List the 3 best/worst lasting impacts from President Trump


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Looking for the 3 best and worst lasting impacts of the Trump Presidency in your opinion. I’ll throw a few out:

- Signed a bipartisan Justice Reform bill in the works for years but pushed over the line during Trump’s
- Middle East relations are as normalized as they’ve been in decades
- Finished off the defeat of ISIS, started by Obama.

- Leaving healthcare worse than he inherited and welching on his campaign promises to dramatically improve it.
- Leaving our foreign alliances in such disrepair even 4 years of Biden/McConnell cooperation may not fix. Who will trust us again?
- Lowered the discourse and ethical standards from our leaders to an all time low. All. Time. Low.

I have economy as a push. Some things worked and some didn’t.
1 agreed middle east relations are normalized as they have been in decades thanks to trump.the first president sense carter to not start any wars for the elite.

2.The first president to come out to have the balls to come out and tell the truth that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit from them.

3.standing up for the people being against the corrupt democrat party machine who wanted lockdowns to destory american lives part of the new world order plan.

:mad: worst,1.he was all talk about draining the swamp and making american great again.He did not lift one finger to get rid of the CIA,FBI and fed as he said he would. I think he was sincere about it but then cowardly caved in knowing they would kill him same as they did kennedy if he tried. Just once i woud like to have a president not afraid of dying standing up them and getting rid of them. nuff said,that says it all.
.The first president to come out to have the balls to come out and tell the truth that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit from them.

DING Who is Dwight Eisenhower January 1961 for 200 Alex

Proved that political neophytes make for poor presidents.

Proved that businessmen make for poor presidents.

Proved that America can’t be ‘run like a business.’


A failed, hateful, deadly immigration policy.

Coddled dictators and despots to the benefit of both and to the detriment of the US, its allies, and democracy.

Dangerous, reckless, irresponsible policy of deregulation.

Proved that political neophytes make for poor presidents.

Proved that businessmen make for poor presidents.

Proved that America can’t be ‘run like a business.’


A failed, hateful, deadly immigration policy.

Coddled dictators and despots to the benefit of both and to the detriment of the US, its allies, and democracy.

Dangerous, reckless, irresponsible policy of deregulation.

At most, Trump proved that HE made a poor president. Using him as proof that businessmen are poor presidents is ridiculous. Sample size of 1? Pfft.

I would have liked to see some actual examples rather than your generalized list, but considering you basically ignored the 'best' portion, I guess I shouldn't expect anything of the sort.
Looking for the 3 best and worst lasting impacts of the Trump Presidency in your opinion. I’ll throw a few out:

- Signed a bipartisan Justice Reform bill in the works for years but pushed over the line during Trump’s
- Middle East relations are as normalized as they’ve been in decades
- Finished off the defeat of ISIS, started by Obama.

- Leaving healthcare worse than he inherited and welching on his campaign promises to dramatically improve it.
- Leaving our foreign alliances in such disrepair even 4 years of Biden/McConnell cooperation may not fix. Who will trust us again?
- Lowered the discourse and ethical standards from our leaders to an all time low. All. Time. Low.

I have economy as a push. Some things worked and some didn’t.

Your list is good. I might put Trump's pushing for transparency in drug pricing, and allowing importation of cheaper drugs, on the best list. I also tend to agree with lowering the corporate tax rate, although I'm not sure how much that really impacts things considering how convoluted our overall tax system is, and there was no cut to government spending to accompany cutting taxes.

For the worst list, I would add the dramatic increase in the national debt. Of course COVID is responsible for a large portion of that, but even before the pandemic the government was increasing the debt.
Significant Accomplishments:
1. Signed law to make animal cruelty a federal crime with harsher consequences.

A separate piece of legislature (Save our Seas Act) designating 10 million annually for the removal of plastic and garbage from the oceans to save marine life and clean up the water. All nations polluting the waters need to step up and it will take a "Trump type of personality" to get them to move-China for instance the biggest offender)

2. Signed law making hemp and CBD legal. Pot needs to be de-scheduled by federal and up to states to decide from there.

3. Signed the "Allow States and victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act including the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act giving law enforcement and victims new tools to fight traffickers.

1.The way he fired General Mathis. It could have been handled in a different fashion.

2. The way he fired Rex Tillerson. (See above)

3. He approved Turkey to invade Syria and attack our Kurdish allies. The Kurds are a strong-willed people who have been given the shaft time and time again by various countries.

For the sake of total transparency, in case it was missed by a reader, I admit to feeling constrained by the OP's 3/3 format and slipped in 4 pieces of legislation that I supported using 3 categories-so it's still 3 right? lol
Looking for the 3 best and worst lasting impacts of the Trump Presidency in your opinion. I’ll throw a few out:

- Signed a bipartisan Justice Reform bill in the works for years but pushed over the line during Trump’s
- Middle East relations are as normalized as they’ve been in decades
- Finished off the defeat of ISIS, started by Obama.

- Leaving healthcare worse than he inherited and welching on his campaign promises to dramatically improve it.
- Leaving our foreign alliances in such disrepair even 4 years of Biden/McConnell cooperation may not fix. Who will trust us again?
- Lowered the discourse and ethical standards from our leaders to an all time low. All. Time. Low.

I have economy as a push. Some things worked and some didn’t.
Not possible to lower it lower than billy boy did. Providing tough international leadership sometimes requires harsh truth instead of blind backslapping.
Looking at what Newsweek says are Trump's biggest achievements:
1. ME peace deals, ending "endless wars"
2. Corporate Tax Cuts, Executive Orders, and the stock market rally
3. Upgrading Trade Deals, taking on China's unfair trade practices, the work of Navarro & Lighthizer
4. Building the border wall, enforcing immigration laws, opposing drug cartels and drug gangs
5. Rebuilding and upgrading the US military, getting the US out of AFG and the ME after 20-years of endless-war, making NATO members spend as committed.

Trump's worst legacies are:
1. The DC protest/riot and the attack on the Capital, he should have accepted the election results sooner
2. Personal Tax cuts and growing the National Debt when the economy was booming endangering Social Security & Medicare
3. Not urging the wearing of face masks by example, and a "work safe" policy, the non-use of masks made the pandemic worse
4. Denying climate change and not working toward reducing carbon emissions instead of more oil production
5. Trump's obnoxious and combative personality as seen in the 1st debate, and the firings of generals Mattis & Kelly

Salon's list of Trump failures:

Political failures include the GOP & democrats not able to agree on an Infrastructure Bill (Covid-19 stopped progress)
1 agreed middle east relations are normalized as they have been in decades thanks to trump.the first president sense carter to not start any wars for the elite.

2.The first president to come out to have the balls to come out and tell the truth that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit from them.

3.standing up for the people being against the corrupt democrat party machine who wanted lockdowns to destory american lives part of the new world order plan.

:mad: worst,1.he was all talk about draining the swamp and making american great again.He did not lift one finger to get rid of the CIA,FBI and fed as he said he would. I think he was sincere about it but then cowardly caved in knowing they would kill him same as they did kennedy if he tried. Just once i woud like to have a president not afraid of dying standing up them and getting rid of them. nuff said,that says it all.
The swamp is all powerful. A many trillion dollar government as compared to far less gives us these things. Kennedy had a 500 billion dollar a year government and he was assassinated. Our federal level is over ten times of that today. And the city., state and local governments a much more then that.

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