Liberals you have a decision to make

The "left" is not the same as "liberals".... another fallacy that ignorance prostates [sic]....

A pile of feces is just as dirty and smelly and disgusting, no matter by what name you call it.
Not if it is frozen...and on a stick..

Of course, it takes an ignorant liberal/left wrong winger/progressive to believe that changing the name by which a thing is called is in any way comparable to making any actual change to its form.
The "left" is not the same as "liberals".... another fallacy that ignorance prostates....

That's what we call 'em so go ahead with your smoking and spinning and failing....
Killer, you do know there are, republican liberals, libertarian liberals, why I mean there is a wide spectrum of political beliefs and philosophy....Just be glad the Trump is an Anacrchosyndicalist....
The "left" is not the same as "liberals".... another fallacy that ignorance prostates [sic]....

A pile of feces is just as dirty and smelly and disgusting, no matter by what name you call it.
Not if it is frozen...and on a stick..

Of course, it takes an ignorant liberal/left wrong winger/progressive to believe that changing the name by which a thing is called is in any way comparable to making any actual change to its form.
Or that other fallacy of believing that one word covers the many...most collective...
The two biggest problems facing the middle class are wages and the economy. Democrats are the ONLY party to not only have a plan to fix both, but have actually tried and were blocked by Republicans.

A plan that only makes the problem worse, is not superior to no plan at all.

If your problem is that you have a headache, and someone else has no idea on how to help you, would it impress you that I have a plan to help you, if my plan consists of hitting you in the head with a mallet?

A big problem with wrong-wing ideology is that it seems to think that doing something is always better than doing nothing, even if the something that they want to do will only make things worse.

And very often, what they propose as a “solution” to a problem is more and more of the same crap that caused the problem in the first place.

It is ironic that the reason that is often given for someone supporting Trump is that "It can't get any worse" or "doing something is peferable to doing nothing."
The left has to ask themselves whether this is the road they wish to go down.

That is the road they are going down, but they blame it all on Trump.

That seems to be one of the defining clichés of wrong-wing ideology, is that it never takes responsibilities for the consequences of its own policies and behaviors, seeking instead to always blame these consequences on their opposition.

So when Trump loses, can we count on you to blame him and not the:

The Media
The Establishment
The debate Moderators
The dirty tricks by the Democrats
The democrat voter fraud
The weather
The voters
The two biggest problems facing the middle class are wages and the economy. Democrats are the ONLY party to not only have a plan to fix both, but have actually tried and were blocked by Republicans.
One of the biggest problems the middle class / AMERICANS face is GOVERNMENT.

One example is Obamacare, a program that was promised not to cost a dime, to pay for itself, to lower the cost of insurance, to not cause people to lose their jobs or insurance, and promised if people liked their plan they could keep their plan...all in the name of 'helping'.

In the end not 1 promise was true: It did not pay for itself, did cost a tremendous amount, did not lower the cost of health insurance, caused people to lose jobs and insurance, and they lost the plans they liked.

Transgender bathrooms is another great example. The government stepped in, created a problem that didn't exists, divided the nation with it, then instituted a solution that no one liked....all to push their own minority-supported agenda.

Bringing in and defending disease-ridden, violent, illegals and 'refugees' who have no respect for this country, no respect for our laws, and no respect for the citizens paying for their housing, food, clothing, welfare, etc while Americans go with less health care, go homeless, go yet another example.

Their government has spied on Americans, used the IRS to target them, has brought in and armed illegals and terrorists who have attacked, robbed, raped, & killed them and l has made them - illegals and 'refugees' - a higher priority than American citizens. Our government has defended radical Islamic terrorists and defended their religion while condemning and attacking Christianity and declaring Americans are the bad guys, a bigger threat than the terrorists that kill Americans.

Their government divides them racially and ideologically to the point of violence then wonders why there is so much violence...

...never taking credit for any of it.

The current existing government, run by these current elected politicians are one of the biggest problems this nation faces...but they have indoctrinated, partisan-ized, and divided us so much that we are unable to notice it because we are too busy fighting amongst ourselves over whose politicians are less corrupt, self-serving, criminal, scumbags.
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More and more we are seeing signs that the left not only does not believe in free speech, but in fact they are getting violent in order to shut down events they do not agree with.

We have the left attacking Trump supporters, we have them getting violent with right wing peaceful demonstrators.

The left has to ask themselves whether this is the road they wish to go down.

"More and more we are seeing signs that the left not only does not believe in free speech, but in fact they are getting violent in order to shut down events they do not agree with."

The Leftists know that most people don't agree with the Leftist Agenda, so they need to stamp on Free Speech because they know the more people hear about the Leftist Agenda, the more people run away from it and join our side.

The Leftists are not only anti-Freedom of Speech they're also anti-Democracy.
The left has to ask themselves whether this is the road they wish to go down.

That is the road they are going down, but they blame it all on Trump.

That seems to be one of the defining clichés of wrong-wing ideology, is that it never takes responsibilities for the consequences of its own policies and behaviors, seeking instead to always blame these consequences on their opposition.

So when Trump loses, can we count on you to blame him and not the:

The Media
The Establishment
The debate Moderators
The dirty tricks by the Democrats
The democrat voter fraud
The weather
The voters

What if Trump wins? You've not considered that have you, being in the Leftist Bubble.
So when Trump loses, can we count on you to blame him and not the:

The Media
The Establishment
The debate Moderators
The dirty tricks by the Democrats
The democrat voter fraud
The weather
The voters

You must mean if.

So by all means, continue with your smoke spin lie ... fail
Our government is removing our rights as well. They are banning books that tell the truth about "climate change" for instance. They don't want little Julia to ever learn the truth. If she does, she might resent having her paychecks go to Asia when she grows up and goes to work at McDonalds. We are a UN's dream.

Here's the next objective of the Leftist Agenda :rolleyes-41: :uhoh3:

Subversives with mental health issues such as this need arresting and putting into Secure Institutions, not allowing them to be involved in the Educational Establishment.

A Push for Transgender Studies

"With June marking LGBT Pride Month, one university is paying particular attention to the T in LGBT. The University of Arizona is planning to host an international transgender studies conference this fall and launch a transgender studies master’s program as early as fall 2017.

The university’s efforts -- many of which fall under its Transgender Studies Initiative -- come as transgender people have become more visible in society and transgender issues have attracted more national attention.

- Snip -

As a subfield of LGBT studies, transgender studies examines sex and gender as they relate to cultural representations, political movements and lived experiences of gender-nonconforming individuals. Many scholars in gender studies or women’s studies programs focus on transgender issues -- even without the organizational structure that exists at Arizona. In January, the University of Victoria in Canada announced the establishment of what it says is the world’s first endowed chair in transgender studies.

At Arizona, one person has been a driving force behind many of the efforts related to transgender studies. Susan Stryker, director of the Institute for LGBT Studies and associate professor of gender and women’s studies at Arizona, proposed the Transgender Studies Initiative and co-founded the journal."

Here's the rest of the article.

U of Arizona emphasizes transgender studies
We see college kids who obviously would identify as being liberal, who simply want to shutdown any opposing opinions to their beliefs.
Used to be the left was open to other ideas. Not today.

The left is plenty open to ideas, just not bad ones.

According to Leftists ANY idea that's not Leftist is a "bad" idea.

They're the MOST intolerant of people.
The left has to ask themselves whether this is the road they wish to go down.

That is the road they are going down, but they blame it all on Trump.

That seems to be one of the defining clichés of wrong-wing ideology, is that it never takes responsibilities for the consequences of its own policies and behaviors, seeking instead to always blame these consequences on their opposition.

So when Trump loses, can we count on you to blame him and not the:

The Media
The Establishment
The debate Moderators
The dirty tricks by the Democrats
The democrat voter fraud
The weather
The voters

What if Trump wins? You've not considered that have you, being in the Leftist Bubble.

I've said about 70 times that HRC could lose to Trump. Not too bright are you?
If He wins, I will blame HRC for running a bad campaign. She's up by 12 nationwide and has an EV advantage going in as all Dems do.
We see college kids who obviously would identify as being liberal, who simply want to shutdown any opposing opinions to their beliefs.
Used to be the left was open to other ideas. Not today.

The left is plenty open to ideas, just not bad ones.

We see college kids who obviously would identify as being liberal, who simply want to shutdown any opposing opinions to their beliefs.
Used to be the left was open to other ideas. Not today.

The anti-gov't/authority/establishment, open minded, hippy dippy left have grown up and turned into the very thing they rebelled against.
The left has to ask themselves whether this is the road they wish to go down.

That is the road they are going down, but they blame it all on Trump.

That seems to be one of the defining clichés of wrong-wing ideology, is that it never takes responsibilities for the consequences of its own policies and behaviors, seeking instead to always blame these consequences on their opposition.

So when Trump loses, can we count on you to blame him and not the:

The Media
The Establishment
The debate Moderators
The dirty tricks by the Democrats
The democrat voter fraud
The weather
The voters

What if Trump wins? You've not considered that have you, being in the Leftist Bubble.

I've said about 70 times that HRC could lose to Trump. Not too bright are you?
If He wins, I will blame HRC for running a bad campaign. She's up by 12 nationwide and has an EV advantage going in as all Dems do.

Well I must have missed that, I only have read where you say "when Trump loses" or "when Hillary wins", granted I've not read every single post you've made, so.
That is the road they are going down, but they blame it all on Trump.

That seems to be one of the defining clichés of wrong-wing ideology, is that it never takes responsibilities for the consequences of its own policies and behaviors, seeking instead to always blame these consequences on their opposition.

So when Trump loses, can we count on you to blame him and not the:

The Media
The Establishment
The debate Moderators
The dirty tricks by the Democrats
The democrat voter fraud
The weather
The voters

What if Trump wins? You've not considered that have you, being in the Leftist Bubble.

I've said about 70 times that HRC could lose to Trump. Not too bright are you?
If He wins, I will blame HRC for running a bad campaign. She's up by 12 nationwide and has an EV advantage going in as all Dems do.

Well I must have missed that, I only have read where you say "when Trump loses" or "when Hillary wins", granted I've not read every single post you've made, so.

If Trump wins, it will be because Hillary stepped in it. There is no intellectual reason for joining Trump's movement. There are no economists of any recognized standing saying that his tax plan will address the needs of the nation. His social plans are borderline idiotic, farcical on the surface, and short sighted. So much so, he has walked back from the mass exportation. His "attacks" are rehashed pablum taht have ben part of the American lexicon for 20 years or so. This is all to say nothing of his behavior that is juvenile and obscene.

All that being said...

Look, the only 2 boxers that have a chance of winning are the two in the right at the same time. Donald is one of them; HRC is the other. The battle isn't always to the strong or the race always to the swift. HRC has shown a bewildering penchant for over-reach on the trail in previous campaigns. She's doing a great job of being herself this time out.... Will it continue? Who knows.

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