Libs heads explode: 235,000 jobs created vs 190,000 expected

How will Libs spin this news?

  • Bad news because fewer people can receive Unemployment Insurance that drives the economy.

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There were 76 straight months of job gains prior to this 77th month of February 2017, the longest stretch of consecutive job growth since 1939.

Obama has left Trump with a fairly good trending economy...20 years from now when looked back on by the numbers, Obama will be one of the best presidents we have ever had, who was dealt the worst economy and largest crisis we have ever been through, out side of the Great Depression.
About the first thing out of Chris Matthews' mouth last night was "the economy Trump inherited from Obama".

Normal stuff. Partisans take all credit and deflect all blame. I'm sure we all know that by now, right?
No, not at all...

We are consistent in the numbers we use.

When Obama began, he inherited the trending economy and fiscal numbers of the previous administration, until Oct 1st, when the new President is responsible for his first fiscal budget.

When Trump began, he inherited the trending economy and fiscal numbers of the previous administration, until Oct 1st, when this new President is responsible for his first Fiscal Budget.

As we said with Obama, the first handful of months that a President is in office, there is not much legislation that can affect the economy before the end of the fiscal year, Sept 30....losing 700k jobs a month trend, was not going to change the day he got in to office.

Even the Stimulus Obama got passed, not even 10 percent of it was spent and used before September 30th, 2009.
Partisans have to share numbers or facts or news (most of the time), but they still take all the credit and deflect all the blame.

The issue at hand is irrelevant. That is what they do, and that is one of primary symptoms of partisan ideology.

"Oh no, we're different than those other guys." Nope.
yes, die hard partisans will do that...

but sometimes, that is simply a natural response....mainly because they "trust their guy'', and believe "their guy", and that's why they voted for "their guy" along with the lack of trust, in the ''other guy''...

this is over exemplified with diehard partisans.
Libs heads explode: 235,000 jobs created vs 190,000 expected

Dow futures rise 100 points on news

Something is seriously wrong with you.

We've had many months under Obama with more-than-expected jobs. Did your head explode?

Economy Created 257K Jobs in December, More Than Expected: ADP

BLOWOUT! July jobs report demolishes expectations

US economy smashes expectations to add 271,000 jobs in October

As to this job growth, it is dubious that having done EXACTLY NOTHING thus far Trump has any significant impact on the job numbers. He inherited an economy in solid condition, that's the underlying basics here. Underlying basics for Obama's early tenure was a Great Recession in full swing.
/--- So why aren't Libtards celebrating the jobs numbers if they are as good as Obozo's? Didn't Libtards say Trump would be worse for job creation than Obozo? Will didn't they Punk?
Libs heads explode: 235,000 jobs created vs 190,000 expected

Dow futures rise 100 points on news

Something is seriously wrong with you.

We've had many months under Obama with more-than-expected jobs. Did your head explode?

Economy Created 257K Jobs in December, More Than Expected: ADP

BLOWOUT! July jobs report demolishes expectations

US economy smashes expectations to add 271,000 jobs in October

As to this job growth, it is dubious that having done EXACTLY NOTHING thus far Trump has any significant impact on the job numbers. He inherited an economy in solid condition, that's the underlying basics here. Underlying basics for Obama's early tenure was a Great Recession in full swing.
/--- So why aren't Libtards celebrating the jobs numbers if they are as good as Obozo's? Didn't Libtards say Trump would be worse for job creation than Obozo? Will didn't they Punk?
Last February there were 242,000 new jobs and 271,000 in December 2015.
When those numbers got reported, the only difference was that the country didn't get down on its knees and bow to Obama. Trump, as a matter of fact, said NOT to believe those numbers; lies and Democratic propaganda, he said.
He's sure changed his tune now, hasn't he?
Libs heads explode: 235,000 jobs created vs 190,000 expected

Dow futures rise 100 points on news

Something is seriously wrong with you.

We've had many months under Obama with more-than-expected jobs. Did your head explode?

Economy Created 257K Jobs in December, More Than Expected: ADP

BLOWOUT! July jobs report demolishes expectations

US economy smashes expectations to add 271,000 jobs in October

As to this job growth, it is dubious that having done EXACTLY NOTHING thus far Trump has any significant impact on the job numbers. He inherited an economy in solid condition, that's the underlying basics here. Underlying basics for Obama's early tenure was a Great Recession in full swing.
/--- So why aren't Libtards celebrating the jobs numbers if they are as good as Obozo's? Didn't Libtards say Trump would be worse for job creation than Obozo? Will didn't they Punk?

Were you born yesterday or something?

Liberals are going to rub good numbers under Democrats in conservatives face and conservatives will do it right back when Republican is power, IT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW WHILE COMPLAINING ABOUT SAME THING ON LIBERAL SIDE.

Grow up and start looking at issues slightly past the silly partisanship.
i plan to see an average of 300,000 a month, in comparison to Obama 00.042 jobs a month for 8 years.
i plan to see an average of 300,000 a month, in comparison to Obama 00.042 jobs a month for 8 years.
I agree. Obama was horrendous on job creation. We have an actual business man/proven jobs creator as president now. Optimism is sweeping the country.
i plan to see an average of 300,000 a month, in comparison to Obama 00.042 jobs a month for 8 years.
I agree. Obama was horrendous on job creation. We have an actual business man/proven jobs creator as president now. Optimism is sweeping the country.
and for those 8 years of pure hell,,,,,those dolts who kept bragging about the endless months of job growth never bothered to mention how many people lost their jobs/filed for unemployment each month! right? Big F----king deal when we get a monthly jobs report of 200K new jobs when at the same time about one million filed for unemployment that same month!
i plan to see an average of 300,000 a month, in comparison to Obama 00.042 jobs a month for 8 years.
I agree. Obama was horrendous on job creation. We have an actual business man/proven jobs creator as president now. Optimism is sweeping the country.
and for those 8 years of pure hell,,,,,those dolts who kept bragging about the endless months of job growth never bothered to mention how many people lost their jobs/filed for unemployment each month! right? Big F----king deal when we get a monthly jobs report of 200K new jobs when at the same time about one million filed for unemployment that same month!
Unemployment claims jumped last month, too.
Libs heads explode: 235,000 jobs created vs 190,000 expected

Dow futures rise 100 points on news

Something is seriously wrong with you.

We've had many months under Obama with more-than-expected jobs. Did your head explode?

Economy Created 257K Jobs in December, More Than Expected: ADP

BLOWOUT! July jobs report demolishes expectations

US economy smashes expectations to add 271,000 jobs in October

As to this job growth, it is dubious that having done EXACTLY NOTHING thus far Trump has any significant impact on the job numbers. He inherited an economy in solid condition, that's the underlying basics here. Underlying basics for Obama's early tenure was a Great Recession in full swing.
/--- So why aren't Libtards celebrating the jobs numbers if they are as good as Obozo's? Didn't Libtards say Trump would be worse for job creation than Obozo? Will didn't they Punk?
They ARE Obama's job numbers. No one does anything in a couple of weeks
i plan to see an average of 300,000 a month, in comparison to Obama 00.042 jobs a month for 8 years.
I agree. Obama was horrendous on job creation. We have an actual business man/proven jobs creator as president now. Optimism is sweeping the country.
and for those 8 years of pure hell,,,,,those dolts who kept bragging about the endless months of job growth never bothered to mention how many people lost their jobs/filed for unemployment each month! right? Big F----king deal when we get a monthly jobs report of 200K new jobs when at the same time about one million filed for unemployment that same month!
Say lady, you aint very bright. The Obama administration held the record for the most under of months with unemployment claims under 300,000
i wonder just how many people lost their jobs between 2009 and late 2016? then lets subtract that from the measly 14 Million jobs that were created during the Obama years. whooppee doo! Obama created about 14 Million Jobs! Ya? well what about the 90 Million people who didnt find jobs?
i plan to see an average of 300,000 a month, in comparison to Obama 00.042 jobs a month for 8 years.
I agree. Obama was horrendous on job creation. We have an actual business man/proven jobs creator as president now. Optimism is sweeping the country.
and for those 8 years of pure hell,,,,,those dolts who kept bragging about the endless months of job growth never bothered to mention how many people lost their jobs/filed for unemployment each month! right? Big F----king deal when we get a monthly jobs report of 200K new jobs when at the same time about one million filed for unemployment that same month!
Say lady, you aint very bright. The Obama administration held the record for the most under of months with unemployment claims under 300,000
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i wonder just how many people lost their jobs between 2009 and late 2016? then lets subtract that from the measly 14 Million jobs that were created during the Obama years. whooppee doo! Obama created about 14 Million Jobs! Ya? well what about the 90 Million people who didnt find jobs?
How does Obama's job growth compare to Bush's?
Obamas crappy 14 Million news jobs were never really created being he had to borrow the money from our children to create them.
i plan to see an average of 300,000 a month, in comparison to Obama 00.042 jobs a month for 8 years.
I agree. Obama was horrendous on job creation. We have an actual business man/proven jobs creator as president now. Optimism is sweeping the country.
and for those 8 years of pure hell,,,,,those dolts who kept bragging about the endless months of job growth never bothered to mention how many people lost their jobs/filed for unemployment each month! right? Big F----king deal when we get a monthly jobs report of 200K new jobs when at the same time about one million filed for unemployment that same month!
Say lady, you aint very bright. The Obama administration held the record for the most under of months with unemployment claims under 300,000
You are wrong, son. Totally wrong

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