Liz Warren makes claim to break up Grocery Store monopolies,"We need to strengthen our antitrust laws to break up giant corporations and lower prices"

She belongs to the filthy Democrat Party that caused this inflation and typical of Liberals will not take responsibility for the damage they do.

In addition, typical of Liberals, she doesn't know a damn thing about Economics.

There is a lot of competition between the grocery chains and that tends to keep prices lower.

If we went with a lot of Mom and Pop grocery stores that would run up the cost because their wouldn't be the bulk buying that tend to lower prices. The fixed and operating cost would be higher.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats like her don't know any more about Economics than they know about Biology, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
The dumb bitch doesn't realize SHE put all the local competitors out of business with the lockdowns.


I did not realize that Senators had the power to lockdown anything.

Thanks for letting us know they do.
I think you are right.

Kroger is currently on strike. Pocahontas is concerned about how much the labor bosses can skim from Kroger instead of how much they charge their customers for groceries.

I guess reading is something you never learned. That strike is in a King Soopers subsidiary in Colorado. Kroger is not on strike.
If she endorses shut downs and forcing people to order their food and products online, she is engaging in the philosophy of tacit support for only the biggest of the biggest companies.
She puts small grocers out of business, and then blames Kroger. What an evil piece of shit.

The high cost of regulations, which Democrats love more than life itself, have put more small businesses out of operation than competition from larger operations.
How about she start with AMAZON and Pharma? Why is she going after grocery stores? Looks like she is soliciting money from Kroger.

She’s right. We do need to break up huge corporations that essentially control many segments of the economy and our corrupt federal government. Problem is Warren is a fraud. She likely gets huge campaign contributions from these same corporations. Like Obama and Bernie, she’s a fake progressive.
Well the grocery lobby are the ones that saw to it that the USDA staple boxes that were given out to the poor were done away with and got food stamps started.....Hell, whole business models are based off EBT/SNAP now.

I don't hear her whining about that. 😐
How about she start with AMAZON and Pharma? Why is she going after grocery stores? Looks like she is soliciting money from Kroger.

My view is that breaking up grocery stores will only result in an increase in prices, since the larger chains buy large volume of product and therefor at lower prices. Prices are high today for other reasons--lack of employees to stock shelves, delivery means stuck as sea due to pandemic, trade war price increases.
The dumb bitch doesn't realize SHE put all the local competitors out of business with the lockdowns.


She was all for lockdowns of small business to big box stores which transferred almost 4 trillion dollars. Hypocrite. She's no better than the govt who broke all treaties with the natives.
If there were no lockdowns,
She was all for lockdowns of small business to big box stores which transferred almost 4 trillion dollars. Hypocrite. She's no better than the govt who broke all treaties with the natives.
If there were no lockdowns, business would still suffer, as many more consumers would have become infected and would be unable to consume. Workers would be passing the covid to each other in the enclosed environment, as they went to work anyway. Sounds like a catch 22.
How about she start with AMAZON and Pharma? Why is she going after grocery stores? Looks like she is soliciting money from Kroger.

She is an EXTORTIONIST...she always threatens to go after one industry or another as she "requests" donations from them. They pay up or she abuses her office to put them out of business.
As stupid as she is......she may have a point. She's just poking at the wrong end.

Grocery chain companies have been buying each other out to some degree that has narrowed the retail field.......anyone remember the jostling between Safeway, Albertsons and Haagens??? Albertsons is now the proud owner of all 3, other stores included are Vons, Pavillion, Jewels, and others.

The bigger problem isn't at the retail side, but the manufacturing side of it.....with only about 10 major brand suppliers that control much of the food supply. She can't go after them because Nestle is the largest and is owned & run out of Switzerland......not in her jurisdiction.

These 10 companies control everything you buy

Then there's the meat supply......that is owned & controlled by only 4 companies

Yeah, somebody is making tons of profit in a very narrow playing field, but she goes after retail. She probably has stock in the manufacturing/supply side
If there were no lockdowns,

If there were no lockdowns, business would still suffer, as many more consumers would have become infected and would be unable to consume. Workers would be passing the covid to each other in the enclosed environment, as they went to work anyway. Sounds like a catch 22.

Small business was discriminated against in favor of large box stores. Not buying that more would have become infected. Thats a low hanging cop out.
As stupid as she is......she may have a point. She's just poking at the wrong end.

Grocery chain companies have been buying each other out to some degree that has narrowed the retail field.......anyone remember the jostling between Safeway, Albertsons and Haagens??? Albertsons is now the proud owner of all 3, other stores included are Vons, Pavillion, Jewels, and others.

The bigger problem isn't at the retail side, but the manufacturing side of it.....with only about 10 major brand suppliers that control much of the food supply. She can't go after them because Nestle is the largest and is owned & run out of Switzerland......not in her jurisdiction.

These 10 companies control everything you buy

Then there's the meat supply......that is owned & controlled by only 4 companies

Yeah, somebody is making tons of profit in a very narrow playing field, but she goes after retail. She probably has stock in the manufacturing/supply side

The squaw probably has interests in the mafia.

Huge corporations like Kroger are a lot harder to shake down than a little, independent bodega or mom and pop store.

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