Liberals threatening performers for appearing at Presidential Inauguration


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Apparently the leftist fanatics just keep on thinking that trying to hurt anyone associated with Donald Trump is a good idea. They have apparently persuaded a small minority of people to spend five minutes at a keyboard claiming they won't support the artist if he performs at the inauguration. The vast majority that are fine with their performance, are carefully ignored.

Then when the small minority manages to bully a performer into changing his mind, they gloat that Trump can't find any performers, as though this showed that there's something wrong with Trump.

Sorry, liberal fanatics. All it shows is that there is something wrong with you.

Not satisfied with trying to smear or destroy Donald Trump, they have also been going after his family, blasting his daughter for posting the artwork they sold to her next to her products. These are the people who nearly got elected in November. Looks like we kicked them out just in time.


Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trump's Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trumpā€™s Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

December 22, 2016
by Bre Payton

Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration team is allegedly having trouble finding ā€œA-listā€ talent to perform at Trumpā€™s swearing in ceremony come January. The reason? ā€œThey do not want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€™s presidency.ā€ Hot Airā€™s Jazz Shaw explains why this is a stupid idea.

[This is] yet another example of the clueless nature of the L.A. crowd. They worked as their own billion dollar army to defeat Trump, hosting concerts and fundraisers along with showing up alongside Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. We all saw how that worked out. Iā€™m not sure how many more whacks with the clue bat will be required before it begins to sink in.

The American people donā€™t need to be preached to by a bunch of pampered film stars or singers when it comes to how best to run the country or what our values should be. The astounding, erā€¦ ā€˜successā€™ of Miss Sloane on its opening weekend should tell them that nobody is listening other than the liberals who were already drinking the same Kool-Aid anyway.

Heā€™s not wrong. If celebrities choose to boycott the inauguration, theyā€™re demonstrating an inability to live in and deal with reality. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States whether or not Elton John and company show up at his inauguration, so doubling down on the ā€œwe donā€™t want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€ rhetoric makes zero sense. Whatā€™s more problematic about this boycott, however, is that itā€™s a missed opportunity for these artists to expose their point of view to millions of people who wouldnā€™t normally be receptive to it.

Hollywood types arenā€™t the only creative forces attempting to get themselves as far away as they possibly can from anyone whose last name is Trump. Artists are angry that Ivanka Trump buys their very expensive paintings and displays them in her home.
Member when Madollar refused the Bush daughters access in spite of their back stage passes?


I looked for the link, but in Orwellian leftist style the story is hard to find so far.

Anyone else member?

Member when Madollar refused the Bush daughters access in spite of their back stage passes?


I looked for the link, but in Orwellian leftist style the story is hard to find so far.

Anyone else member?

You wet your bed really bad that night after hearing about it didn't you?
Apparently the leftist fanatics just keep on thinking that trying to hurt anyone associated with Donald Trump is a good idea. They have apparently persuaded a small minority of people to spend five minutes at a keyboard claiming they won't support the artist if he performs at the inauguration. The vast majority that are fine with their performance, are carefully ignored.

Then when the small minority manages to bully a performer into changing his mind, they gloat that Trump can't find any performers, as though this showed that there's something wrong with Trump.

Sorry, liberal fanatics. All it shows is that there is something wrong with you.

Not satisfied with trying to smear or destroy Donald Trump, they have also been going after his family, blasting his daughter for posting the artwork they sold to her next to her products. These are the people who nearly got elected in November. Looks like we kicked them out just in time.


Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trump's Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trumpā€™s Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

December 22, 2016
by Bre Payton

Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration team is allegedly having trouble finding ā€œA-listā€ talent to perform at Trumpā€™s swearing in ceremony come January. The reason? ā€œThey do not want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€™s presidency.ā€ Hot Airā€™s Jazz Shaw explains why this is a stupid idea.

[This is] yet another example of the clueless nature of the L.A. crowd. They worked as their own billion dollar army to defeat Trump, hosting concerts and fundraisers along with showing up alongside Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. We all saw how that worked out. Iā€™m not sure how many more whacks with the clue bat will be required before it begins to sink in.

The American people donā€™t need to be preached to by a bunch of pampered film stars or singers when it comes to how best to run the country or what our values should be. The astounding, erā€¦ ā€˜successā€™ of Miss Sloane on its opening weekend should tell them that nobody is listening other than the liberals who were already drinking the same Kool-Aid anyway.

Heā€™s not wrong. If celebrities choose to boycott the inauguration, theyā€™re demonstrating an inability to live in and deal with reality. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States whether or not Elton John and company show up at his inauguration, so doubling down on the ā€œwe donā€™t want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€ rhetoric makes zero sense. Whatā€™s more problematic about this boycott, however, is that itā€™s a missed opportunity for these artists to expose their point of view to millions of people who wouldnā€™t normally be receptive to it.

Hollywood types arenā€™t the only creative forces attempting to get themselves as far away as they possibly can from anyone whose last name is Trump. Artists are angry that Ivanka Trump buys their very expensive paintings and displays them in her home.

Gotta suck for Trump (who gets a SAG pension by the way) that he's spent 20 years trying to winnow his way into their club and they are still rejecting him.

They'll come around eventually.

I hear Ted Nugent is available.
We are witnessing the liberal's last gasps

No we aren't.

This could be a hiccup if we aren't aggressive.

We need to stay on the throats of elected officials and hold them accountable. We need to push back against liberal aggression and ridicule them for their safe spaces and bed wetting. Libturdism need to be reviled. Libertarian philosophy and Constitutional republicanism needs to become trendy. Libturdism will NEVER go away after a defeat. They have to be killed, driven from our hemisphere in terror or made so uncomfortable they decide to coexist WITH US instead of mooselimbs and STFU.

Trumps win was a minor setback for them. They can not be allowed to regroup. The pressure must be maintained.

These assholes need to go away forever and I don't care how that goal is accomplished anymore.

We are witnessing the liberal's last gasps

No we aren't.

This could be a hiccup if we aren't aggressive.

We need to stay on the throats of elected officials and hold them accountable. We need to push back against liberal aggression and ridicule them for their safe spaces and bed wetting. Libturdism need to be reviled. Libertarian philosophy and Constitutional republicanism needs to become trendy. Libturdism will NEVER go away after a defeat. They have to be killed, driven from our hemisphere in terror or made so uncomfortable they decide to coexist WITH US instead of mooselimbs and STFU.

Trumps win was a minor setback for them. They can not be allowed to regroup. The pressure must be maintained.

These assholes need to go away forever and I don't care how that goal is accomplished anymore.
Liberalism can be fought with school vouchers and in the Judiciary
Apparently the leftist fanatics just keep on thinking that trying to hurt anyone associated with Donald Trump is a good idea. They have apparently persuaded a small minority of people to spend five minutes at a keyboard claiming they won't support the artist if he performs at the inauguration. The vast majority that are fine with their performance, are carefully ignored.

Then when the small minority manages to bully a performer into changing his mind, they gloat that Trump can't find any performers, as though this showed that there's something wrong with Trump.

Sorry, liberal fanatics. All it shows is that there is something wrong with you.

Not satisfied with trying to smear or destroy Donald Trump, they have also been going after his family, blasting his daughter for posting the artwork they sold to her next to her products. These are the people who nearly got elected in November. Looks like we kicked them out just in time.


Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trump's Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trumpā€™s Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

December 22, 2016
by Bre Payton

Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration team is allegedly having trouble finding ā€œA-listā€ talent to perform at Trumpā€™s swearing in ceremony come January. The reason? ā€œThey do not want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€™s presidency.ā€ Hot Airā€™s Jazz Shaw explains why this is a stupid idea.

[This is] yet another example of the clueless nature of the L.A. crowd. They worked as their own billion dollar army to defeat Trump, hosting concerts and fundraisers along with showing up alongside Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. We all saw how that worked out. Iā€™m not sure how many more whacks with the clue bat will be required before it begins to sink in.

The American people donā€™t need to be preached to by a bunch of pampered film stars or singers when it comes to how best to run the country or what our values should be. The astounding, erā€¦ ā€˜successā€™ of Miss Sloane on its opening weekend should tell them that nobody is listening other than the liberals who were already drinking the same Kool-Aid anyway.

Heā€™s not wrong. If celebrities choose to boycott the inauguration, theyā€™re demonstrating an inability to live in and deal with reality. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States whether or not Elton John and company show up at his inauguration, so doubling down on the ā€œwe donā€™t want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€ rhetoric makes zero sense. Whatā€™s more problematic about this boycott, however, is that itā€™s a missed opportunity for these artists to expose their point of view to millions of people who wouldnā€™t normally be receptive to it.

Hollywood types arenā€™t the only creative forces attempting to get themselves as far away as they possibly can from anyone whose last name is Trump. Artists are angry that Ivanka Trump buys their very expensive paintings and displays them in her home.

Where the fuck do you see anything about Liberals?

Soooooooooo Orange Crash can't get "A list" talent. NO SHIT. Dafuck do you expect? What, are they some kind of subjects now? :cuckoo:
Good for them :thup:
Yes, good for them. Nothing better than witnessing a group suicide of a section of society nobody needs. The people held in the lowest of esteem throughout the country's heartland are throwing a fit because the people they hate didn't listen to them. And will now ramp up their hatred for those very people that made Trump the President. And you think this will work. Get ready for eight years of safe spaces asshole, you earned it.
Apparently the leftist fanatics just keep on thinking that trying to hurt anyone associated with Donald Trump is a good idea. They have apparently persuaded a small minority of people to spend five minutes at a keyboard claiming they won't support the artist if he performs at the inauguration. The vast majority that are fine with their performance, are carefully ignored.

Then when the small minority manages to bully a performer into changing his mind, they gloat that Trump can't find any performers, as though this showed that there's something wrong with Trump.

Sorry, liberal fanatics. All it shows is that there is something wrong with you.

Not satisfied with trying to smear or destroy Donald Trump, they have also been going after his family, blasting his daughter for posting the artwork they sold to her next to her products. These are the people who nearly got elected in November. Looks like we kicked them out just in time.


Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trump's Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trumpā€™s Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

December 22, 2016
by Bre Payton

Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration team is allegedly having trouble finding ā€œA-listā€ talent to perform at Trumpā€™s swearing in ceremony come January. The reason? ā€œThey do not want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€™s presidency.ā€ Hot Airā€™s Jazz Shaw explains why this is a stupid idea.

[This is] yet another example of the clueless nature of the L.A. crowd. They worked as their own billion dollar army to defeat Trump, hosting concerts and fundraisers along with showing up alongside Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. We all saw how that worked out. Iā€™m not sure how many more whacks with the clue bat will be required before it begins to sink in.

The American people donā€™t need to be preached to by a bunch of pampered film stars or singers when it comes to how best to run the country or what our values should be. The astounding, erā€¦ ā€˜successā€™ of Miss Sloane on its opening weekend should tell them that nobody is listening other than the liberals who were already drinking the same Kool-Aid anyway.

Heā€™s not wrong. If celebrities choose to boycott the inauguration, theyā€™re demonstrating an inability to live in and deal with reality. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States whether or not Elton John and company show up at his inauguration, so doubling down on the ā€œwe donā€™t want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€ rhetoric makes zero sense. Whatā€™s more problematic about this boycott, however, is that itā€™s a missed opportunity for these artists to expose their point of view to millions of people who wouldnā€™t normally be receptive to it.

Hollywood types arenā€™t the only creative forces attempting to get themselves as far away as they possibly can from anyone whose last name is Trump. Artists are angry that Ivanka Trump buys their very expensive paintings and displays them in her home.

Gotta suck for Trump (who gets a SAG pension by the way) that he's spent 20 years trying to winnow his way into their club and they are still rejecting him.

They'll come around eventually.

I hear Ted Nugent is available.

With Scott Baio on lead vocals....
The celebs that declined to perform certainly want to still be invited.

The performers that are appearing appeal to the adults. No rappers, no shrieking profanity.

You know hysterical libs will be going crazy.
Good for them :thup:
Yes, good for them. Nothing better than witnessing a group suicide of a section of society nobody needs. The people held in the lowest of esteem throughout the country's heartland are throwing a fit because the people they hate didn't listen to them. And will now ramp up their hatred for those very people that made Trump the President. And you think this will work. Get ready for eight years of safe spaces asshole, you earned it.
Sounds like you're the one who needs a safe space

Apparently the leftist fanatics just keep on thinking that trying to hurt anyone associated with Donald Trump is a good idea. They have apparently persuaded a small minority of people to spend five minutes at a keyboard claiming they won't support the artist if he performs at the inauguration. The vast majority that are fine with their performance, are carefully ignored.

Then when the small minority manages to bully a performer into changing his mind, they gloat that Trump can't find any performers, as though this showed that there's something wrong with Trump.

Sorry, liberal fanatics. All it shows is that there is something wrong with you.

Not satisfied with trying to smear or destroy Donald Trump, they have also been going after his family, blasting his daughter for posting the artwork they sold to her next to her products. These are the people who nearly got elected in November. Looks like we kicked them out just in time.


Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trump's Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trumpā€™s Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

December 22, 2016
by Bre Payton

Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration team is allegedly having trouble finding ā€œA-listā€ talent to perform at Trumpā€™s swearing in ceremony come January. The reason? ā€œThey do not want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€™s presidency.ā€ Hot Airā€™s Jazz Shaw explains why this is a stupid idea.

[This is] yet another example of the clueless nature of the L.A. crowd. They worked as their own billion dollar army to defeat Trump, hosting concerts and fundraisers along with showing up alongside Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. We all saw how that worked out. Iā€™m not sure how many more whacks with the clue bat will be required before it begins to sink in.

The American people donā€™t need to be preached to by a bunch of pampered film stars or singers when it comes to how best to run the country or what our values should be. The astounding, erā€¦ ā€˜successā€™ of Miss Sloane on its opening weekend should tell them that nobody is listening other than the liberals who were already drinking the same Kool-Aid anyway.

Heā€™s not wrong. If celebrities choose to boycott the inauguration, theyā€™re demonstrating an inability to live in and deal with reality. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States whether or not Elton John and company show up at his inauguration, so doubling down on the ā€œwe donā€™t want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€ rhetoric makes zero sense. Whatā€™s more problematic about this boycott, however, is that itā€™s a missed opportunity for these artists to expose their point of view to millions of people who wouldnā€™t normally be receptive to it.

Hollywood types arenā€™t the only creative forces attempting to get themselves as far away as they possibly can from anyone whose last name is Trump. Artists are angry that Ivanka Trump buys their very expensive paintings and displays them in her home.

Where the fuck do you see anything about Liberals?

Soooooooooo Orange Crash can't get "A list" talent. NO SHIT. Dafuck do you expect? What, are they some kind of subjects now? :cuckoo:
I see everything that is liberals. Whiny little self centered ***** that think the world owes them something. What do you do when you suddenly realize your a-list talent is d-list at best because of their own actions? I'm guessing all you're going to geet out of this temper tantrum is more people moving to Trump and less siding with these pandered to asshole celebs and the group they represent. Congrats on your loss, congrats on your not being gracious, congrats on becoming a failure of epic proportions. This is exactly WTF everyone should see about liberals. This is you.
Apparently the leftist fanatics just keep on thinking that trying to hurt anyone associated with Donald Trump is a good idea. They have apparently persuaded a small minority of people to spend five minutes at a keyboard claiming they won't support the artist if he performs at the inauguration. The vast majority that are fine with their performance, are carefully ignored.

Then when the small minority manages to bully a performer into changing his mind, they gloat that Trump can't find any performers, as though this showed that there's something wrong with Trump.

Sorry, liberal fanatics. All it shows is that there is something wrong with you.

Not satisfied with trying to smear or destroy Donald Trump, they have also been going after his family, blasting his daughter for posting the artwork they sold to her next to her products. These are the people who nearly got elected in November. Looks like we kicked them out just in time.


Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trump's Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trumpā€™s Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

December 22, 2016
by Bre Payton

Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration team is allegedly having trouble finding ā€œA-listā€ talent to perform at Trumpā€™s swearing in ceremony come January. The reason? ā€œThey do not want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€™s presidency.ā€ Hot Airā€™s Jazz Shaw explains why this is a stupid idea.

[This is] yet another example of the clueless nature of the L.A. crowd. They worked as their own billion dollar army to defeat Trump, hosting concerts and fundraisers along with showing up alongside Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. We all saw how that worked out. Iā€™m not sure how many more whacks with the clue bat will be required before it begins to sink in.

The American people donā€™t need to be preached to by a bunch of pampered film stars or singers when it comes to how best to run the country or what our values should be. The astounding, erā€¦ ā€˜successā€™ of Miss Sloane on its opening weekend should tell them that nobody is listening other than the liberals who were already drinking the same Kool-Aid anyway.

Heā€™s not wrong. If celebrities choose to boycott the inauguration, theyā€™re demonstrating an inability to live in and deal with reality. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States whether or not Elton John and company show up at his inauguration, so doubling down on the ā€œwe donā€™t want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€ rhetoric makes zero sense. Whatā€™s more problematic about this boycott, however, is that itā€™s a missed opportunity for these artists to expose their point of view to millions of people who wouldnā€™t normally be receptive to it.

Hollywood types arenā€™t the only creative forces attempting to get themselves as far away as they possibly can from anyone whose last name is Trump. Artists are angry that Ivanka Trump buys their very expensive paintings and displays them in her home.

Where the fuck do you see anything about Liberals?

Soooooooooo Orange Crash can't get "A list" talent. NO SHIT. Dafuck do you expect? What, are they some kind of subjects now? :cuckoo:
I see everything that is liberals. Whiny little self centered ***** that think the world owes them something. What do you do when you suddenly realize your a-list talent is d-list at best because of their own actions? I'm guessing all you're going to geet out of this temper tantrum is more people moving to Trump and less siding with these pandered to asshole celebs and the group they represent. Congrats on your loss, congrats on your not being gracious, congrats on becoming a failure of epic proportions. This is exactly WTF everyone should see about liberals. This is you.

Soooooooooooooo no answer.

Maybe you should wait until you're actually asked a question. Or are you a sock?

Looks to me like it's Orange Rumpy who thinks the world owes him something. Like talent. Or his fluff girl the writer of this whiny article.

I really don't see why a completely self-absorbed narcissist would want other egos around to take his spotlight away anyway.
Good for them :thup:
Yes, good for them. Nothing better than witnessing a group suicide of a section of society nobody needs. The people held in the lowest of esteem throughout the country's heartland are throwing a fit because the people they hate didn't listen to them. And will now ramp up their hatred for those very people that made Trump the President. And you think this will work. Get ready for eight years of safe spaces asshole, you earned it.
Sounds like you're the one who needs a safe space

I'm here, being nothing more than what you hate, and enjoying the fuck out of it. My safe space is America. You'rs is a room with crayons and play-do.
Apparently the leftist fanatics just keep on thinking that trying to hurt anyone associated with Donald Trump is a good idea. They have apparently persuaded a small minority of people to spend five minutes at a keyboard claiming they won't support the artist if he performs at the inauguration. The vast majority that are fine with their performance, are carefully ignored.

Then when the small minority manages to bully a performer into changing his mind, they gloat that Trump can't find any performers, as though this showed that there's something wrong with Trump.

Sorry, liberal fanatics. All it shows is that there is something wrong with you.

Not satisfied with trying to smear or destroy Donald Trump, they have also been going after his family, blasting his daughter for posting the artwork they sold to her next to her products. These are the people who nearly got elected in November. Looks like we kicked them out just in time.


Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trump's Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

Hey, Hollywood, Boycotting Trumpā€™s Inauguration Hurts Nobody But You

December 22, 2016
by Bre Payton

Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration team is allegedly having trouble finding ā€œA-listā€ talent to perform at Trumpā€™s swearing in ceremony come January. The reason? ā€œThey do not want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€™s presidency.ā€ Hot Airā€™s Jazz Shaw explains why this is a stupid idea.

[This is] yet another example of the clueless nature of the L.A. crowd. They worked as their own billion dollar army to defeat Trump, hosting concerts and fundraisers along with showing up alongside Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. We all saw how that worked out. Iā€™m not sure how many more whacks with the clue bat will be required before it begins to sink in.

The American people donā€™t need to be preached to by a bunch of pampered film stars or singers when it comes to how best to run the country or what our values should be. The astounding, erā€¦ ā€˜successā€™ of Miss Sloane on its opening weekend should tell them that nobody is listening other than the liberals who were already drinking the same Kool-Aid anyway.

Heā€™s not wrong. If celebrities choose to boycott the inauguration, theyā€™re demonstrating an inability to live in and deal with reality. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States whether or not Elton John and company show up at his inauguration, so doubling down on the ā€œwe donā€™t want to ā€˜normalizeā€™ Trumpā€ rhetoric makes zero sense. Whatā€™s more problematic about this boycott, however, is that itā€™s a missed opportunity for these artists to expose their point of view to millions of people who wouldnā€™t normally be receptive to it.

Hollywood types arenā€™t the only creative forces attempting to get themselves as far away as they possibly can from anyone whose last name is Trump. Artists are angry that Ivanka Trump buys their very expensive paintings and displays them in her home.

Also OP --- where the fuck is this "attack"?

And how do you "boycott" an inauguration? Is it selling something?

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