toward Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, and support for a whole host of Left-wing memes.

b. This is why the Left believes that the Founders, the Constitution, the Bible, have nothing to teach people today.

c. Consider the talented and tireless Ira Magaziner. “As a student activist at Brown University in the late 1960s, he helped codify the no-requirements approach of the so-called New Curriculum (few grades, lots of self-discovery) and changed the face of modern academics.” Whatever Happened to

7. It is from this flaw in Left-wing thought that much of the destruction of our education system stems. Although the teacher is recognized to be the expert in the classroom, he is expected to change “From “Sage on the Stage” to “Guide on the Side,” switching from a teacher-centered to learner-centered educational paradigm…”

8. There is another faction to consider. Many of the folks who support the Left do so because they fear the Right. Much of this is based on how successful the Left has been in demonizing the Right, i.e., that it is fascistic, sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted, small-minded, anti-science, anti-reason, and anti-intellectual. Well…once one believes this, it becomes morally compulsory to be on the Left. At that point, no issue has to be seriously considered: if the Right is for it, you’ll be aggin’ it.
From "Still The Best Hope," Dennis Prager
1. While one yearns to label Leftists as brainless, and worse, it would be unwise to deny that there are many intelligent such folks. In fact, their intelligence is what nudged them toward Liberalism. Very few can live a life without meaning. For most, religion provides that meaning. But the fulcrum of history, the Enlightenment, and, subsequently, the French Revolution, weakened the influence of religion in Europe.

2. The collapse of Christianity in Europe opened the door for Leftism, fascism, Nazism, and, ultimately, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, and the permutations of egalitarianism. Instructive, that so many versions were needed to fill the hole left by the decline of Christianity.

3. The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

4. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.

5. Need an example of this utopianism, and the Left’s willingness to destroy what is provably good, in the hope of finding this imaginary utopia? Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism “is an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the many…. "So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore. "Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.” Michael Moore: We're Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It | RealClearPolitics

a. Now, analyze what is behind this thinking: for Moore and Left-wing true believers, those who lived before them are morally and intellectually defective.

b. And for the John Lennon-idolaters, a world without religion or the United States is a world governed by the amoral United Nations, where mass murderers sit on ‘human rights’ councils. No possessions means no private property, and the state possesses everything…the individual is a serf, a vassal.

6. Because the Left relies on feelings and intentions, wisdom and the existing moral value system don’t count for much. The comparison with conservatives would be the reliance on data and experience, and tradition. Recall the Left-wing baby boomer war-cry: “Never trust anyone over thirty!” Consider the meaning: There is nothing to be learned from anyone older than thirty…hence, the ‘…old dead white men…” theme.

a. Note how this morphs into the adulation of youth. Therein lies the choice: youth, or wisdom. And the result is what our universities have become, no longer the repository of knowledge, instead, support for Marxist ideas, nuclear disarmament, beliefs that America was no different from the Soviet Union, sympathetic views toward Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, and support for a whole host of Left-wing memes.

b. This is why the Left believes that the Founders, the Constitution, the Bible, have nothing to teach people today.

c. Consider the talented and tireless Ira Magaziner. “As a student activist at Brown University in the late 1960s, he helped codify the no-requirements approach of the so-called New Curriculum (few grades, lots of self-discovery) and changed the face of modern academics.” Whatever Happened to

7. It is from this flaw in Left-wing thought that much of the destruction of our education system stems. Although the teacher is recognized to be the expert in the classroom, he is expected to change “From “Sage on the Stage” to “Guide on the Side,” switching from a teacher-centered to learner-centered educational paradigm…”

8. There is another faction to consider. Many of the folks who support the Left do so because they fear the Right. Much of this is based on how successful the Left has been in demonizing the Right, i.e., that it is fascistic, sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted, small-minded, anti-science, anti-reason, and anti-intellectual. Well…once one believes this, it becomes morally compulsory to be on the Left. At that point, no issue has to be seriously considered: if the Right is for it, you’ll be aggin’ it.
From "Still The Best Hope," Dennis Prager

Wow, a long treatise whose primary objective is to demonize the Left ends with an accusation that the Left demonizes the Right.

Prager is an idiot. You do not do much to distinguish yourself from those of that condition by blindly and thoughtlessly parroting him.
1. While one yearns to label Leftists as brainless, and worse, it would be unwise to deny that there are many intelligent such folks. In fact, their intelligence is what nudged them toward Liberalism. Very few can live a life without meaning. For most, religion provides that meaning. But the fulcrum of history, the Enlightenment, and, subsequently, the French Revolution, weakened the influence of religion in Europe.

2. The collapse of Christianity in Europe opened the door for Leftism, fascism, Nazism, and, ultimately, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, and the permutations of egalitarianism. Instructive, that so many versions were needed to fill the hole left by the decline of Christianity.

3. The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

4. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.

5. Need an example of this utopianism, and the Left’s willingness to destroy what is provably good, in the hope of finding this imaginary utopia? Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism “is an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the many…. "So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore. "Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.” Michael Moore: We're Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It | RealClearPolitics

a. Now, analyze what is behind this thinking: for Moore and Left-wing true believers, those who lived before them are morally and intellectually defective.

b. And for the John Lennon-idolaters, a world without religion or the United States is a world governed by the amoral United Nations, where mass murderers sit on ‘human rights’ councils. No possessions means no private property, and the state possesses everything…the individual is a serf, a vassal.

6. Because the Left relies on feelings and intentions, wisdom and the existing moral value system don’t count for much. The comparison with conservatives would be the reliance on data and experience, and tradition. Recall the Left-wing baby boomer war-cry: “Never trust anyone over thirty!” Consider the meaning: There is nothing to be learned from anyone older than thirty…hence, the ‘…old dead white men…” theme.

a. Note how this morphs into the adulation of youth. Therein lies the choice: youth, or wisdom. And the result is what our universities have become, no longer the repository of knowledge, instead, support for Marxist ideas, nuclear disarmament, beliefs that America was no different from the Soviet Union, sympathetic views toward Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, and support for a whole host of Left-wing memes.

b. This is why the Left believes that the Founders, the Constitution, the Bible, have nothing to teach people today.

c. Consider the talented and tireless Ira Magaziner. “As a student activist at Brown University in the late 1960s, he helped codify the no-requirements approach of the so-called New Curriculum (few grades, lots of self-discovery) and changed the face of modern academics.” Whatever Happened to

7. It is from this flaw in Left-wing thought that much of the destruction of our education system stems. Although the teacher is recognized to be the expert in the classroom, he is expected to change “From “Sage on the Stage” to “Guide on the Side,” switching from a teacher-centered to learner-centered educational paradigm…”

8. There is another faction to consider. Many of the folks who support the Left do so because they fear the Right. Much of this is based on how successful the Left has been in demonizing the Right, i.e., that it is fascistic, sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted, small-minded, anti-science, anti-reason, and anti-intellectual. Well…once one believes this, it becomes morally compulsory to be on the Left. At that point, no issue has to be seriously considered: if the Right is for it, you’ll be aggin’ it.
From "Still The Best Hope," Dennis Prager

Wow, a long treatise whose primary objective is to demonize the Left ends with an accusation that the Left demonizes the Right.

Prager is an idiot. You do not do much to distinguish yourself from those of that condition by blindly and thoughtlessly parroting him.

"...primary objective is to demonize the Left..."

No, to explain the Left.

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