It's Not Surprising That Obama Came From Columbia....Because They're Not Just Pro-Hamas But A Hamas Training Camp

This crap need to go to the outhouse.
None of these Communists like to ADMIT they are Reds.
The only time a commie wants to be open about it is when they're in a communist country.
But they usually don't like living in them.
The only time a commie wants to be open about it is when they're in a communist country.
But they usually don't like living in them.
And it is "Intellectuals" who always start a "Revolution". Look at our Colleges Now. Why do the totally gullible and Stupid go to Ivy League Colleges? Along with the Affirmative Action ,of course.
No, this is how it all started.

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

Netanyahu neither invented Hamas nor "propped it up"---His mistake was
that he considered Hamas to be as Hamas presented itself---a social service
organization that would improve the lives of Gazans thus taking their minds
off of the KORANIC IDEAL of attack, rape murder and pillage and especially
kill jews to delight their "DEITY" and his bbf-muhummad. He considered
HAMAS to be preferable to the PLO---remember them?---lots or murder,
rape and hijacking for the glory of the rapist dog of arabia. Hamas, at first
the lesser of two evils-----grew in islamic ferver and islamic support and

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