Lil Marco says he got his highest Candy Crush score during impeachment trial!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Senator Marco Rubio revealed on Thursday that he got his highest score ever on Candy Crush Saga during the second impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump.​
The Florida lawmaker said that he has been playing the video game for years but had never been able to focus on it the way he has during the first two days of the trial.​
“Ever since the impeachment trial started, I’ve really been in the zone,” Rubio said. “Just totally locked into Candy Crush.”​
The Republican said that he hopes to surpass his best Candy Crush score when Trump’s defense attorneys start presenting their case, on Friday.​
“I’ll be able to concentrate on my game even better once the House managers stop playing those noisy videos,” Rubio said. “Bruce Castor is super easy to tune out.”​

The entire Republican Party is dead. They reinforce this every day. Not enough momentum to break away from Trumpism and, outside of 10 House members, the entire party has completely lost its way, which is no surprise, as it never had a moral compass to keep it going in any direction. It has always been about pandering to the dumbest Americans and taking advantage of the most gullible and clueless of any voting bloc, the conservative "Christian".

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Senator Marco Rubio revealed on Thursday that he got his highest score ever on Candy Crush Saga during the second impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump.​
The Florida lawmaker said that he has been playing the video game for years but had never been able to focus on it the way he has during the first two days of the trial.​
“Ever since the impeachment trial started, I’ve really been in the zone,” Rubio said. “Just totally locked into Candy Crush.”​
The Republican said that he hopes to surpass his best Candy Crush score when Trump’s defense attorneys start presenting their case, on Friday.​
“I’ll be able to concentrate on my game even better once the House managers stop playing those noisy videos,” Rubio said. “Bruce Castor is super easy to tune out.”​

It seems like the biggest assholes in the gop are in really safe seats where even Satan could beat a democrat. How else do you explain ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell?
True, Rubio's Candy Crush game is more mature and enlightening than the Democrats' impeachment game is, but he'll tire of it when something important comes up.
It seems like the biggest assholes in the gop are in really safe seats where even Satan could beat a democrat. How else do you explain ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell?

True, but if ya think back a couple years, you'll remember that Goober Cruz only squeaked Beto by 2 and 1/2 points. :cool-45:


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Senator Marco Rubio revealed on Thursday that he got his highest score ever on Candy Crush Saga during the second impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump.​
The Florida lawmaker said that he has been playing the video game for years but had never been able to focus on it the way he has during the first two days of the trial.​
“Ever since the impeachment trial started, I’ve really been in the zone,” Rubio said. “Just totally locked into Candy Crush.”​
The Republican said that he hopes to surpass his best Candy Crush score when Trump’s defense attorneys start presenting their case, on Friday.​
“I’ll be able to concentrate on my game even better once the House managers stop playing those noisy videos,” Rubio said. “Bruce Castor is super easy to tune out.”​

Tax payer dollars hard at work.
It seems like the biggest assholes in the gop are in really safe seats where even Satan could beat a democrat. How else do you explain ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell?

True, but if ya think back a couple years, you'll remember that Goober Cruz only squeaked Beto by 2 and 1/2 points. :cool-45:

What do you expect for a guy who is not from the USA.

Little Marco felt obligated to attend the Fake Impeachment, and found Candy Crush to be a good way to pass the time. What would you have suggested instead? That he take a nap?

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Senator Marco Rubio revealed on Thursday that he got his highest score ever on Candy Crush Saga during the second impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump.​
The Florida lawmaker said that he has been playing the video game for years but had never been able to focus on it the way he has during the first two days of the trial.​
“Ever since the impeachment trial started, I’ve really been in the zone,” Rubio said. “Just totally locked into Candy Crush.”​
The Republican said that he hopes to surpass his best Candy Crush score when Trump’s defense attorneys start presenting their case, on Friday.​
“I’ll be able to concentrate on my game even better once the House managers stop playing those noisy videos,” Rubio said. “Bruce Castor is super easy to tune out.”​

Good, less fantasy in the game he was palying

Little Marco felt obligated to attend the Fake Impeachment, and found Candy Crush to be a good way to pass the time. What would you have suggested instead? That he take a nap?

Act like an adult would be a good jumping off point.

Well, the democrats set the precedent for childish behavior...

Democrats have been the only professionals in government for the past 4 years, and certainly have made a compelling case for impeachment. 12 Republican Senators did not even attend the trial yesterday, showing the continued contempt they have for the position they occupy as United States Senators.
What Trump's team should do is to show three days of BLM rioting, looting and murdering insurrection interspersed with Democrats saying they are in solidarity with BLM.

Little Marco felt obligated to attend the Fake Impeachment, and found Candy Crush to be a good way to pass the time. What would you have suggested instead? That he take a nap?

Act like an adult would be a good jumping off point.

Well, the democrats set the precedent for childish behavior...

Democrats have been the only professionals in government for the past 4 years, and certainly have made a compelling case for impeachment. 12 Republican Senators did not even attend the trial yesterday, showing the continued contempt they have for the position they occupy as United States Senators.

No, they have contempt for the idiot democrats who are putting on some circus sideshow which everyone knows will end in acquittal.

Fuck democrats. They're so fixated on hammering Trump that they haven't even noticed that Biden hasn't done a fucking beneficial thing since being sworn in...

Little Marco felt obligated to attend the Fake Impeachment, and found Candy Crush to be a good way to pass the time. What would you have suggested instead? That he take a nap?

Act like an adult would be a good jumping off point.

Well, the democrats set the precedent for childish behavior...

Democrats have been the only professionals in government for the past 4 years, and certainly have made a compelling case for impeachment. 12 Republican Senators did not even attend the trial yesterday, showing the continued contempt they have for the position they occupy as United States Senators.
Why would any sensible America lover show up for the commie fiasco?
What Trump's team should do is to show three days of BLM rioting, looting and murdering insurrection interspersed with Democrats saying they are in solidarity with BLM.
They should non-stop show the video of the faggot antifa/BLM rioter literally licking the other faggot antifa/BLM rioter's butthole in the street. And label the licker Biden and the lickee Xi.

I posted the video here but the mods censored it.

Little Marco felt obligated to attend the Fake Impeachment, and found Candy Crush to be a good way to pass the time. What would you have suggested instead? That he take a nap?
Just remember a police officer was murdered by mansons cult. Remember the next time you cry for three soldiers in Benghazi
It has always been about pandering to the dumbest Americans and taking advantage of the most gullible and clueless of any voting bloc, the conservative "Christian".

Dumbest? Don't you mean the most successful? Not sure why I have to point this out at least once a week, but the Republican Party has long been the party of the more successful folks in society on average. The Democratic party has been the ones taking advantage of the least successful and trying to con them with "free" stuff. The poorest of the poor and the lower classes vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Let me give you a hint. They aren't generally the sharpest tools in the shed. I guess years of indoctrination really has warped reality for you lefties.

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