Living Inside The Ten Thousand Nations . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Fellow Countrymen,

America as we knew Her no longer exists. Instead we live inside the borders of ten thousands of small, sovereign nations which used to be collectively known as the United States. Each of these countless micro-nations is run—or more appropriately—dictated by pseudo-elected noblemen or feudal lords who reign mercilessly over their subjects, people we once called Americans, independent of the will or legislative or executive or judicial governance of the now toothless, impotent thing we once called federal government. The laws, rules; the dictates and social codes of each of these thousands of different micro-nations differs—often drastically—from territory to territory, sector to sector.

In one sector, call it Baltimore Sector, an American man or woman or family must march to the beat of a Nobleman Mayor who can, by his own public words alone, prevent the buying of food without wearing a mask or force a "citizen" to remain indoors under curfew lockdown. However, a "citizen" of, say Harford County—just up the road—can enjoy both a separate set of lockdown orders and freedoms than his fellow countrymen who lives ten miles north.

But, it gets even worse for the average citizen of the Ten Thousand Nations. On the opposite coast thousands of well organized paramilitary terrorists can, according to the dictators of Oregon, Washington and California Sectors, get away with marching nightly through residential areas terrorizing common subjects; burning buildings, looting, threatening lives—destroying the economic and housing dreams of legions of real citizens.

So what ever happened to that once shining beacon of freedom and democracy upon the Hill we once knew as America or ONE Nation under God? She was divided and conquered. "Well", you might ask, "when did that happen?" Don't bother (to ask). You all were too busy playing with your smart devices, worshipping gold and horrible new music; inventorying your gadget collections and sucking up to your local dictator to pay much attention as the revolution happened.

Have fun living in the Ten Thousand Nations. You and me and all of us? We earned it.
The middle class lost the competence to govern itself a long time ago, it didn't just happen recently.

Let it fall. We already know who the primary losers will be. We could stand to lose over a third of the population we have now, which will mostly be you know who. Get it done now, while the rest of the world is also weak and incapable of much in the way of invasions; they will be fighting their own wars and have no time for bothering us for a few years.

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