Lindsey Graham calls on US to 'terrorize' drug cartels after killings

There is just so much money in drugs. I am sure there are many authorities on the take in Mexico, cause the gangs can afford to buy them. Kill the gangsters and dry up demand. Or we keep what we have.

That is the key

There is tremendous money to be made in drugs.
Why jeopardize your profits because a couple of guys screwed up and killed tourists instead of drug dealers?
Well --- how would the U.S. crack down?? It's not obvious. Pershing went after Pancho Villa, who invaded Brownville with Mexican troops. This is not such a simple situation. For one thing, it's not connected directly with the drug cartels: it's the new kidnapping industry building up in Mexico. Haiti, too. For another thing, we'd have to take over Mexico, declare war on it, and while that actually would be defending the country, the Biden Administration prefers to fidaddle around in Ukraine where nothing really matters to us.

Nothing will happen, IMO --- except now Senator Graham has thrown his hat in the ring.
The US has waged war on gangsters before.
I think the Mexican Government has conceded a lot to the Drug Cartels. As long as they were killing each other, the Government stayed out.

I don’t think they are willing to concede tourism. Especially in the border towns. They have to make a show of cracking down on the cartel. If they won’t, the US will.

Better for the cartel to turn in the guys who did it and allow Mexico to take credit for catching them.
I know you think that, your last posts say so.

My point is that you are dead wrong. I have been to Mexico many times over the last few decades and watched as the area around the resorts gets more and more dangerous every year. In the 90's we did not think twice about driving wherever we wanted, just had to make sure to carry some cash to pay the cop if they pull you over. Now, there is zero chance I would go anywhere that was not covered by a major resort. There was a time when you could have used your EXACT same reasoning in Tijuana which was perfectly safe to visit and was a major tourist area in the 90's. Now it is dangerous as hell. Even the MAJCOM I was under in the Airforce outright banned personal travel to Mexico 10 years ago. Not sure it is still on the list but Mexico has simply gotten worse since then.

The power structure in Mexico has changed. Tourism no longer represents a significant enough power base to keep the cartels at bay.
He's right. Why aren't we putting an all out effort into murderizing these bastards?

Uh ... It's Senator Graham ... "All hat, no cowboy" as usual ... :auiqs.jpg:
Trey Gowdy got tired of that shit after Benghazi and left Congress.

Well let's call that what it would be, declaring war on Mexico Is that what ya want? Do you want a war against Mexico?
Lindsey Graham gets all red in the face and shoots off his mouth from the hip. His statements are just another diversion from the truth of the matter, that drug users drive the cartels, and the violence. Until drug use is dealt with more blood will flow.
Well let's call that what it would be, declaring war on Mexico Is that what ya want? Do you want a war against Mexico?

Mexico declared war on the Cartels in 2006 ... And the US has been funding their efforts to the tune of billions of dollars ever since.
Providing military and operational support ... Outside of just training or pouring money into Mexico ...
Would not be a "stretch" considering our existing involvement.


Mexico declared war on the Cartels in 2006 ... And the US has been funding their efforts to the tune of billions of dollars ever since.
Providing military and operational support ... Outside of just training or pouring money into Mexico ...
Would not be a "stretch" considering our existing involvement.

That is not what Lindsey Graham is proposing. He is proposing direct military intervention. AKA war. Anything else is just more of the same. Lol, certainly not the first two Americans murdered down there. I quit visiting way back in the late 90s as I saw it as too much h of a risk. So do you want to declare war?
That is not what Lindsey Graham is proposing. He is proposing direct military intervention. AKA war. Anything else is just more of the same. Lol, certainly not the first two Americans murdered down there. I quit visiting way back in the late 90s as I saw it as too much h of a risk. So do you want to declare war?

It doesn't matter ... It can be negotiated and is not unreasonable under existing condition and agreements.

I am not even saying I support the idea ... But you don't have to turn a blind eye to what we are already doing ...
Or how deeply we are already involved ... It's not a huge leap.

If you want something to be pissed about ... Point at President Obama's Administration and Eric Holder for arming the fuckers ...
Through the ATF during Fast and Furious Operations ... That damn sure didn't help ... And they didn't ask the Mexicans about that.
Damn you People are silly ... :auiqs.jpg:

Breaking: A federal judge just ripped Biden a new a-hole on his illegal border policies. Accused Biden of turning the border into a meaningless line in the sand.

It doesn't matter ... It can be negotiated and is not unreasonable under existing condition and agreements.

I am not even saying I support the idea ... But you don't have to turn a blind eye to what we are already doing ...
Or how deeply we are already involved ... It's not a huge leap.

If you want something to be pissed about ... Point at President Obama's Administration and Eric Holder for arming the fuckers ...
Through the ATF during Fast and Furious Operations.
Damn you People are silly ... :auiqs.jpg:

Lol, negotiated, ya sure. Negotiate with the same corrupted government officials that line their pockets with cartel money right now and protect them. Ya let's just give them 100 billion more of our money to line their pockets with. Sounds like a great idea. Hilarious

It doesn't matter ... It can be negotiated and is not unreasonable under existing condition and agreements.

I am not even saying I support the idea ... But you don't have to turn a blind eye to what we are already doing ...
Or how deeply we are already involved ... It's not a huge leap.

If you want something to be pissed about ... Point at President Obama's Administration and Eric Holder for arming the fuckers ...
Through the ATF during Fast and Furious Operations ... That damn sure didn't help ... And they didn't ask the Mexicans about that.
Damn you People are silly ... :auiqs.jpg:

We are ending up with a lot of men, women and children from Central and South America and this has to stop. We are long overdue for a war in the Western Hemisphere. A culling of the population is needed. It's just that none of us want to be culled.
Yes, I'm all for this!!

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) called on the Biden administration and Congress to “unleash" the U.S. military against Mexican cartels following the kidnappings and killings of U.S. citizens in Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

Just the fact that he has to call on this installed Administration to do it and it wasn't an automatic reaction by Joetard, tells me Lindsey is pissin' into the wind!!
There is a line you don’t cross

Murdering tourists in the middle of the day in a border town crosses that line. If tourists do not feel safe, they will not come.

Someone in the cartel screwed up big time and is bringing unwanted heat onto the cartel. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn over the killers just to end the heat.
Whether they are turned in, or just end on the side of the road somewhere, they will be dealt with. The cartels won't tollerate any unnecessary interference to their normal operations.
We are ending up with a lot of men, women and children from Central and South America and this has to stop. We are long overdue for a war in the Western Hemisphere. A culling of the population is needed. It's just that none of us want to be culled.

I would rather find more appropriate ways to manage the situation.
Warfare is not pretty ... And I have little desire to embrace the idea beyond an absolute necessity.

I currently believe that our State and Federal Governments can do a better job of answering the needs ...
Without wanton bloodshed ... Although I must admit there is almost no indication that they will.

Lol, negotiated, ya sure. Negotiate with the same corrupted government officials that line their pockets with cartel money right now and protect them. Ya let's just give them 100 billion more of our money to line their pockets with. Sounds like a great idea. Hilarious

My first post addressed your assertion that military force was not appropriate ... And in my post ...
I identified where the money we are sending certainly isn't doing the job.

How you got from there to the stupid shit you just posted in response ... Is beyond me ...
I don't need to pretend we aren't already involved ... Make up your fucking mind ... Nitwit ... :auiqs.jpg:


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