Limbaugh / Hannity Ratings Plummeting from mis-information and attacks on Ron Paul

First, If this is true, I highly doubt Ron Paul is the reason.

Second, why would you have to lie about Ron Paul to oppose him?
Because real liberty and freedom are so scary to you, that you need to scare people into allowing gubmint to be their nanny.

Progressives/socialists in both parties have been using this technique for decades.
First, If this is true, I highly doubt Ron Paul is the reason.

Second, why would you have to lie about Ron Paul to oppose him?
Because real liberty and freedom are so scary to you, that you need to scare people into allowing gubmint to be their nanny.

Progressives/socialists in both parties have been using this technique for decades.

My wife text me yesterday to let me know I was dangerous. The media told her I was.
First, If this is true, I highly doubt Ron Paul is the reason.

Second, why would you have to lie about Ron Paul to oppose him?

You're a Paul hater, so of course it couldn't be because of Paul... You're a "nicer" Paul hater but a Paul hater none the less.
Reported in Hufferpost, but...linked to the Business Insider report on the subject, which links to the original Crain's New York business article which reports that on WABC in New Yawk city the bloviating oracles are both down by the reported amounts according to Arbitron ratings service. This is not nationwide as implied in Huffer's Post, or BI, just in that one market.

maybe the OP should have done a little research, instead of taking something in HuffPo as Gospel.

I'm just sayin.

Just to reiterate what JW explained... this was a drop in ONE MARKET, on ONE STATION. NOT nationally.

This is important or telling because????????
It is important because somewhat of Hannity, but more Limbaugh viewers are more in-line as being tea party or true constitutional conservatives. The bashing and bias has been obvious and disgusting to the political process and people that take into the issues (not the entertainment) recognize this.

I wouldn't be surprised to see an influx of viewership to the Stossel's and Freedom Watch shows on Fox Business. Also, I am sure as this continues there will be more "fair" RP segments on the Levins, Hannity's, Limbaughs of this world.
I don't see how anyone could listen to biased political people on either side. That doesn't make any sense.

I believe people are set in their ways. In 2012, it has become almost too obvious the the two wings of government are no longer Republican and Democrats, but big government and constitutional government. It is no longer a stretch that both parties for the most part support big government, but have minor disagreements on the allocations of tax payers money.
Yeah the Neocons have treated their fellow Republican quite terribly. Ronald Reagan would be very disappointed in their behavior. I expect awful treatment from the far Left Smear Machine but not from fellow Republicans. But their behavior is costing them. They should take Palin's advice and start respecting Ron Paul and his supporters. Otherwise,it will cost them big-time in the Election.
First, If this is true, I highly doubt Ron Paul is the reason.

Second, why would you have to lie about Ron Paul to oppose him?

Third, as if there are enough Paulitics in the country - outside of mental hospitals, that is - to affect Rush's or Hannity's ratings. Can these fruitcakes GET any more delusional?
Reported in Hufferpost, but...linked to the Business Insider report on the subject, which links to the original Crain's New York business article which reports that on WABC in New Yawk city the bloviating oracles are both down by the reported amounts according to Arbitron ratings service. This is not nationwide as implied in Huffer's Post, or BI, just in that one market.

maybe the OP should have done a little research, instead of taking something in HuffPo as Gospel.

I'm just sayin.

The OP is a Paulatic. You don't think he's actually capable of common sense, reason, or logic, do you?

I'm just sayin' . . .
Yeah the Neocons have treated their fellow Republican quite terribly. Ronald Reagan would be very disappointed in their behavior. I expect awful treatment from the far Left Smear Machine but not from fellow Republicans. But their behavior is costing them. They should take Palin's advice and start respecting Ron Paul and his supporters. Otherwise,it will cost them big-time in the Election.

It makes sense when you understand which party the neoconservatives were in prior to the 1960s.
From what I have heard, Rush spends most of his time critisizing Romney, not Paul.
Reported in Hufferpost, but...linked to the Business Insider report on the subject, which links to the original Crain's New York business article which reports that on WABC in New Yawk city the bloviating oracles are both down by the reported amounts according to Arbitron ratings service. This is not nationwide as implied in Huffer's Post, or BI, just in that one market.

maybe the OP should have done a little research, instead of taking something in HuffPo as Gospel.

I'm just sayin.
You didn't read it did you? Huffington Post directs you to this site.
Rush Limbaugh's Ratings Have Fallen 30% In The Last Six Months
I guess it's a sign that Hannity and Limbaugh are fair and balanced. Even if it's happening, the Paulistas will be back. Where else are they gonna go?
From what I have heard, Rush spends most of his time critisizing Romney, not Paul.

He talks about all of the candidates, both pros and cons. However, Paulatics think anything other than, "Ron Paul is the Second Coming! I can't wait to kiss his ass!" is a hateful, unwarranted attack.

Someone should really invent a medication to treat these third-party Cult of Personality wackos who spawn every election. They could make millions.
I guess it's a sign that Hannity and Limbaugh are fair and balanced. Even if it's happening, the Paulistas will be back. Where else are they gonna go?

Cavuto, Stossel, or Freedom Watch (Which is skyrocketing in ratings, from the last I heard)
Reported in Hufferpost, but...linked to the Business Insider report on the subject, which links to the original Crain's New York business article which reports that on WABC in New Yawk city the bloviating oracles are both down by the reported amounts according to Arbitron ratings service. This is not nationwide as implied in Huffer's Post, or BI, just in that one market.

maybe the OP should have done a little research, instead of taking something in HuffPo as Gospel.

I'm just sayin.
You didn't read it did you? Huffington Post directs you to this site.
Rush Limbaugh's Ratings Have Fallen 30% In The Last Six Months

Had you bothered to read it instead of just running off, crying, "Look, there are LINKS! That means Hufflepuff is legitimate!", you would have noticed that it doesn't actually support her conclusions at all. It's a short blurb about ratings; doesn't say a damned thing about WHY.

That would be the "research" previously mentioned, shitstain.

And by the way, how illiterate has our nation become that a writer for Business Insider doesn't know the difference between "less" and "fewer"?

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