Limbaugh rants about birth control

Lots of quotes to choose from.

Rush Limbaugh: Democrats 'Fear' Pregnancy, Are 'Aborting Their Own People' (VIDEO)
Limbaugh was indignant about the hype around the issue. "Why is contraception so important that it must be paid for by somebody else?" he demanded to know. He asked why contraceptives are "a must-have" in comparison to toothpaste, hotel rooms or a car.

"Why are so many people afraid of birth?" he wondered.

Limbaugh then asked why the Democratic party would want to limit pregnancies, arguing that it makes money from abortions. He alleged that Planned Parenthood is part of "a money-laundering operation for the Democrat party" and that the organization "is rolling in dough" from providing abortion services. "So why would the Democrat party want to make sure that there aren't any pregnancies?" he challenged.

He asked why Democrats seem to "fear" pregnancy, claiming that they treat it like "a disease" and a "great health risk for women."

"Could it be that Democrats fear kids?" he wondered. "I mean, they are aborting their own people. The vast majority of people having abortions are Democrat voters."
I think democrats fear kids. Listen to them go on and on and ON about the horrors of carrying a child to term...particularly (gasp) a child with any sort of birth defect, real or imagined....
Yes...we all know how much Rush loves to pay for those unwanted babies
In fact, it appears most of them think that carry a child for 9 months actually KILLS most women.
how funny, I wouldn't ever know what Rush says if it wasn't for the Liberals on this board.

that cracks me the hell up:lol:
how funny, I wouldn't ever know what Rush says if it wasn't for the Liberals on this board.

that cracks me the hell up:lol:

somebody must be listening. have you seen his ratings?

no..but we are always accused on here of getting all our information from Rush, Beck Hanitty, etc etc..
I haven't watched or listened to any of them for years..might run across something on the Internet...that is why I have to laugh.
I think democrats fear kids. Listen to them go on and on and ON about the horrors of carrying a child to term...particularly (gasp) a child with any sort of birth defect, real or imagined....

Democrats have some sort of hatred of pregant women and babies. Just the terminology they use.
I think democrats fear kids. Listen to them go on and on and ON about the horrors of carrying a child to term...particularly (gasp) a child with any sort of birth defect, real or imagined....

Democrats have some sort of hatred of pregant women and babies. Just the terminology they use.

they think like their Dear Leader, he doesn't want to see his daughters "Punished" with a baby..
He is not going against contraception per se in those quotes.

"Why is contraception so important that it must be paid for by somebody else?" he demanded to know. He asked why contraceptives are "a must-have" in comparison to toothpaste, hotel rooms or a car.
how funny, I wouldn't ever know what Rush says if it wasn't for the Liberals on this board.

that cracks me the hell up:lol:

somebody must be listening. have you seen his ratings?
And they seem to be rightfully ashamed to admit to the America hating liar. :eusa_shhh:

LOL, you want to see HATE..go to PMSnbc...You'll also get to watch insanity all rolled into one..
and your hardon for Rush is duly noted..just look at your signature...cracks me up
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Media Matters must be working overtime. Not only is the tax exempt left wing propaganda machine advising the president but it still finds time to monitor good old Rush.
somebody must be listening. have you seen his ratings?
And they seem to be rightfully ashamed to admit to the America hating liar. :eusa_shhh:

LOL, you want to see HATE..go to PMSnbc...You'll also get to watch insanity all rolled into one..
and your hardon for Rush is duly noted..just look at your signature...cracks me up
Sorry, GOP hate radio owns HATE.

GOP hate radio also owns stupid. Neither your MessiahRushie nor his audience has even a remote idea what he blathers on about, but they BOTH know it's BRILLIANT! :rofl::lmao:

February 10, 2012

RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.
CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.
CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?
RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.
CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said, but it was just conservatism.
The left saw ultra hateful racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque caricature of a slave and they made excuses for it because they hated the fact that President Bush appointed a Black woman as Secretary of State. Talk radio is just a voice but the left wing media owns hatred. Thanks to McCain and Feingold's peculiar idea of campaign reform the left also owns propaganda with Soros tax exempt Media Matters.
I think democrats fear kids. Listen to them go on and on and ON about the horrors of carrying a child to term...particularly (gasp) a child with any sort of birth defect, real or imagined....

Democrats have some sort of hatred of pregant women and babies. Just the terminology they use.

Liberals believe pregnancy is a disease, thus the prevention must be covered by health insurance.

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