Liberals demand you STOP talking about ELIZABETH WARREN’s LIKABILITY or comparing her to HILLARY

Well, she went a long way toward proving that she's as big a phony as the Hildabeest, with that "I'm gonna get me a beer" travesty last week...So there's that.
“I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Progressives, sometimes they say the darnedest things..

Talk about yer shit sites to pull 411 from....They have to have the printed phonetic version of their web sites cause the dumb-shitz that patronize the site don't know how to pronounce the words....Derps...
“I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Progressives, sometimes they say the darnedest things..

They sure do especially the asshat progressives which wage a drug war in its own citizens
Can’t she just have Hillary as her VP running mate, or maybe Maxie? How awesome would that be?

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Liberals make a lot of demands. They have a template and they think we must follow it. They lose when we dont. If you watch them on here they have fits when their choice, the defeated Hillary Clinton,. is mentioned. They have donme everythign but get on their knees and beg that Hilalry be forgotten.

But Pocahontas Warren suffers the same ego failings as Bill Clinton' wife. She thinks she is entitled. She thinks she is owed. She thinks its her turn. She thinks nobody will dare to question a woman. She thinks she is too rich to fail. These narcissistic personality traits mean she can be beaten, even with the entire media and the wealth of Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Wall Street behind her. Her hubris is her Achilles Heel like it was for Hillary. And Trump oes well running against the media.

They do it to themselves. Like spoiled children. They spend their lives entitled and never being questioned. The press treats them like stars and rich celebrities fawn over them. They start to believe their own propaganda. They go to 100,000.00 a plate supprs in Napa Valley and as they mingle with their fellow millionaires they start to believe that they really are tht much better than backwards Americans.

But what gimmick will she use? She cant pretend to be an Indian any more. This is far fetched but I am thinking she will run with either a homosexual or a woman as her running mate. She has to have a gimmick that makes her seem uber liberal..thats the direction that party is spinning off in. It will have to be an almost comically overdone campaign so she can out Marxist and out abortion and out immigrant all the other nuts in that party.

"Greetings, fellow humans. I, too, enjoy a cold [checks label] 'be-er.'"
- Queen Elizabeth the Relatable (the Un-Hillary)

Ahh..that Instagram beer incident :) That was...pathetic. I think I already used this word when her video first made the rounds..but cringe worthy is really the only way to describe it. Like Hillary's loud, raucous fake laughs that went on too long this was another uncomfortable attempt by an elitist snob to seem more human. Of course she just came off as an elitist snob trying to be human...she has no idea how a normal person acts...but that wont matter to the zombie class.
These people reduce the politics of the greatest country in the world to this kind of sideshow theatrics. Where Calhoun and Lincoln and Webster once debated the deepest philosophies of mankind these liberal twits have made the theatrical presentation the core of their appeal. From the shallow to the shallow with the shallow press judging it a success.

Which brings me to...the obvious and concerted effort by the national press to stage manage this and do damage control by getting ahead of criticism. Weatherman's article cites media conglomerate after media conglomerate warning us to not judge her on likability. The very thing she was trying for! Orwellian thugs quick with the propaganda attack and obviously colluding together to do it. And they dont think that all of them, at once, leaping up to argue against the exact same going to be an obvious indication of their collusion? I guess they are still in the "I dont care if its obvious we are desperate" stage.

And maybe it desnt matter. We, the great American Trump supporting observers, dont need to be warned. We are already aware of the fake persona and the powerful propaganda machine behind it.
And the leftists dont care. They have no shame capability and arent the slightest bit bothered by being told what to think. In fact they are most comfortable there.

Once again it looks like we are going to see the press rally together and raise to sainthood another demented, barren, entitled, humorless crone with a puritanical zeal to wipe out American culture.

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