Live now: House Republicans officially announce start of investigation into Hunter Biden and “the big guy”

He did what was humanly possible, with what little he had to work with. At least he tried.
He didn’t even try. He filled his cabinet with swamp creatures while claiming to empty it. Fraud.
The laptop is only a shard of evidence. There is far more to this story than what's on the the laptop. For instance: The suspicious activity transaction records from the US Treasury. They don't have to prove Hunter Biden's criminal activifty, that's already known. They're going after his father, Joe Biden.
There is a reason why the Biden Administration changed the rules to make it harder to get those bank records, JGalt and it's not because they're worried about privacy for your or my bank accounts. They know that "follow the money" is what's going to lead from the Chinese Communist Part to Hunter Biden and then on to Joe Biden and now with the GOP controlling the House they will no longer be able to stonewall that investigation! Hunter took in a shit ton of money selling access to a sitting Vice President...gave The Big Guy a cut of that money...and didn't tell the IRS about most of it!
And before that, it was going after Hillary on Benghazi and her emails.

They truly are useless.
Going after Hillary on Benghazi not only revealed her incompetence running the State Department, McRib...more importantly that investigation revealed how she had been running State through two servers hidden at her private residence to escape Congressional oversight! That was what lost her the Presidency. Without that investigation Hillary would very well have won that election.
You've got the hard drive?
I’ve seen the worst Republicans could claim off of it
Not much criminal activity and NOTHING on his father

But it should be good for 2-3 years of Republican investigations
Going after Hillary on Benghazi not only revealed her incompetence running the State Department, McRib...more importantly that investigation revealed how she had been running State through two servers hidden at her private residence to escape Congressional oversight! That was what lost her the Presidency. Without that investigation Hillary would very well have won that election.

Some embarrassing pictures
Not much more
over 150 flagged bank transactions .... lie all you want commie but the truth is going to come out ... but lets get real shall we girly man ... the reality is that you and your fellow marxist effeminate comrades already know the Biden family is guilty of everything and more that Trump and his family were accused of ... this time there will be receipts , bank transactions ,and emails as evidence not effeminate he said she said hearsay and gossip like the left used against Trump . but ACTUAL proof of wrongdoing will mean nothing to people like you because people like you act on emotions instead of reality .
over 150 flagged bank transactions .... lie all you want commie but the truth is going to come out ... but lets get real shall we girly man ... the reality is that you and your fellow marxist effeminate comrades already know the Biden family is guilty of everything and more that Trump and his family were accused of ... this time there will be receipts , bank transactions ,and emails as evidence not effeminate he said she said hearsay and gossip like the left used against Trump . but ACTUAL proof of wrongdoing will mean nothing to people like you ...
And then when nothing pans out..."deep state"! Derp derp.
over 150 flagged bank transactions .... lie all you want commie but the truth is going to come out ... but lets get real shall we girly man ... the reality is that you and your fellow marxist effeminate comrades already know the Biden family is guilty of everything and more that Trump and his family were accused of ... this time there will be receipts , bank transactions ,and emails as evidence not effeminate he said she said hearsay and gossip like the left used against Trump .
That’s it?

You got NOTHING on his father
Benghazi is what Hillary wakes up screaming in the middle of the night, Winger! Benghazi is what led to her losing a "sure thing" election! Benghazi will haunt her for the rest of her pitiful life.

Had little to do with her loss
Hillary lost because of her server nonsense

You know, protecting classified information
Cities are not states since you haven't given that DC shithole state status.
That comment makes no sense. We aren't talking about DC. We are talking about the federal government withholding money from states with sanctuary cities.

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