Liberals attack female fighting misogyny of Islam


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"One of the most forceful fighters against misogyny in the modern era is under attack.
Somali-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been a vocal critic of women's oppression under Islamic law. "

"...I'm doing this because I think that if I do, there'll be less honor killings, fewer little girls undergoing female genital mutilation like I did," Hirsi Ali told The Washington Post in 2007. In her best seller, Infidel, she recalled her time in Saudi Arabia, where she could hear the cries of neighborhood women being (legally) beaten by their husbands.

"But this life experience is no match for the "expertise" of liberal Westerners who seem to believe the problem is that Hirsi Ali just doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut."

"Nicholas Kristof lamented that, "Hirsi Ali denounces Islam with a ferocity that I find strident. … Her memoir suggests that she never quite outgrew her rebellious teenager phase." Yes, if only she would be more demure in describing her own oppression. Guardian columnist Emma Brockes complained that in criticizing Islam, Hirsi Ali "is startlingly direct" and is "deliberately, almost narcissistically provocative."
Yet, when author Anne Rice announced she had "quit Christianity" because it was anti-gay, anti-feminist and anti-science, Brockes only wanted to know "what took her so long?"


Powers: Liberals attack female fighting misogyny
Once again, liberals step up to the plate to demonstrate what they really think about women.

That they should take their beatings, rape, and mutilation quietly, and be happy with it. Which explains their similar stance on abortion. Any abortion, whether it's coerced, secret, or fatal, is good abortion. Gots to keep dem wimmens in dey place.

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