Links for that One Trick Pony Thead


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
A request for a link in that "Don, the One Trick Pony" thread:

Trump was very wrong about then V.P. role in the January 6 Congressional certification process. He thought Pence can decide by himself to change the long certified EC votes results, I was stunned when he pushed that baloney.

The role for the V.P. in the January 6 Certification process is actually very narrow and specific in the Constitution, he has ZERO power to change them, that power is with the Congress.
A request for a link in that "Don, the One Trick Pony" thread:

Sad that you are so obsessed with a man that at present has no power. Are you afwaid? Be vewy vewy afwaid.
A request for a link in that "Don, the One Trick Pony" thread:

Sad that you are so obsessed with a man that at present has no power. Are you afwaid? Be vewy vewy afwaid.

Yeah they can't let him go, they wanted him gone for 4 years, then when he is back in Florida, they can't stop thinking and talking about him, sad very sad obsession.
A request for a link in that "Don, the One Trick Pony" thread:

Sad that you are so obsessed with a man that at present has no power. Are you afwaid? Be vewy vewy afwaid.

Yeah they can't let him go, they wanted him gone for 4 years, then when he is back in Florida, they can't stop thinking and talking about him, sad very sad obsession.
It is a conditioned response.

Those who have no intellect have been trained by their globalist masters to salivate on command.

Just as a hostile takeover in business is oriented towards dismantling a business in order to make a profit through destuction, the currency speculators and technocrats are in the process of dismantling America for the same objective.

We are just dealing with their pre-programmed foot soldiers here.
Sad that you are so obsessed with a man that at present has no power.
Yeah they can't let him go, they wanted him gone for 4 years, then when he is back in Florida, they can't stop thinking and talking about him,

Ah what sad misreads of the intent behind the OP.

As stated earlier, my avatar only desires to be of service and to share newsy items that are current in the newsfeeds of good and vetted sources, and too, in the coverage from rightfield and leftfield providers. Reporting that may not be available to others in a readily accessible format.

To think otherwise is, well, it could be projection. But I dunno for sure.
Nor do I know if it is projection by TDS ----- Trump Defender Sycophancy.
So many questions, it seems.

And besides, having an ex-president ripping on the leader of the current Senate who was absolutely critical in getting conservative judges on the Federal bench, who was absolutely vital in passing a long wished for Conservative tax cut, and remarkably, who happens to be of the same party as that ex-president who benefitted immensely by the leader's efforts --- and then the ex- calling for unity in that party, is .............well, goshdarn it, it is amusing irony, regardless of party affiliation. No?
"Those who have no intellect have been trained by their globalist masters to salivate on command..........the currency speculators and technocrats are in the process of dismantling America......"

Poster Dogmaphobe, on this very venue, there was a listing of, ummm, 'notable'(?) readers' comments following an article published in the Gateway Pundit recently. In fact, some of those comments were listed here in a thread about alleged vote fraud in Michigan.

My question, sincerely posed ---- were any of those listed here really you, but using your Gateway avatar name, not 'Dogmaphobe?

I ask that, as my avatar thinks he detects some similarities than seem more than coincidental.
A request for a link in that "Don, the One Trick Pony" thread:

Sad that you are so obsessed with a man that at present has no power.
Yeah they can't let him go, they wanted him gone for 4 years, then when he is back in Florida, they can't stop thinking and talking about him,

Ah what sad misreads of the intent behind the OP.

As stated earlier, my avatar only desires to be of service and to share newsy items that are current in the newsfeeds of good and vetted sources, and too, in the coverage from rightfield and leftfield providers. Reporting that may not be available to others in a readily accessible format.

To think otherwise is, well, it could be projection. But I dunno for sure.
Nor do I know if it is projection by TDS ----- Trump Defender Sycophancy.
So many questions, it seems.

And besides, having an ex-president ripping on the leader of the current Senate who was absolutely critical in getting conservative judges on the Federal bench, who was absolutely vital in passing a long wished for Conservative tax cut, and remarkably, who happens to be of the same party as that ex-president who benefitted immensely by the leader's efforts --- and then the ex- calling for unity in that party, is .............well, goshdarn it, it is amusing irony, regardless of party affiliation. No?
NO, You are a hypocritical moron. Trump is a private citizen--just like you or I. You are ripping on a former POTUS, Obama, Biden, Harris, indeed the entire democrat party ripped on Trump while he was a sitting POTUS. It is the RIGHT of any US citizen. The TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is evident in this post. How's that borscht comrade.
NO, You are a hypocritical moron. Trump is a private citizen--just like you or I. You are ripping on a former POTUS,

Ah, another sad misread by the poster 'Concerned American'.

Here, lemme help you, Concerned American.
In the Opening Post of the first 'Don Trump, the One Trick Pony'....... my avatar took pains to use quotation marks (") to delineate that the reportage came from a source other than my avatar. In fact, in the text it was stated the reportage came from this morning's Washington Post.

It is regrettable that you didn't notice the quotation marks.

So, if you think there is "ripping", then you need to take your serious complaint to the Washington Post. (their website can, I'm sure, offer you 'contact' resources.)

And that 'contact' advice should apply to the other two linked articles that comprise the OP of this thread. Let us know your results in contacting these news organizations.
Good luck.
NO, You are a hypocritical moron. Trump is a private citizen--just like you or I. You are ripping on a former POTUS,

Ah, another sad misread by the poster 'Concerned American'.

Here, lemme help you, Concerned American.
In the Opening Post of the first 'Don Trump, the One Trick Pony'....... my avatar took pains to use quotation marks (") to delineate that the reportage came from a source other than my avatar. In fact, in the text it was stated the reportage came from this morning's Washington Post.

It is regrettable that you didn't notice the quotation marks.

So, if you think there is "ripping", then you need to take your serious complaint to the Washington Post. (their website can, I'm sure, offer you 'contact' resources.)

And that 'contact' advice should apply to the other two linked articles that comprise the OP of this thread. Let us know your results in contacting these news organizations.
Good luck.

This is YOU!

RE: the poster "Mad Chemist's" meme about "rent free": Poster, I know nearly nothing about "free rent". It's something I've never experienced.

But, on a more serious note --- do you wish to share your opinion with this forum on the rather unusual ---I say ironic ----circumstance of the ex-president "ripping" on the man who helped him so immeasurably in his four years as president?
And a man who is a long established Senate leader of the very same party as that of the ex-president?

And do you think the tactic of calling the top GOP Senate leader--- " a dumb son of a bitch" helps with Party unity?

Thanx, in advance.
NO, You are a hypocritical moron. Trump is a private citizen--just like you or I. You are ripping on a former POTUS,

Ah, another sad misread by the poster 'Concerned American'.

Here, lemme help you, Concerned American.
In the Opening Post of the first 'Don Trump, the One Trick Pony'....... my avatar took pains to use quotation marks (") to delineate that the reportage came from a source other than my avatar. In fact, in the text it was stated the reportage came from this morning's Washington Post.

It is regrettable that you didn't notice the quotation marks.

So, if you think there is "ripping", then you need to take your serious complaint to the Washington Post. (their website can, I'm sure, offer you 'contact' resources.)

And that 'contact' advice should apply to the other two linked articles that comprise the OP of this thread. Let us know your results in contacting these news organizations.
Good luck.
Your attempt to sound erudite, has failed miserably. Your contention that you are just presenting is disingenuous at best. The WAPO is not a reputable source as it is just part of the democrat msm. Secondly, those links did not magically jump to this thread nor did the thread magically appear--YOU POSTED IT, own it. I will take responsibility for being sucked in by a troll and his verbal vomit. Silly me.
do you wish to share your opinion with this forum on the rather unusual ---I say ironic ----circumstance of the ex-president "ripping" on the man who helped him so immeasurably in his four years as president?
Just as soon as you explain why Kameltoe ripped on her eventual benefactor during the campaign--answer your own question moron. Re: rent free--if you had a lick of sense, you would understand that YOU are providing Trump with lodging "rent free in your brain" They say a pic is worth 1000 words, and you didn't get it from that, so I am not optimistic that you will understand this either.
This is YOU!

Ah, poster Tommy, please reference post #12, the response and query to poster Mad Chemist.

Would you be willing to share your thoughts on the same questions posed to poster
Concerned Citizen?

You little dumb fuck, YOU violated the clean title policy, but decided to see you waste your time with the bullcrap that I didn't report it.

You can't stop your silly obsession over a man gone from the White House 72 days.

By the way you didn't read post TWO huh!
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I will take responsibility for being sucked in .....

So, Concerned A., you cannot or will not attempt a response on the efficacy of the Republican ex-president calling the current Republican leader of the Senate a 'dumb son of a bitch'?

Which was the query presented to your avatar.
Take it down the road junior. I've no time for your idiocy. Come back when you've gotten dry behind the ears and can present a logical argument. Your mommy's calling.

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