You know, Obama? Leader? Democrats? That sort of slipped past you, apparently.I've seen the light. It was an Epic Fail. It sucks when the Leader of a Party campaigns for Candidates who lose decisively.
So, you're admitting that Sarah Palin is the "leader" of the Republican party?
I really hope so, that's one way to shoot yourselves in the foot!
Wait a second--is this proof that Dems would not mindless listen to their leaders and vote on label alone?
Remember--Hoffman gained the label "Conservative" from the right wing media and conservatives went crazy over him.
But Corzine had the liberal label--yet even when the Democratic Leadership circle their wagons around him, the lefties refused to bite!!
Come to think about it--does this suggests that cons are programmed drones controlled by their party super stars and libs are free thinkers that question the candidate regardless of who is supporting them??