Liberty U to open on-campus shooting range

It seems we are becoming more and more like those crazy camel-jockies, who think killing anyone who doesn't think like you is the best way to handle disagreements.
Teachers carrying guns, the country is getting crazier and crazier. I was smart enough to get out 20 years ago. As for the shooting range, target shooting is a great activity.
Teachers don't have rights?
You have rights, even though you keep posting stupidity that has nothing to do with what was said.
Teachers carrying guns, the country is getting crazier and crazier. I was smart enough to get out 20 years ago. As for the shooting range, target shooting is a great activity.
Teachers don't have rights?
You have rights, even though you keep posting stupidity that has nothing to do with what was said.
Oh, I thought you said something about teachers carrying guns.....
The Framers knew that (a) it was impossible to stop all crimes and prevent them from happening; and (b) the way to stop the MOST crimes, was to let all responsible adults carry if they want to.

Most still won't bother, but a few will. And a criminal looking to do a mass shooting or robbery etc., will know that there are probably a few armed people in the crowd he's about to attack... and he won't know which ones they are. So he can expect a bullet from an unknown direction, before he can rack up his wished-for gruesome body count, or make his getaway or whatever.

And so, maybe he will decide he doesn't want to commit his crime after all.

So in many cases, lives will be saved, without a shot being fired.

That's a better result than any liberals have ever achieved by making laws restricting the guns of people who obey laws.

And it's one of the main reasons the Framers wrote and ratified the 2nd amendment.
Cool. We need more shooting ranges. With the massive increase in gun ownership, we need more gun ranges. Nice job Liberty U.
Teachers carrying guns, the country is getting crazier and crazier. I was smart enough to get out 20 years ago. As for the shooting range, target shooting is a great activity.
Teachers don't have rights?

According to RWnuts, they don't have the right to unionize.
Teachers carrying guns, the country is getting crazier and crazier. I was smart enough to get out 20 years ago. As for the shooting range, target shooting is a great activity.
Teachers don't have rights?

According to RWnuts, they don't have the right to unionize.
Link to unionization in the constitution?
The first shooting range I went to was when I was in 7th grade. It was a class field trip.

That was when boys were taught how to be men, and girls were taught how to be ladies.

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