Hillary Clinton slams Tucker Carlson

I am watching. Have not finished. It gets interesting about an hour in...

57:00 Putin claims Ukraine needs to be de-natzified because there are monuments in Ukraine for Nazis who killed Russians and Poles. He also claims there are Nazis in Ukraine parliament.
1:04:00 Putin says he does not remember the last time he spoke to Biden. He did speak to Biden before the war and told Biden he is making a big mistake going all in supporting Ukraine.
1:06:00 Putin says through diplomatic channels, he informs the US that the only way this war will end quickly is if we quit supplying Ukraine. It will take weeks from that point. He says he is not interested in speaking directly with Biden, as he has nothing to discuss with him.
1:08:00 Putin says he has no interest whatsoever attacking Poland or Latvia and such action would result in a global war. US current goal is to weaken Russia as much as possible [duh.] He then says that there are plenty of US mercenaries in Ukraine fighting. More from Poland and less from Georgia. He says US troops on the ground as suggested by Schumer would escalate.
He mentions our debt is $33T, don't we have something better to do than fund Ukraine? [ha]
He says Russia will fight to the end, but would prefer to negotiate.
1 11 00 The CIA blew up Nordstream.
Tucker says it is the largest act of industrial terrorism and largest release of greenhouse gas in history. If Putin has evidence, why not release it for a big propaganda victory.? Putin replies that America controls all the worldwide media. He says it is clear to the whole world that America blew it up.
1 14 00 Tucker asks why Germany is not upset at the US for blowing up their gas supply. He says Germany is a globalist country.
1:18:00 Putin says that the US debt, and the fact that the US freezes dollars all over the world for parties it deems evil are why the world is moving away from the dollar. He says Russia used to have 50% of transactions in dollars and it's now down to 13%. Yuan is up to 34%.
1:27:00 Putin said he had a great relationship with Bush who was not a dumb countryboy.
Putin also said he had a positive personal relationship with Trump as well.

More to watch.

RFK Jr. validates Putin's claims about Crimea....

Iā€™ve seen Trumpers excuse Tuckems by saying thy itā€™s too dangerous to ask serious questions of Putin.

That begs the question .. why bother interviewing him then?

But more importantly itā€™s bullshit.

Chris Wallace did exactly that in 2018

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Hillary Clinton slammed Tucker Carlson as a ā€œuseful idiotā€ Wednesday ahead of the conservative commentatorā€™s much-anticipated interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
ā€œYou know, he somehow ā€“ after having been fired from so many outlets in the United States ā€“ I would not be surprised if he emerges with a contract with a Russian outlet because he is a useful idiot,ā€ Clinton said.
ā€œHe says things that are not true. He parrots Vladimir Putinā€™s pack of lies about Ukraine. So, I donā€™t see why Putin wouldnā€™t give him an interview.ā€
ā€œI mean, if you actually read translations of whatā€™s being said on Russian media, they make fun of him,ā€ Clinton claimed. ā€œI mean, heā€™s like a puppy dog.ā€

Hillary is making crazy liberal conspiracy theory claims that Carlson and the Republicans are supporting Putin.
Hillary Clinton is still clinging to her bitterness seven years after she lost to Trump.
Hillary exhibits a lot of the characteristics of a psychopath. (lack of empathy, no guilt, no conscience, pathological lying, a grandiose sense of her own worth, superficial charm and glibness, manipulative, demagogue)
Carlson's Putin interview is not a big deal.
Carlson is not endorsing Putin.
Why does anyone care what Clinton thinks? She's the one that paid Russians for misinformation in 2016.
Chelsea Clinton on the left, Rebecca Hubbell on the right

Iā€™ve seen Trumpers excuse Tuckems by saying thy itā€™s too dangerous to ask serious questions of Putin.

That begs the question .. why bother interviewing him then?

But more importantly itā€™s bullshit.

Chris Wallace did exactly that in 2018

Hot Heir

Chrissy never would have become an infobabbler if his Daddy hadn't been prominent in that profession. His whole attitude oozes a spoiled brat's contempt for MAGA. The Daddy-qualified obsessively hate Trump because they view him as an Uncle Tom slumming with their class enemies.
Hillary Clinton slammed Tucker Carlson as a ā€œuseful idiotā€ Wednesday ahead of the conservative commentatorā€™s much-anticipated interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
ā€œYou know, he somehow ā€“ after having been fired from so many outlets in the United States ā€“ I would not be surprised if he emerges with a contract with a Russian outlet because he is a useful idiot,ā€ Clinton said.
ā€œHe says things that are not true. He parrots Vladimir Putinā€™s pack of lies about Ukraine. So, I donā€™t see why Putin wouldnā€™t give him an interview.ā€
ā€œI mean, if you actually read translations of whatā€™s being said on Russian media, they make fun of him,ā€ Clinton claimed. ā€œI mean, heā€™s like a puppy dog.ā€

Hillary is making crazy liberal conspiracy theory claims that Carlson and the Republicans are supporting Putin.
Hillary Clinton is still clinging to her bitterness seven years after she lost to Trump.
Hillary exhibits a lot of the characteristics of a psychopath. (lack of empathy, no guilt, no conscience, pathological lying, a grandiose sense of her own worth, superficial charm and glibness, manipulative, demagogue)
Carlson's Putin interview is not a big deal.
Carlson is not endorsing Putin.
Seriously, who gives a crap what Hillary Clinton says? She just wants to make sure she isn't completely forgotten and the media is obliging her. Oh yes - hold on! "A woman's scorn". She's going to dog Donald Trump because he kicked the shit out of her in the ballots. Everyone (on her side) said it was a done deal and Trump would go down before the first bell. But nope! She got dragged through the gutter (as she deserves) and the pact she made with Billy Boy was dissolved. She can forgive & forget the escapades with Monica Lewinsky but losing to Trump is something she can't let go of. I'll bet if he'd bugger her she'd calm down and even vote for him but he's got his hands full with his own wife, the lucky bastard! :boobies::eek2yum:

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