Lies,lies & lies


VIP Member
Jun 6, 2011
Scientists blow the whistle on drug and vaccine fraud

It seems some scientists at least are feeling guilty about their role in vaccine and drug research. And Big Pharma is on the receiving end of some pretty hefty fraud payouts. Some people think that’s not enough and that corrupt CEOs should even go to jail.

Just a decade ago Dr. Allen Roses the worldwide Vice President of genetics and a top executive of the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline stated simply that “The vast majority of drugs – more than 90% – only work in 30 to 50% of the people.” If that’s the case, how could such large volumes of drugs be sold worldwide? [more]
I'm not sure I am buying that. What I do buy into is that most people who are prescribed drugs would probably do just as well or better without them. There are obviously exceptions and there is a need for these drugs. I just see them be prescribed way too much.

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