Senior Member
There's an invisible Republican eater in your back yard btw... prove to me it doesn't exist.
If I knew any Republicans in real life they'd be worried. But you didn't address my point at all. If they are lies then why is it Obama is trying to silence them?
That wasn't the point I responded to. You asked for something that doesn't exist to be proven.
So he's trying to silence blatant lies by calling them lies??
I think a better question really is, why is the GOP lying and mis-informing you? If health care reform isn't beneficial to this country, then we can intelligently debate why it is or isn't. You CAN NOT HAVE A DEMOCRACY WITHOUT GOOD INFORMATION. All through history, this is all the GOP does it mis-inform and confuse you so they can laugh their way to the bank. They are depending on the fact that you will participate more with your prejudices and ignorance, than open your mind and discern the truth. This is how rich men become even richer.
Look at that list of lies in this thread. Tell me one that is true.
You haven't been paying much attention to what Obama has been trying, good to know his distract and entertain tactic is working on you, now run along and go zone out on some more media hyped news.