Liberals Suffer From Actual Medical Disease: 'PESD'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
ā€˜PESDā€™ Is PTSD For Dems Who Canā€™t Stop Crying Over The Election

"Democrats continue to experience a near-crippling depression since President Donald Trump took office, forcing mental health professionals to name the problem post-election stress disorder, according to a Monday report from CNN.

ā€œItā€™s been crippling,ā€ Clinton voter Waly Pfingsten told CNN. ā€œI feel angry, really, really angry, far more angry than I expected to be.ā€

Professionals report a large increase in office visits from former Clinton supporters who are angry, upset, and depressed about the news.

A New York City-based online therapist location service reported that traffic tripled in the days since the election, and demand continues to grow, fueled largely by gay, lesbian and minority clients.

ā€œIn my 28 years in practice, Iā€™ve never seen anything like this level of stress,ā€ said Nancy Molitor, a psychologist in the Chicago suburbs reported. ā€œWhat weā€™re seeing now after the inauguration is a huge uptick in anxiety.ā€

ā€œI have people whoā€™ve told me theyā€™re in mourning, that theyā€™ve lost their libido,ā€ Molitor said. ā€œI have people saying the anxiety is causing them to be so distracted that theyā€™re blowing stop signs or getting into fender benders.ā€

Liberals are so depressed and angry over Trumpā€™s election, that they are taking it out on family and friends that supported the president during the election."

"If you are experiencing high
anxiety, anger, intolerance, a
desire to riot, destroy property,
commit arson, loot, firebomb a
GOP headquarters, physically
beat/bloody a Trump supporter,
to post Fake News, or
feel the

symptoms associated with 'sour
grapes', jealousy, or 'butt-hurt',
or have the sudden urge to be
ruled by a self-serving criminal
female 'Obama-Wannabe', you

could be suffering from 'PESD'.

Don't despair - there IS help. Call



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