Liberals want anarchy no law, no police, no rules

It is also saying that many functions that have been given to police could be better handled by social workers, community watch, etc.
BS of course. Are you going to send a social worker to talk to George Floyd after he held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly during a home invasion?
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If in fact any part of the system is significantly reformed, the result would be greater protection of property and life, not less.
The reform needed is in criminal's behavior. In the 1950's, before the deadly liberal programs , the black family was intact and teen employment was higher than white teen employment, and that was when all of America was a lot poorer than today.
It is also saying that many functions that have been given to police could be better handled by social workers, community watch, etc.
BS of course. Are you going to send a social worker to talk to George Flynn after he held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly during a home invasion?

Idk who George Flynn is, but suffice to say if you have a domestic dispute, two social workers are going to be just as effective as two uniformed cops. It's common knowledge that cops abuse domestic partners at a rate of about 40%, so of course the abused spouse isn't going to trust them, and be less likely to press charges.
Let's be real. The police are more likely to confiscate your property than protect it, or return it when it's stolen.
Let's be honest, without the police the liberal rioters and looters would be at work every night!!

Let's be honest, America has had municipal police for 175 years. Seemed to work reasonably well before that, huh? This movement isn't saying there shouldn't be policing, courts, etc. It IS saying that it can be done without the rampant abuses that there presently are. It is also saying that many functions that have been given to police could be better handled by social workers, community watch, etc.

If in fact any part of the system is significantly reformed, the result would be greater protection of property and life, not less.

It will always be there, we are all human after all, that's like saying you want honest politicians.....
Look at this bullshit, they want to destroy other people's property and get away with it, no repercussions.

Well they get away with murder (abortions) what can we expect.

It's not liberals, it's Authoritarian Marxists. Do not be fooled if they call themselves liberals, that's a lie.
Authoritarian Marxists have wholly overtaken the Democrat party. The Number of liberals left can be counted on 2 hands.
There's just under that # of liberals here. Liberals aren't too bad, Marxists need to be put out of their misery.
Those BLM turds can't even be considered Americans. They want to destroy America.
If in fact any part of the system is significantly reformed, the result would be greater protection of property and life, not less.
The reform needed is in criminal's behavior. In the 1950's, before the deadly liberal programs , the black family was intact and teen employment was higher than white teen employment, and that was when all of America was a lot poorer than today.
Need to bring back speedy public hanging for violent robberies, violent rape, murder, and pedos.

Hang within 2 weeks after a guilty verdict.
If we had that? George Floyd would have been hanged years ago.
Pistol-whipping a pregnant woman during the commission of a robbery? Time to stretch that neck!
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if you have a domestic dispute, two social workers are going to be just as effective as two uniformed cops.

1) Domestics are very dangerous calls so social workers would have to be armed to protect themselves.

2) frequently you have to arrest one partner when there is evidence of violence so a real cop would be needed.
If in fact any part of the system is significantly reformed, the result would be greater protection of property and life, not less.
The reform needed is in criminal's behavior. In the 1950's, before the deadly liberal programs , the black family was intact and teen employment was higher than white teen employment, and that was when all of America was a lot poorer than today.

I hate to break this to you, but police corruption doesn't just affect the black community. It affects everyone. Or at the very least everyone who wasn't born into privelege. It just affects those with the least privilege the most.

I'm white. I have no criminal record. But because I worked nights for years, I still got hassled and detained by bored cops who ran my plates for no reason and "thought I was somebody else." Fortunately most of those times I had county ID on me, and didn't suffer any significant inconvenience. It did have a negative impact on a job I had in one instance because of the amount of time I was detained. There was never any probable cause for them to run my plates. It was a pure fishing expedition.
if you have a domestic dispute, two social workers are going to be just as effective as two uniformed cops.

1) Domestics are very dangerous calls so social workers would have to be armed to protect themselves.

2) frequently you have to arrest one partner when there is evidence of violence so a real cop would be needed.

Neighborhood watch could assist. There are volunteer firefighters that willingly take on dangerous responsibilities. It isn't a foriegn concept.
right, but we are talking about alternatives to policing.
and you have not suggested one that makes even a tiny bit of sense. Besides, we should be discussing black criminal behavior, the school to prison pipeline, and how the deadly liberals programs destroyed love and family in the black community!!
Let's be real. The police are more likely to confiscate your property than protect it, or return it when it's stolen.

No they're not.

An ordinary person's property. Yes that is so.

None of my neighbors have cops cruising through and taking their property. We're just ordinary folks who follow the law. If you want to start rioting and pillaging and destroying private property, frankly, I don't care if a cop beats you.
Look at this bullshit, they want to destroy other people's property and get away with it, no repercussions.

Well they get away with murder (abortions) what can we expect.

Yeah, the only thing prevent Veterans who swore an oath to defend this country from going after those who hate this country? Is the police...When the men in blue are gone, there is nothing stopping the 100 million legal gun owners from having a turkey shoot.

And who do you Imagine I will be shooting at? The white folks trying to round up the blacks? Or the blacks?

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