Lloyd Hart, master occupier talks about Occupy movement's demands on radio

How many different things are the trying to lump together to get some numbers worth talking about? And it's still a major fail. There were three more people across the street at a bank building. One of them had his anti bankers sign wedged between the bank sign and the building so he didn't have to hold it.....
Uhmm they are inheriently lazy? But Hey? If I were being paid to carry a sign at $20.00 an hour? I'd find a way too...
Anyone notice what you don't see?

Besides people?

any anti-banker signs? hmmm ... no, you mentioned anti-banker signs. Scanning pix ...... have you given us the hint already?

Oh, um ... I think I know.
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It's a party to these people.
Yet they are killing the small business owner down in the Wall Street area..
Which was probably the point in all this anyway...
Just as humanity learned to live without kings and slave masters, OWS and related movements around the globe are pointing a way to a world where small numbers of shareholders and their board of directors don't decide what and where goods and services that all consumers depend on will be produced.

"The US can do better than corporate capitalism."

For far too long the rich have prevented debate of our economic system.
It is past time to reorganize our producing units and go beyond a capitalist system that no longer serves the needs of the majority.
Just as humanity learned to live without kings and slave masters, OWS and related movements around the globe are pointing a way to a world where small numbers of shareholders and their board of directors don't decide what and where goods and services that all consumers depend on will be produced.

"The US can do better than corporate capitalism."

For far too long the rich have prevented debate of our economic system.
It is past time to reorganize our producing units and go beyond a capitalist system that no longer serves the needs of the majority.

If you want to go beyond the capitalist system, go find yourself a commune and staring hoeing.
Is this the occupation's spokesperson?

No. There is no such thing, if you mean one single person. He is speaking only for himself.

It really says something when the only way that people can discredit the movement is to lie through their teeth.

Wow, Sounds like exactly what the Left tries to do with the Tea Party movement.

You guys are such fucking Hippocrates. When ever someone catches 1 Person at a tea Party Rally with a Borderline Racist Sign, you paint all people on the right with their paint brush.

Yet each time the OWS movement releases demands, you guys rush in to tell us it's just one mans opinion, and does not reflect the group.
Just as humanity learned to live without kings and slave masters, OWS and related movements around the globe are pointing a way to a world where small numbers of shareholders and their board of directors don't decide what and where goods and services that all consumers depend on will be produced.

"The US can do better than corporate capitalism."

For far too long the rich have prevented debate of our economic system.
It is past time to reorganize our producing units and go beyond a capitalist system that no longer serves the needs of the majority.
Majority of whom? WHAT?
Just as humanity learned to live without kings and slave masters, OWS and related movements around the globe are pointing a way to a world where small numbers of shareholders and their board of directors don't decide what and where goods and services that all consumers depend on will be produced.

"The US can do better than corporate capitalism."

For far too long the rich have prevented debate of our economic system.
It is past time to reorganize our producing units and go beyond a capitalist system that no longer serves the needs of the majority.

So you believe that the losers who can't even find a job will be better at manufacturing? Or do you simply want to turn it all over to the Government like a good little commie?
Just as humanity learned to live without kings and slave masters, OWS and related movements around the globe are pointing a way to a world where small numbers of shareholders and their board of directors don't decide what and where goods and services that all consumers depend on will be produced.

"The US can do better than corporate capitalism."

For far too long the rich have prevented debate of our economic system.
It is past time to reorganize our producing units and go beyond a capitalist system that no longer serves the needs of the majority.

If you want to go beyond the capitalist system, go find yourself a commune and staring hoeing.
Depending on whose figures you believe, between 15% and 25% of all American citizens currently live in poverty. While there are multiple causes for this, the fact that 15 to 20 major shareholders sitting at the top of major corporations hiring another 15 to 20 individuals to function as a board of directors decide all key decisions like what, how and where to produce and, more importantly, what to do with the profits.

Those profits come at the expense of the majority of Americans.

They come from corporate decisions to lower the number of workers or their wages or both.
They automate, export jobs and engage in other "normal" corporate actions that generate rising poverty as the other side of rising profit.

There Are Alternatives that don't require hoes or communes.
Gee, I wonder how long George would last without the thousands of products in his life that are made by those evil corporations.............

How about all the people that they do hire? What would they do without their jobs? I know they could go to work on those shovel ready projects if only they were shovel ready.....
Just as humanity learned to live without kings and slave masters, OWS and related movements around the globe are pointing a way to a world where small numbers of shareholders and their board of directors don't decide what and where goods and services that all consumers depend on will be produced.

"The US can do better than corporate capitalism."

For far too long the rich have prevented debate of our economic system.
It is past time to reorganize our producing units and go beyond a capitalist system that no longer serves the needs of the majority.
Majority of whom? WHAT?
The Census Bureau believes 46.2 million Americans currently reside in poverty. The Bureau's poverty line in $22,314 for a family of four. That's about $15/day per person for food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, transportation and education. Millions more are about the join the poverty pool.

The new global economy no longer depends on mass affluence like the buying power once possessed by the US middle class. Today if you are not among the top 20% of earners worldwide, you are not an important cog in the global marketplace.
Just as humanity learned to live without kings and slave masters, OWS and related movements around the globe are pointing a way to a world where small numbers of shareholders and their board of directors don't decide what and where goods and services that all consumers depend on will be produced.

"The US can do better than corporate capitalism."

For far too long the rich have prevented debate of our economic system.
It is past time to reorganize our producing units and go beyond a capitalist system that no longer serves the needs of the majority.

So you believe that the losers who can't even find a job will be better at manufacturing? Or do you simply want to turn it all over to the Government like a good little commie?
Why do you believe US corporations are the only viable model?

In the mid-70s the richest 1% of Germans earned about 11% of total German income every year. The richest 1% in this country earned about 8% of aggregate US income at that time. Today the US elites earn nearly 25% of total US income while their economic peers in Germany still take home the same 11%.

That occurred because German unions had (and still have) voting members sitting on their corporations' Boards of Directors. When German capitalists tried to outsource their factories to China, German workers said, "No way, Adolph."

Reforms like that one could work here.
OWS knows that much.
Gee, I wonder how long George would last without the thousands of products in his life that are made by those evil corporations.............

How about all the people that they do hire? What would they do without their jobs? I know they could go to work on those shovel ready projects if only they were shovel ready.....
Why do you think the choice is between doing nothing and the complete extermination of every "evil corporation?"

Are you really that simple minded?
I am not simple minded at all. But i know communism when I see it and i will fight it with my last breath.
Just as humanity learned to live without kings and slave masters, OWS and related movements around the globe are pointing a way to a world where small numbers of shareholders and their board of directors don't decide what and where goods and services that all consumers depend on will be produced.

"The US can do better than corporate capitalism."

For far too long the rich have prevented debate of our economic system.
It is past time to reorganize our producing units and go beyond a capitalist system that no longer serves the needs of the majority.

So you believe that the losers who can't even find a job will be better at manufacturing? Or do you simply want to turn it all over to the Government like a good little commie?
Why do you believe US corporations are the only viable model?

In the mid-70s the richest 1% of Germans earned about 11% of total German income every year. The richest 1% in this country earned about 8% of aggregate US income at that time. Today the US elites earn nearly 25% of total US income while their economic peers in Germany still take home the same 11%.

That occurred because German unions had (and still have) voting members sitting on their corporations' Boards of Directors. When German capitalists tried to outsource their factories to China, German workers said, "No way, Adolph."

Reforms like that one could work here.
OWS knows that much.
Just seize the property of others and give it to whom you think deserves it.

Discredit? The occupiers want free stuff or so they have stated.

Stated where, when, by whom, and how?

Look I'm gonna start referring to you as one of them as in OWS protestors if you don't relax on your bullshit.

Is this the goal? To complain and make everybody look stupid by being as ambigous as possible and not making it clear what you want to change or how. Just scream we are the 99%. Look unlike them, my income doesn't define me I am not of your ilk and don't ever include me.

Now if they would be clear and coherent as to what the hell they are down there for then this wouldn't happen. Stop gettin so defensive when someone says something you don't like because people don't know what they want and are trying to figure it out.

They epitomize helpless or hopeless... You gotta say something so that we can help you help you, you know what I mean?

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