Lindsey Graham Responds To Lou Dobbs Urging South Carolinians To Vote Against Him

Apparently Lou is a homophobe attacking "stay tuned" douchebag Lindsey like that. Homosexual, Deep State McCain (who was involved in setting up the Russian Hoax against our President) pal Graham should not dismiss Lou sentiment as it reflects all American patriots.
Graham is one of the top three RINO's in the current RNC controlled GOP, along with Lisa Murkowski & Susan Collins. All three represent a large split base of statist to moderate left & neocon/centrist conservative constituency so all three like to walk dead center of the road. Out of these three I have to say that Lindsey Graham is well past his prime & seriously needs to vacate that senate seat as fast as humanly possible as he can no longer be considered viable as a conservative senator.
How anyone with kids can vote for lindsey is beyond me. If it was up to him he would send them all off to some foreign country to get killed.
Apparently Lou is a homophobe attacking "stay tuned" douchebag Lindsey like that. Homosexual, Deep State McCain (who was involved in setting up the Russian Hoax against our President) pal Graham should not dismiss Lou sentiment as it reflects all American patriots.
has no bearing on my life, and im a patriot. i guess that shoots your point to hell
i thought Lou was a racist. he wants the black guy to win over the white Southerner?
You know things have gone off the rails when a duplicitous, hypocritical hack like Lindsey............

..........can be made to sound reasonable by the rantings of a lunatic is his own party.
Graham is one of the top three RINO's in the current RNC controlled GOP, along with Lisa Murkowski & Susan Collins. All three represent a large split base of statist to moderate left & neocon/centrist conservative constituency so all three like to walk dead center of the road. Out of these three I have to say that Lindsey Graham is well past his prime & seriously needs to vacate that senate seat as fast as humanly possible as he can no longer be considered viable as a conservative senator.
the botox douchebag--pig-lousy-- is well past its prime & seriously needs to vacate that seat as fast as humanly possible as it can no longer be considered viable as a human being
i thought Lou was a racist. he wants the black guy to win over the white Southerner?
You know things have gone off the rails when a duplicitous, hypocritical hack like Lindsey............

..........can be made to sound reasonable by the rantings of a lunatic is his own party.

The real issue is the near complete Borg like behaviors of the Prog Socialist communists. It is more painful for the people who have different views who are not as you are. For this is a fight for liberty that we are all losing.
Graham is one of the top three RINO's in the current RNC controlled GOP, along with Lisa Murkowski & Susan Collins. All three represent a large split base of statist to moderate left & neocon/centrist conservative constituency so all three like to walk dead center of the road. Out of these three I have to say that Lindsey Graham is well past his prime & seriously needs to vacate that senate seat as fast as humanly possible as he can no longer be considered viable as a conservative senator.

That is not reality.
I am hoping that Senator Graham wins.

We need to keep the Senate in Republican hands.

It will be the only brake on the Democratic attempt to establish a dictatorship.

If the Dems take the Senate (which seems likely) they will emasculate the Senate by removing the filibuster, thus allowing the Dems to ram through any legislation (such as packing the Supreme Court).

The Dems do not believe in the separation of powers.
The real issue is the near complete Borg like behaviors of the Prog Socialist communists.
That's funny. You guys repeat the same lies, almost verbatim, like you're reading off a cheat sheet. The POT has the most monolithic thinking in the world because you don't think for just let the Bigot-in-Chief tell you what you think.
i thought Lou was a racist. he wants the black guy to win over the white Southerner?
You know things have gone off the rails when a duplicitous, hypocritical hack like Lindsey............

..........can be made to sound reasonable by the rantings of a lunatic is his own party.

The real issue is the near complete Borg like behaviors of the Prog Socialist communists. It is more painful for the people who have different views who are not as you are. For this is a fight for liberty that we are all losing.

Not convinced that we are losing.
It will be the only brake on the Democratic attempt to establish a dictatorship.
I love it when a Trumplehead gets hysterical. It's especially funny since Trump is easily the most authoritarian prez in US history. No one else comes close.

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