National Enquirer made up the story about Ted Cruz's father and Lee Harvey Oswald, former publisher says

Cruz’s “father, you know, was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s, you know, being shot,” TRUMP said in an interview on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends,” mixing up the details a bit. “What was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald, shortly before the death?” he added. “Before the shooting? It’s horrible.”
“TED CRUZ SEX SCANDAL — 5 SECRET MISTRESSES” the front page of the Enquirer trumpeted. Inside, a story alleging that Cruz had been unfaithful to his wife, with alleged paramours described in broad strokes. On a CNN panel, a Trump ally accused another participant of being one of the five. She denied it categorically — since it was invented from whole cloth.

That was Cruz’s response.
“The CEO of the National Enquirer is an individual named David Pecker,” Cruz said at a campaign event. “Well, David is good friends with Donald Trump. In fact, the National Enquirer has endorsed Donald Trump, has said he must be president.” The senator lamented that his young daughters would someday “read these lies, these attacks that Donald and his henchmen, that his buddies at the National Enquirer spread” about their father.

Tort law refers to the set of laws that provides remedies to individuals who have suffered harm by the unreasonable acts of another. The law of tort is based on the idea that people are liable for the consequences of their actions, whether intentional or accidental, if they cause harm to another person or entity. Torts are the civil wrongs that form the basis of civil lawsuits. To explore this concept, consider the following tort law definition.

Definition of Tort Law​


  1. An area of law that deals with the wrongful actions of an individual or entity, which cause injury to another individual’s or entity’s person, property, or reputation, and which entitle the injured party to compensation...

Tort Law - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes

libel (defamation in printed form ) falls under TORT law.

You don't have a link to that law?
Who said it was? Link?

Some moron.


Some moron.

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Is defamation illegal? Calling FOX (1 billion dollars) Calling Trump and Ms. Carrol
The falsification of business records in an effort to conceal from voters Trump’s violations of the law and damaging information during and after the 2016 election is illegal.

If concealing damaging info before an election is illegal, 99% of the MSM should be jailed.
The falsification of business records in an effort to conceal from voters Trump’s violations of the law and damaging information during and after the 2016 election is illegal.
So what about the bitch's Russian collusion? Was that legal?
You didn't read the link, did you? David Pecker confesses to exactly what he and Trump did. It's horrible.

Printing bad stories or not printing bad stories happens every day.
What was out of the ordinary in what they did? Post a snippet.

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