List all the ways DNC Obama & Clinton cheated in the election yet still lost


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Fill in those I'm missing, as there is so many I'm bound to forget a few.

1) destroying her emails obstructing justice which would have prevented her fom running in the first place.
2) getting debate questions in advance.
3) circumvented electorate process through vote swapping campaign that allows people to switch states they vote in
by voting the choice of the person they are swapping with. Legal to do but is still cheating and was done by campaign as strategy.
4) illegal surveillance of their opponent.
5) cheated Bernie
6)cheated independent & third parties from equal access to the process, debates, and media.
7) had dead voters on their voter registration that voted = it's a "Miracle", they rose to vote for their master.
8) had illegals vote
9) put us at risk by rushing and tampering
with the imigration process to garner more Dem voters. Even miraculously allowing them to vote when they failed to meet the registration cut off date.
10) had criminals and jail residents illegally vote.
11) they found those boxes of prefilled Clinton votes in a wharehous, how many wharehouses in many states did they not find the stash of cheating ballots?
12)They used an immigration activist org to work(collude) with Mexico who interfered with the election by sending illegal voters over the border for sole purpose of illegally voting.
13) they colluded with another foreign gov't to spread fake news dozier.
14) changed wording and lied to race bait
and demonize the opponent and his supporters.

I know you can add more......but how do they do all that cheating, demonization tactics, promise free college and lunch money, and use all that money and brown nosing with celebrity and concerts and still lose? =Total incompetance
Or she's a shitty candidate

or the electoral college system is outdated

But what was your point again?
or the electoral college system is outdated

She had over 3 million more votes and lost. What else would you call our electoral college system?

Don't answer, I already know it will be retarded and not worth anyones time.
That doesnt mean its outdated, moron. That means it did exactly what was intended.
One populated area doesnt control the outcome of a nationwide election.
RDD is saying they want the few criminal states to have more say then law abiding states affected by those liberal hippies.
I personally don't want fantasy world (hollywood) control my reality world.
That's just me. :)
Uh, when are they moving to Canada again?
IT's taking them a long time to pack their botox and head shots.
or the electoral college system is outdated

She had over 3 million more votes and lost. What else would you call our electoral college system?

Don't answer, I already know it will be retarded and not worth anyones time.
working as designed.

it was never built to ensure the popular vote won, it was built to ensure the smaller areas had a voice that wasn't smashed by the bigger locations.

there will sooner or later there comes a time it WILL work in the dems favor and if i'm around at that time, i'll accept it as the design of the system and working as intended, not whine cause i'm some bitter bitch and the entire system of 250 years needs to be changed at my whim.

that's pretty fucking arrogant to be honest.
or the electoral college system is outdated

She had over 3 million more votes and lost. What else would you call our electoral college system?

Don't answer, I already know it will be retarded and not worth anyones time.
That doesnt mean its outdated, moron. That means it did exactly what was intended.
One populated area doesnt control the outcome of a nationwide election.

I called it. Retarded.
RDD is saying they want the few criminal states to have more say then law abiding states affected by those liberal hippies.
I personally don't want fantasy world (hollywood) control my reality world.
That's just me. :)
Uh, when are they moving to Canada again?
IT's taking them a long time to pack their botox and head shots.

Criminal states he says. Snippets of comedy is all you turnips are good for at this point.
Fill in those I'm missing, as there is so many I'm bound to forget a few.

1) destroying her emails obstructing justice which would have prevented her fom running in the first place.
2) getting debate questions in advance.
3) circumvented electorate process through vote swapping campaign that allows people to switch states they vote in
by voting the choice of the person they are swapping with. Legal to do but is still cheating and was done by campaign as strategy.
4) illegal surveillance of their opponent.
5) cheated Bernie
6)cheated independent & third parties from equal access to the process, debates, and media.
7) had dead voters on their voter registration that voted = it's a "Miracle", they rose to vote for their master.
8) had illegals vote
9) put us at risk by rushing and tampering
with the imigration process to garner more Dem voters. Even miraculously allowing them to vote when they failed to meet the registration cut off date.
10) had criminals and jail residents illegally vote.
11) they found those boxes of prefilled Clinton votes in a wharehous, how many wharehouses in many states did they not find the stash of cheating ballots?
12)They used an immigration activist org to work(collude) with Mexico who interfered with the election by sending illegal voters over the border for sole purpose of illegally voting.
13) they colluded with another foreign gov't to spread fake news dozier.
14) changed wording and lied to race bait
and demonize the opponent and his supporters.

I know you can add more......but how do they do all that cheating, demonization tactics, promise free college and lunch money, and use all that money and brown nosing with celebrity and concerts and still lose? =Total incompetance

EVERY single thing on your list is FALSE....except the donna B giving her the primary debate questions for her and Bernie
or the electoral college system is outdated

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Explanation It has been enacted into law in 11 states with 165 electoral votes (CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA). This interstate compact will take effect when enacted by states with 105 more electoral votes.

National Popular Vote
I know that in Broward County FL they had Democrats in a backroom filling in absentee ballots for Hillary and one of the workers at the place reported it. She was fired from her job for reporting it to authorities and the news. I also know that drug rehab residents in California were getting paid a flat fee for a vote for Hillary. The MSM Media was fixing the poll numbers all along which led the American people to believe that Hillary was in a tight race (it was never a tight race - she didn't win the popular vote - not by a longshot). There was also the story of Hillary meeting with MSM journalists many months before the election to put together a game plan. Hillary Clinton also organized a group on Twitter whose main purpose was creating millions of fake Twitter accounts who 'liked' Hillary and 'friended' her, same thing went on at Facebook. Fake accounts galore for Hillary. Then there was the story about MSM photoshopping Hillary campaign rallies to hide the fact that she only had about 100-200 people attending those rallies. They were meeting in school gyms and such while Trump rallies were held in stadiums, arenas packed to the doors but photos were taken from an angle which would hide the 25,000-35,000 people attending his rallies on a consistent basis. What else? The MSM publicized false stories about Trump and DNC found 'victims' who claimed Trump made some indecent proposal toward them but none of these 'victims' were willing to perjure themselves so they wouldn't get on the stand and Trump exposed them all as frauds. Then came the WikiLeaks emails which exposed Hillary Clinton child trafficking with her friend down in Haiti & Podesta invitation to Spirit Cooking dinners and pizza gate which is when they coined the phrase 'Fake News' in order to protect themselves which later Trump used (Fake News buzz word) to his advantage proving the Fake News journalists were all MSM. This is what I can remember off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more but it's a start....
or the electoral college system is outdated

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Explanation It has been enacted into law in 11 states with 165 electoral votes (CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA). This interstate compact will take effect when enacted by states with 105 more electoral votes.

National Popular Vote
20% of the population live in NY and Cali. There is no fucking way i want those batshit crazy lunatics deciding the National Vote.
I know that in Broward County FL they had Democrats in a backroom filling in absentee ballots for Hillary and one of the workers at the place reported it. She was fired from her job for reporting it to authorities and the news. I also know that drug rehab residents in California were getting paid a flat fee for a vote for Hillary. The MSM Media was fixing the poll numbers all along which led the American people to believe that Hillary was in a tight race (it was never a tight race - she didn't win the popular vote - not by a longshot). There was also the story of Hillary meeting with MSM journalists many months before the election to put together a game plan. Hillary Clinton also organized a group on Twitter whose main purpose was creating millions of fake Twitter accounts who 'liked' Hillary and 'friended' her, same thing went on at Facebook. Fake accounts galore for Hillary. Then there was the story about MSM photoshopping Hillary campaign rallies to hide the fact that she only had about 100-200 people attending those rallies. They were meeting in school gyms and such while Trump rallies were held in stadiums, arenas packed to the doors but photos were taken from an angle which would hide the 25,000-35,000 people attending his rallies on a consistent basis. What else? The MSM publicized false stories about Trump and DNC found 'victims' who claimed Trump made some indecent proposal toward them but none of these 'victims' were willing to perjure themselves so they wouldn't get on the stand and Trump exposed them all as frauds. Then came the WikiLeaks emails which exposed Hillary Clinton child trafficking with her friend down in Haiti & Podesta invitation to Spirit Cooking dinners and pizza gate which is when they coined the phrase 'Fake News' in order to protect themselves which later Trump used (Fake News buzz word) to his advantage proving the Fake News journalists were all MSM. This is what I can remember off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more but it's a start....
ALL bull crap Jeremiah....

amazing how little you know due to ONLY reading right wing lies.
or the electoral college system is outdated

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Explanation It has been enacted into law in 11 states with 165 electoral votes (CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA). This interstate compact will take effect when enacted by states with 105 more electoral votes.

National Popular Vote
20% of the population live in NY and Cali. There is no fucking way i want those batshit crazy lunatics deciding the National Vote.
why do you believe your vote as a citizen is worth more than any other individual citizen's vote? Aren't we all suppose to be created EQUAL under the law? Isn't it suppose to be for citizens, one man, one vote?
or the electoral college system is outdated

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Explanation It has been enacted into law in 11 states with 165 electoral votes (CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA). This interstate compact will take effect when enacted by states with 105 more electoral votes.

National Popular Vote
20% of the population live in NY and Cali. There is no fucking way i want those batshit crazy lunatics deciding the National Vote.
why do you believe your vote as a citizen is worth more than any other individual citizen's vote? Aren't we all suppose to be EQUAL under the law? Isn't it suppose to be for citizens, one man, one vote?
I wont argue your strawman.
I just support the EC and the reasons for its creation.
or the electoral college system is outdated

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Explanation It has been enacted into law in 11 states with 165 electoral votes (CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA). This interstate compact will take effect when enacted by states with 105 more electoral votes.

National Popular Vote
20% of the population live in NY and Cali. There is no fucking way i want those batshit crazy lunatics deciding the National Vote.
why do you believe your vote as a citizen is worth more than any other individual citizen's vote? Aren't we all suppose to be EQUAL under the law? Isn't it suppose to be for citizens, one man, one vote?
I wont argue your strawman.
I just support the EC and the reasons for its creation.
I support the EC as well, but it should be how my small state handles it....
If it was only land owners that voted, the EC wouldnt be needed IMO
People that contribute nothing to society shouldnt have an opinion on how society is ran.
I forgot two of the most important tools she used to try to steal the election, HaShev. Project Veritas busted the DNC workers on camera boasting about how they stole elections and what methods they used. Those videos went viral (many of them). And the ku da gra was their voter fraud scheme called "Fraction Magic" which was exposed by the expert at Black Box Voting - Bev Harris. When Fraction Magic was exposed the people behind Hillary were not able to pull it off.

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