Libs Doing the Comey 'Flip-Flop'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Like a fish caught and dropped on the bottom of the boat, Libs are flip-flopping all over the place, reversing course and now attacking Comey. :p

DEMS TURN ON COMEY: Same pols who praised FBI boss July doing 180 over renewal of Clinton probe
-- Flip-flopping Dems, once big Comey fans, now piling on

"For Democrats singing his praises just months ago, FBI Director James Comey is no longer the paragon of impartiality.

The bureau boss is now the target of barbed Democratic attacks for his decision to notify lawmakers Friday that investigators were reviewing newly discovered emails related to the Hillary Clinton server case. And some of the same Democrats who over the summer defended Comey in the face of Republican pressure have emerged as his toughest critics."

In one instance…he announced the findings at the end of an investigation.

In the most current instance, he announced a development in an ongoing investigation.

The former is what the FBI has always done
The latter is what the FBI has seldom if ever done.

There is no “flip flop” except for the new push in the House to give him the Congressional Medal of Honor.
To be fair, I saw posts around here calling him a hero on Friday from conservatives.

Frankly, Comey comes off as a spineless opportunist trying to gauge which way the wind is blowing. It appears he is only a cynical careerist, and a high level bureaucrat, who only gives a damn about one thing, his own hide.

Maybe he cares about the integrity of the agency, more likely it is his retirement and 401k that are his major concern.

Either way, he has now pissed off both sides.
Like a fish caught and dropped on the bottom of the boat, Libs are flip-flopping all over the place, reversing course and now attacking Comey. :p

DEMS TURN ON COMEY: Same pols who praised FBI boss July doing 180 over renewal of Clinton probe
-- Flip-flopping Dems, once big Comey fans, now piling on

"For Democrats singing his praises just months ago, FBI Director James Comey is no longer the paragon of impartiality.

The bureau boss is now the target of barbed Democratic attacks for his decision to notify lawmakers Friday that investigators were reviewing newly discovered emails related to the Hillary Clinton server case. And some of the same Democrats who over the summer defended Comey in the face of Republican pressure have emerged as his toughest critics."


Can you name any USMB posters who praised Comey on his first announcement of no criminal charges against Hillary? I sure didn't. I thought his announcement was a commingled clusterfuck of facts and unnecessary partisan subjective judgments.
Can you name any USMB posters who praised Comey on his first announcement of no criminal charges against Hillary?

It is SO obvious you didn't even look at the link or the article.....the article doesn't talk / wasn't even talking about USMB Members...and neither was I. :p
Can you name any USMB posters who praised Comey on his first announcement of no criminal charges against Hillary?

It is SO obvious you didn't even look at the link or the article.....the article doesn't talk / wasn't even talking about USMB Members...and neither was I. :p

I just asked the question. I would think USMB is representative of the population at large. Can you name any?
And nobody seems to remember that, during the Congressional hearing, Comey promised - under oath - that he would update them as soon as anything new was uncovered. He simply kept his promise.
Like a fish caught and dropped on the bottom of the boat, Libs are flip-flopping all over the place, reversing course and now attacking Comey. :p

DEMS TURN ON COMEY: Same pols who praised FBI boss July doing 180 over renewal of Clinton probe
-- Flip-flopping Dems, once big Comey fans, now piling on

"For Democrats singing his praises just months ago, FBI Director James Comey is no longer the paragon of impartiality.

The bureau boss is now the target of barbed Democratic attacks for his decision to notify lawmakers Friday that investigators were reviewing newly discovered emails related to the Hillary Clinton server case. And some of the same Democrats who over the summer defended Comey in the face of Republican pressure have emerged as his toughest critics."

Of course. Libs were circling the wagons around Comey when he refused to prosecute ....Now that the FBI is investigating further, the libs are spitting chewed nails.
Bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Quite frankly. in my view Comey has no integrity. He should have done his job in the first place.
Should Trump win this election, one of his first orders of business should be to ask Comey to clean out his desk.
One thing that does intrigue, is that Comey is most likely aware that no matter which candidate wins, he's out of a job anyway.
Could be why he's moved to investigate the newly released emails....
Like a fish caught and dropped on the bottom of the boat, Libs are flip-flopping all over the place, reversing course and now attacking Comey. :p

DEMS TURN ON COMEY: Same pols who praised FBI boss July doing 180 over renewal of Clinton probe
-- Flip-flopping Dems, once big Comey fans, now piling on

"For Democrats singing his praises just months ago, FBI Director James Comey is no longer the paragon of impartiality.

The bureau boss is now the target of barbed Democratic attacks for his decision to notify lawmakers Friday that investigators were reviewing newly discovered emails related to the Hillary Clinton server case. And some of the same Democrats who over the summer defended Comey in the face of Republican pressure have emerged as his toughest critics."


Can you name any USMB posters who praised Comey on his first announcement of no criminal charges against Hillary? I sure didn't. I thought his announcement was a commingled clusterfuck of facts and unnecessary partisan subjective judgments.
Wait ?!!!! Partisan? Umm, Comey is an OBAMA appointee.....Remember HIM? The de facto leader of the democrat party?....
If the OP wanted to be accurate, he'd say that Libs were not thrilled with Comey in July because he did that press coference where he explained that Clinton was not going to be charged with a crime....while giving her political opponents lots of ammo by giving his opinion. He didn't have to do that...but he did.

I know that the OP and nutbags in general don't want to remember that part. It isn't convenient.

Carry on.
In one instance…he announced the findings at the end of an investigation.

In the most current instance, he announced a development in an ongoing investigation.

The former is what the FBI has always done
The latter is what the FBI has seldom if ever done.

There is no “flip flop” except for the new push in the House to give him the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Your point?

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