

Gold Member
Dec 16, 2017
210 is it ok for the left to be even saying this? Would it be acceptable if the right were to say "we need to make a list of all biden supporting democrats and make sure their lives are ruined"?

I guess that unity talk was just we see the real motive here. I shouldn't be surprised I guess, I mean the left being the party of doxxing, getting in peoples faces in public...etc.. is it ok for the left to be even saying this? Would it be acceptable if the right were to say "we need to make a list of all biden supporting democrats and make sure their lives are ruined"?

I guess that unity talk was just we see the real motive here. I shouldn't be surprised I guess, I mean the left being the party of doxxing, getting in peoples faces in public...etc..
I would love to see that bug eyed bitch show up at my door, demanding me to renounce my Conservative leanings..
Widely debunked. A record does need to be made of everyone who would use their elected/appointed position to help Trump try to steal the election through the courts. People like that are entirely untrustworthy.
Widely debunked. A record does need to be made of everyone who would use their elected/appointed position to help Trump try to steal the election through the courts. People like that are entirely untrustworthy.

I dont see how its debunked. Its still on twitter.
Widely debunked. A record does need to be made of everyone who would use their elected/appointed position to help Trump try to steal the election through the courts. People like that are entirely untrustworthy.

I dont see how its debunked. Its still on twitter.

Pretty clear cut that they mean those who work in the government that try to aid Trump in his bogus legal challenges. is it ok for the left to be even saying this? Would it be acceptable if the right were to say "we need to make a list of all biden supporting democrats and make sure their lives are ruined"?

I guess that unity talk was just we see the real motive here. I shouldn't be surprised I guess, I mean the left being the party of doxxing, getting in peoples faces in public...etc..
Of course it's just talk. Democrats care about one thing power. If Biden gets in and God help us, if they win the Senate then they will get to work on changing all the rules to have a permanent grip on the government and the courts. And if they are successful, that will establish ONE PARTY RULE. I would personally NEVER want permanent Republican rule because that is not what America is about. But I'm sure all the Trump haters are just fine with a permanent Totalitarian Democrats.
Let's be fair.

Everyone in his/her personal life makes at least a mental enemies list.

No doubt AOC is on many people's enemies list. So she has a right to make a list, too. is it ok for the left to be even saying this? Would it be acceptable if the right were to say "we need to make a list of all biden supporting democrats and make sure their lives are ruined"?

I guess that unity talk was just we see the real motive here. I shouldn't be surprised I guess, I mean the left being the party of doxxing, getting in peoples faces in public...etc..
I am sure many trumper politicians are very proud of their considered opinions in deference to the Orange turd and will want their remarks to be remembered as a badge of loyalty, to carry with them into their civilian careers. Nobody that doesn't break the law will be ruined. I wish them all luck with their future endeavors.
Widely debunked. A record does need to be made of everyone who would use their elected/appointed position to help Trump try to steal the election through the courts. People like that are entirely untrustworthy.
Ironic, as Ive had many libs on this forum tell me that courts dont decide an election, when it sounds like indirectly, they very much do. I guess one could say my vehicle doesnt get me to work, but rather its my tires.
As far as AOC, I challenge anyone to web search the words "aoc hates america" or "aoc hates the military".
Let me know how that goes fer ya. is it ok for the left to be even saying this? Would it be acceptable if the right were to say "we need to make a list of all biden supporting democrats and make sure their lives are ruined"?

I guess that unity talk was just we see the real motive here. I shouldn't be surprised I guess, I mean the left being the party of doxxing, getting in peoples faces in public...etc..
Of course it's just talk. Democrats care about one thing power. If Biden gets in and God help us, if they win the Senate then they will get to work on changing all the rules to have a permanent grip on the government and the courts. And if they are successful, that will establish ONE PARTY RULE. I would personally NEVER want permanent Republican rule because that is not what America is about. But I'm sure all the Trump haters are just fine with a permanent Totalitarian Democrats.
Wrong. Democrats just want republicans to act like reasonable people and quit talking like closet nazis.
Widely debunked. A record does need to be made of everyone who would use their elected/appointed position to help Trump try to steal the election through the courts. People like that are entirely untrustworthy.
Ironic, as Ive had many libs on this forum tell me that courts dont decide an election, when it sounds like indirectly, they very much do. I guess one could say my vehicle doesnt get me to work, but rather its my tires.
As far as AOC, I challenge anyone to web search the words "aoc hates america" or "aoc hates the military".
Let me know how that goes fer ya.
I hear enough right wing propaganda here without having to go looking for it.
Widely debunked. A record does need to be made of everyone who would use their elected/appointed position to help Trump try to steal the election through the courts. People like that are entirely untrustworthy.

I dont see how its debunked. Its still on twitter.

Pretty clear cut that they mean those who work in the government that try to aid Trump in his bogus legal challenges.

When did it become acceptable, or the job of a sitting US representative to advocate for the recording lists of political enemies in order to cause harm to their future?
Let's be fair.

Everyone in his/her personal life makes at least a mental enemies list.

No doubt AOC is on many people's enemies list. So she has a right to make a list, too.
When did it become acceptable, or the job of a sitting US representative to advocate for the recording lists of political enemies in order to cause harm to their future?

Also, she's not talking about a mental list, she is advocating an actual list of people, with the intention of causing them harm by affecting future employment and social structures.
I guess that unity talk was just

You got it!

The filth does not want our cooperation...they want us to SUBMIT to them.

Never gonna happen! Come get me AOC! Come get me terrorist omar! I'll give you a Thunk you'll never forget!
Widely debunked. A record does need to be made of everyone who would use their elected/appointed position to help Trump try to steal the election through the courts. People like that are entirely untrustworthy.

I dont see how its debunked. Its still on twitter.

Pretty clear cut that they mean those who work in the government that try to aid Trump in his bogus legal challenges.

When did it become acceptable, or the job of a sitting US representative to advocate for the recording lists of political enemies in order to cause harm to their future?

People who would use their position in government to advance the goal of overturning the election should never be allowed to work in government again. There are plenty of corporate jobs for those who are unscrupulously ruthless. Investment banks are are always looking for amoral frauds.
Widely debunked. A record does need to be made of everyone who would use their elected/appointed position to help Trump try to steal the election through the courts. People like that are entirely untrustworthy.

I dont see how its debunked. Its still on twitter.

Pretty clear cut that they mean those who work in the government that try to aid Trump in his bogus legal challenges.

When did it become acceptable, or the job of a sitting US representative to advocate for the recording lists of political enemies in order to cause harm to their future?

People who would use their position in government to advance the goal of overturning the election should never be allowed to work in government again. There are plenty of corporate jobs for those who are unscrupulously ruthless. Investment banks are are always looking for amoral frauds.

Again, if they have committed a crime, then you pursue legal action against them, get them barred from serving in government again. If their actions were not illegal, then you are simply at a ideological disagreement with them on how they handled their affairs. Either way, it is unethical for a sitting u.s. representative to be publicly advocating for a mode of punishment, that's for the lawyers and courts to handle.

Also, she isn't making any qualifications on who she wants on these lists, she simply just said "trump sycophants", which is the same as saying "people who I don't like and disagree with" which is the same as "political enemies" .

She needs to retract her statement. Its not her place to be looking to punish her political enemies.

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