Liberals Are Digging Their Own Grave With Russiagate

“This new Cold War is more dangerous than the preceding Cold War,” Professor Stephen Cohen tells Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer in the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence.” Cohen, a professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University, has a new book out that addresses the possibility of a U.S.-Russia armed conflict in the near future. Part of the current rejection of the Kremlin that has brought the two nations to this dangerous brink, according to Cohen, is rooted in the U.S. political elites’ desire to maintain their ability to determine the world order. When Vladimir Putin was first elected, the professor explains, it became immediately obvious that he wanted Russia to take part in shaping “how the world is structured.”

“Since then, there’s a sense that America doesn’t have a free hand any longer … but I don’t think our establishment has ever gotten used to this reality,” says Cohen. “And a lot of the catastrophes we see, including the wars, is a kind of Don Quixote tilting at these windmills with war, because the world’s not conforming to what Washington thinks it ought to be. Nor will it ever, any longer.”

Look what happened to Tulsi Gabbard, whose foreign policy views are very good. And as soon as she utters them, NBC publishes a big attack on her on its website, accusing her of being the Kremlin puppet or something. So this is the new red-baiting, right? The Kremlin puppet.
The situation is terribly, terribly dangerous with Russia. And we can talk about the new nuclear weapons, the new nuclear arms race. The Dr. Strangeloves on both sides are talking about usable nuclear weapons now, because they claim they can control the radiation fallout. I mean, this is someplace we haven’t really been, at least not in 30 or 40 years. So the situation is perilous; the demonization of Putin, the demonization of Trump, traditional diplomacy has broken down, contacts are being criminalized. So we’re at this crucial moment.

Liberals Are Digging Their Own Grave With Russiagate

Maybe people will start waking up soon.
NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney: Intelligence Agencies Have Become American "Praetorian Guard,"

This is where what we want is filtered through the prism of our own moral code and is often seen as a reality.

It is not.

People, you need to understand something..... dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. ALL of them.

How many times have dimocrap FILTH committed atrocious acts either through action or inaction? the Lying Cocksucker in Chief created ISIS out of whole cloth.

What about the Red Line regarding Syria? If you like your insurance you can keep it?

You think Trump's victory over Ubercunt was pre-ordained? Inevitable?

Ubercunt got more Popular Votes than Trump After all the atrocities by the Lying Cocksucker, after Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation?

Remember Lois Lerner and the IRS targeting? The New Black Panthers being let go after their voter intimidation....

Dozens more.

Here it is, folks. dimocraps are simply the scum of the Earth, The ONLY thing that got us Trump was people who normally don't vote getting off their fat butts and going to the Polls.

And at this point, I am not confident that voters have the same fire in their gut to vote for a decent human being instead of a piece of shit dimocrap.

But dimocrap FILTH do.

They organized like crazy, spent lots of money, got their GOTV machine running, bused their constituents to the voting booth (the homeless, drug addicts, inner city thugs, tens of thousands of prisoners not yet convicted, College Kids going around with unauthorized voter IDs and giving them to scumbags (and ten bucks) to get them on the Bus.......

Never forget something..... The scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH got more PV's in 2016 and took the House away from us in 2018.

If you want to keep Trump in Office, you, me, ALL of us need to get on the stick and get people motivated to vote.

I am NOT totally confident in Trump's 2020 election.

And you shouldn't be either

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