LIVE: Volcano erupts on La Palma in the Canary Islands

Recalling that my ex-room-mate in Albuquerque, a German radioastronomer, carefully placed his concrete footings for his telescope into the soil of the Canary Islands. He’s been there for years. This event certainly disrupted important studies on dwarf red galaxies and potentially inhabitable worlds, let alone the ongoing vigilance for incoming asteroids.
Recalling that my ex-room-mate in Albuquerque, a German radioastronomer, carefully placed his concrete footings for his telescope into the soil of the Canary Islands. He’s been there for years. This event certainly disrupted important studies on dwarf red galaxies and potentially inhabitable worlds, let alone the ongoing vigilance for incoming asteroids.
I love asteroids. DC needs about 6-8 good ones to smash the shithole flat
We could rename it Lake Holeeshitlee
Imagine if a tsunami starts in case part of the island breaks off! can reach the East coast of America!
All the old models we've been seeing on PBS for a couple of decades predict the annihilation of the eastern seaboard.

I was just looking at maps and reports of the amount of earth moved when Mt. St. Helens erupted in 1980. A hell of a lot of dirt!
Recalling that my ex-room-mate in Albuquerque, a German radioastronomer, carefully placed his concrete footings for his telescope into the soil of the Canary Islands. He’s been there for years. This event certainly disrupted important studies on dwarf red galaxies and potentially inhabitable worlds, let alone the ongoing vigilance for incoming asteroids.
Are you that dude from the Big Bang Theory ? What's his name Sheldon ? You must be that dude... LOL
Oh you mean the angry woman who talks down to people with a kid's voice ? That idiot ?? Sorry I'm out of order here. lol.
Yeah, this one. Maybe she needs to go and perform her act in front of Cumbre Vieja, and see how long it takes her to convince the volcano that it's not being nice to the planet.

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Just one more example of how that psycho bitch Mother Nature is happy to kill us all at any given time. Best wishes to the natives for a safe evacuation.
The volcano is obviously begging for an occasional cortex sacrifice.
I'm surprised they themselves don't believe in such stuff, because they are damned sure taking us back to the stone ages fast.

Praying to the climate change god's ain't no different than praying to the fire god's.

Such insignificant humans we all are. lol
I'm surprised they themselves don't believe in such stuff, because they are damned sure taking us back to the stone ages fast.

Praying to the climate change god's ain't no different than praying to the fire god's.

Such insignificant humans we all are. lol
But…but…but …the 4.6% of the planet that is populated is ruining the whole thing.
More boo hoo from “humans bad” crowd of underachiever myopics.

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